
Chapter 1591: Overthinking Things.

For Legion to kill his parents, Litori's ancestor recommended to the Supreme Alliance that Salvini be used as bait for Legion.

She said that Legion hated her for taking his title and sullying his name, so he is likely to do everything in his power to kill her, even if he suspects a trap. The Supreme Alliance didn't believe it at first because it sounded like childish hate.

They expected more from Legion, but they had to change their minds when proof of Legion's efforts in the recent war with the Vipers and his attack on Salvini was displayed.

So the Supreme Alliance used Salvini as bait. Legion took it because they thought they were one-upping the Supreme Alliance. They didn't know that the prospect of cursing the Supreme Alliance was also bait.

They didn't know that then. They took the bait and allowed the curse to reach into their souls and attach to Legion-7. They can't find any trace of the curse anymore, but they are not at peace at all. After all, the future, where every clone dies, is still constant in their vision.

Legion-7 said, "I think we fucked up."

Legion-1 sighed and said, "It should be expected. The first sage is someone who knows that we make vessels with other people's bodies. He also has a lot of information about you through the Great Mother. If he suspected that we had vessels of Supreme Beasts too, then it is straightforward to think that he planned to use them as bait."

Soverick couldn't believe it. He was still shaken by the future vision. He asked, "But how did we fall for this? How didn't we see the danger when we decided to allow the curse to go through instead of escaping? What was blocking our sight before? Is it still blocking our sight, or is there no danger, and the first sage is lying to manipulate us?"

Aeternus replied, "Lying sounds like something the first sage will do. He lied to Salvini, and he might be doing it to us now. From what we know of his Supreme Law, he can set the fate of others through his words and actions. If we fall into his rhythm, then we will really die."

Helios didn't agree. He pointed out something he thought was problematic, "A big, glaring problem was that we saw Salvini's future. No one should be able to see the past and future of the child of the plane. Especially now that she is a child of the realm. The realm should have protected her. But we thought our eyes were good enough to scry a child of the realm, so we were not concerned too much when we saw her future. That's when we became overconfident."

Soverick refuted, "But my eyes are that good. The combination of time, space, causality, and fate means that I can narrow down what I see about her. I can even avoid her connection to the realm tree. How was I supposed to know that what I was seeing was fabricated?"

Legion-1 agreed, "It wasn't false either. What you saw was true. It did happen. It was just planned to be used against us."

The Tree Father decided to end the argument. He asked, "What are we to do? We surely can't allow him to control the rhythm of this future vision competition. To fall behind once is to expect defeat."

Legion-5 proposed, "We have limited options against a world god. We can only fall back onto Soverick's contingency plan against the first sage, but we don't want to do that yet, as hunting a world god will likely interfere with our efforts for the era of conquest."

Legion-7 added, "Besides, we will need to leave the realm if we are to use it. Leaving the realm tree is not safe for us right now. It might even lead to the future of all of us dying."

Soverick groaned and said, "This is not good. We already don't want to use the one thing we have against him because we want to avoid the fate of dying that we saw. It hasn't even been a minute since we saw the vision."

Legion-1 asked, "Or is this his trap? Instead of acting, we become fearful and hesitant until we make a mistake that kills us."

"Has the future vision just started, and he is trying to fool us into thinking it started earlier?" "Are we being manipulated right now?"

"What even is his goal? We are immortal. What does a death matter?"

"But we shouldn't all die at all. We have three ways to ensure that we don't die, and yet, every clone died."

Legion is taking this problem seriously, but they don't know what to do. If they are certain of anything, it is that the Supreme Alliance and battle sage monkeys have been cursed, the first sage is behind it because they are familiar with his supreme law and they can see traces of it in their vision, they are also certain that they have fallen into a trap.

As for the rest, it is full of uncertainties. They don't know what the trap is, so they don't know if they have fallen into it or are about to fall into it. After all, they thought Salvini was the bait. That turned out to be wrong and shortsighted.

If they had known that they were in a future vision competition with the first sage, then they would have been more careful. Unfortunately, they didn't know that.

They still don't know for certain if the future vision competition has ended, just started, or hasn't started at all. It is making their heads swim with many possibilities and overthinking things.

At the end of the day, they came to a conclusion.

Aeternus said, "Let's focus on one thing and only one thing. That thing is the era of conquest. We must not fail in it, so we should maintain all our plans to ensure its success."

A/N: I remember one other person who was tricked by the first sage. That person was plagued with overthinking too. They thought so much and still fell into the trap. Do you think Legion will also fall into it?