
Chapter 1566: Star Thief.

They are going to hide in a realm tree because they are sure that being outside a realm can't be safe for them right now due to the search of world gods. They will continue to strive to gain the assistance of the High Heaven Realm and won't give the Supreme Alliance the benefit of crawling back to them.

To achieve that, Legion-8 is corroding the Tyrant Realm, while Helios is responsible for plunging the realm into darkness.

It wasn't only the tree father and Legion-8 that entered the realm for the mission to accumulate contributions. Helios also entered, and the Supreme Beasts probably noticed him, but they avoided him. Instead, they went after Legion-8.

It could be because Helios was doing dangerous work, and they didn't want to die by coming closer to him. After all, the full power of a star can only be rivaled by world gods. For someone to start eating a star, he must not be one to be trifled with.

The stars of the Tyrant Realm are just two. They are also inside the realm because there is only one land mass in the realm. The two of them stand on opposite sides of this single landmass and rotate around it. The gap in-between them helps create the variation of day and night. But ever since Helios started his stellar work, the duration of night in the realm has increased, and the brightness of one of the stars has dimmed. The planes still get about the same amount of light because a third star has appeared beside this dim star to help share in its duties.

This third star is not only helping the dimming star to perform its duties, it is also helping it to shed its weight. This way, its mass will reduce, and it will be able to fly around the realm faster. Only someone like Helios can bear the all consuming heat around the star and do this thankless job.

Unfortunately, the lesser the mass of the dimming star, the greater the effect of the

gravitational pull of the second star on it. The second star is pulling on the star that the third star is feeding on. So if the third star doesn't eat it fast enough, the first star will crash into the second star.

To prevent losing his food, Helios, the third star, has to produce a gravitational pull on the first star to negate the pull of the second star on it. This gravitational pull has to grow stronger the lighter the first star becomes, which is not an easy thing to do.

Some might think Helios is having the time of his life eating a star, but it is a very tough job. Not only does he have to bear the full heat of the sun from being close to it, he has to bear its power as he eats it.

Fortunately, Helios is good at his job, and it pays well. His concept was practically made for eating stars. Actually, he was made for killing things, stars included. But what he is doing is not just about pleasure. Killing the stars of the realm will plunge the realm into darkness and count as the destruction of the realm.

What he is doing is worse than what CARNAGE did when the demon god blocked the light of the sun to a plane. What he is doing is going to affect the whole realm.

Apart from the contribution of the destruction of the stars, the death of stars and the lack of light it will bring will also lead to the death of every living thing that relies on light. It will freeze the realm and upset the ecosystem of the whole realm, which will produce more contributions for Legion.

Helios himself is a pillar of fire. Within that pillar is a single large eye surrounded by many small, pupilless eyes. The single eye has 14 pupils, while the small eyes surrounding it have


There's a large pupil at the center of the large eye, surrounded by six pupils, which are in turn surrounded by seven pupils. The seven pupils represent his dominion over lightning, light, darkness, earth, water, air, and fire. The six pupils represent his control over creation, destruction, space, time, life, and death.

The last pupil at the center represents his encroaching control over the Supreme Law of Order. It is Legion's hope to comprehend the Supreme Law of Order. Together with the other pupils, Helios can push, pull, and freeze the world. If he is careful enough, he can eat a star without dying from indigestion.

The small eyes around his single main eye reflect the properties and operations of the star. He is able to see the effects of his actions on the star in real time. This is important because he is literally shaving and shaking a bomb. Indigestion is the least of his problems because of his suicidal actions.

The original dragon heart that he gained from the dragon clone didn't have the last pupil at the center of his eye. He didn't have the many pupilless eyes surrounding his main eyes either.

Those pupil-less eyes are actually mirrors. Because of this, the pupil-less eyes can be considered to be made up of a pupil so large that it takes over the whole eye.

The presence of Soverick's eyes around the large main eye is linked to why Helios has a 14th pupil of order. The 14th was small at first, but it increased in size and power over time as Soverick's helped Helios comprehend more and more of the Supreme Law of Order.

As his comprehension increased, so did the size of the 14th pupil. Soon, it will cover the whole eye and assimilate the other 13 pupils. When that event happens, Legion will have completed the comprehension of the law of order and will either gain control of it or fight with the void universe because of it. It is something they are planning for, just like their eventual showdown with the Supreme Law of Chaos.