

Chapter 1204 Behind The Scene Scheming.

?The person he was speaking to asked angrily, "And you thought it was a good idea to make other people gang up on him?"

"Yes, it is a good idea. It will pressure Agrivo839,371,456A. And it will also make his potential a matter of interest to the supreme alliance. Now they will take things seriously and it won't be just my matter anymore."

Legion-5's mother declared angrily. "I want it to be known that I have no part to play in this."

"Relax. What is the worst that could happen? I haven't broken any rules."

"You are playing with fire." She said and cut the call.

That took his father by surprise. "Why is she agitated so much? Could she have sensed danger?" He asked himself.

Legion-5's mother is a scout. That means she has divine abilities that improve her perception and escape abilities. She can sense danger even when there are no apparent signs or cause for it. She excels at hiding from danger and successfully escaping from it.

It is a repertoire of skills that a scout should have seeing as they are mostly alone in a plane when they infiltrate said plane. So he took her agitation seriously. If she is so distraught then there must be danger. Unfortunately he can't identify where the danger could come from. He is not a scout so he can't sense hidden danger. If the danger were apparent then he would know by now.

He began to think of the possible sources of danger. "Maybe someone powerful will compete with me for Agrivo839,371,456A. But I don't care. I only want the truth and the benefits it will bring me for making it known."

"Or maybe it will cause a war between the supreme beasts and other races. Maybe the realm lord will target me."

The secret to how to become a world god without a supreme law won't only help the supreme beasts that are stuck. It will help every Supreme beast. If they have that information, they will be able to mass-produce world gods just as they are able to mass-produce Origin gods.

That secret might also draw the attention of other races. It will certainly cause a war if the method of becoming world god without Supreme laws is applicable to other races. That will give them the incentive to have conflicts with the supreme alliance even if they were not previous enemies.

Then there are the enemies that the Supreme Alliance has made over the long period of their existence. A lot of races are enemies with supreme beasts. A lot of Origin gods are angry about the way the supreme beasts invaded their plane and enslaved their race. They won't want to see the supreme beasts grow stronger. It will be like when the dragons decided to destroy every trace of the seventh great divine ability.

They don't even need to hate the supreme beasts to go to war with them. They will go to war with them simply because they covet this secret. The supreme alliance can take on everyone but there is one person that even they are wary of. That person is the most influential and powerful being in the realm of high heaven.

There is already a cold war with the realm lord. Things are getting frosty between the realm lord and the supreme alliance the closer the era of conquest is getting. The secret might escalate this ear into full-blown war. But that doesn't concern him much as long as he gets the benefits that his son's mutation will grant him.

He was wondering where the threat and danger may come from when someone called him again.

"I have done what you asked. I told Agrivo839,371,456A about the attention that other origin gods have on him. He just told me that he has made his decision. He has decided not to go with the path of further awakening."

His father was distraught. "That's bad. That's very bad. Didn't you nudge him?"

"You know I can't do that. The Supreme Alliance is very strict about this. I swore an Oath so I had to be unbiased. All I did was provide him with all the information he needed to make his decision. The consequences of his decision are his and his alone to bear. I don't want to be responsible for any regrets or I will pay the price for it. What you're paying me is not enough for me to do that."

"Fine, Volcanic Fist. I will just take it as my failure. At least I have tried my best." His father said.

Tanc830,428,723C had more to say. "There's more."

"Is it more bad news?" his father asked sourly,

"I am not sure. I think it is both good news and bad news."

That piqued his father's interest. "Oh. Then tell me."

"He made a request. He said he hasn't given up on how to become a world god without a supreme law yet and he might have a way to achieve it without further awakening. But he needs something to test his hypothesis. He needs a world seed."

His father cursed out loud. "Where am I going to get a world seed?"

"I don't know and I don't care. I have said what he asked for. My work is done." Tanc830,428,723C said then he cut the call.

Legion-5's father began pacing around. He suddenly exclaimed, "I see. What a smart boy. He wants to use the path of permanence to become a world god without a Supreme law. That is actually a good idea."

Then he shook his head. "It is too difficult. He is biting more than he can chew. How will his divine ability be able to cross the threshold of concepts and take on the properties of something that is close to a supreme law in existence?"

"What use is that? Even if it is possible, where will I get a world seed? And if I have a world seed, I will just use it on myself."