

Chapter 1185 The Seven Great Divine Abilities.

The seven great divine abilities are popular among supreme beasts both for their power and the powerful enemies they have had to make to acquire them. The information of the 7 was among the memory crystals he read. There is the dragon heart used by supreme beasts that walk the path of singular power without weaknesses.

Every supreme beast wants a dragon heart which leads to the enmity between the dragon race and the supreme race. The two races hate each other so much that they fight as soon as they see each other.

Dragons are very powerful, but even they cannot escape from having their divine ability stolen. Their divine ability may be weaker than the Original after it has been stolen, but its weakness is made up for by combining it with other divine abilities. This alone has made it possible for the Supreme beasts to match dragons.

The second great divine ability is the life tree divine ability gained by fusing with the heart of a life tree. It makes the supreme beast almost impossible to kill and they can also heal others. This obviously made them enemies with the high elves and the realm lord.

The realm lord was hunted when he was selected to become realm lord. He was a Sovereign of law when he was selected so he could still be killed. Many people wanted to kill him before he became an Origin god and fused with the realm heart.

A lot of individuals and organizations joined the hunt for him and managed to threaten his life several times. The Supreme Alliance was a major contributor to his problems back then. They didn't want someone from the high elf race to gain enough power to stop them from exploiting the life trees.

lightsnοvεl They failed to stop his ascension at the end of the day. But Monarch High Heaven had to settle with them when he became a realm lord because the Supreme Alliance was too powerful. They can't harm him but they can fuck up the entire realm if they go all out against him.

The third great divine ability is from the metal race. It is a sinister divine ability that made a single supreme beast subdue an entire plane on its own. Those who know it either admire it or fear it. Its name, the Metal Fire, is forever etched into their memories.

The fourth great divine ability is the bug queen. It allows a supreme beast to have the power of an army on their own just like the metal race divine ability. The difference between them is that one is flesh-like while the other is metallic and kind of sinister.

The sinister power of the metal race can only be compared to the sinister capability of the fusion of the fifth and sixth divine abilities. That's how powerful the metal fire divine ability is.

The fifth divine ability is called disease and plague while the sixth one is called undead lord. Disease and plague kill en mass while the undead lord divine ability raises the dead as an army. Each one is powerful on its own but they need to be combined to reach the kind of power that the metal fire divine ability has.

The seventh divine ability has been lost to time. There is only one supreme beast in existence that has it. The supreme beast was lucky to get this divine ability and then she went ahead to try and parasitize a dragon with it. She could parasitize any other race and the dragons wouldn't care. But the supreme beast wanted to show off.

This single act of pride enraged the dragon spirit. It called all the dragons in high heaven to wipe out the race with the divine ability. The dragons didn't target the Supreme Beast race because they were already fighting them and the outbreak of massive war between them will only strengthen the supreme beasts.

So even without the supreme beasts enslaving that race en mass, that poor race was eliminated by the dragon race. The dragons burned down every plane where they lived. It is all because their divine ability was too powerful for their own good and the dragons couldn't let it exist for the Supreme beasts to use.

Legion-5 shook his head in wonder and pity, "So even a strong divine ability is not enough to survive. What bad luck."

Just hearing about the extinction of a whole race because of their divine ability made Legion-5 whistle in admiration. The race with the seventh great divine ability is dead now so he can only imagine just how powerful their divine ability was. But he is certain that that race can't be stronger than the supreme beast race no matter what.

Each great divine ability is very powerful on its own, If they are brought together, then one will be unstoppable. The Supreme Beasts are capable of doing so which gives them the right to call themselves Supreme Beasts.

At the end of the day, Supreme Beasts and Shapiro have just one difference and that's the ability to have more than one divine ability. This singular difference is why they were able to tussle and sometimes enslave the races that owned the seven great divine abilities.

He shook his head in awe. "It is not a wonder that the realm lord had to reach a settlement with them. I always wondered why he allowed them to produce life trees in the realm. They are just too powerful."

The realm lord stopped every race from producing life trees in the realm except the Supreme Beast race. That concession has always been a thorn in the side of the high elves. They were extra bitter about it since the realm lord didn't bother to give them an explanation for his concession.

Now he knows why even the realm lord couldn't let the high elf keep their monopoly of life trees. A fight with the Supreme Alliance would be too costly to the realm. There may be other concerns but it is certain that the Supreme Alliance is not to be trifled with.