The new change to enviornemnt

For two days, Alex just relaxed in his home and searched for things on the internet. During this time, he even called a worker to make changes around his house, like converting the first room into a mini gym. He also cleared out a lot of stuff from the living room, which the owner transferred to his other house.

At first, the owner wasn't ready for all these changes, but the moment Glitch paid two years of advance rent, the guy rushed to help with the renovations. However, Alex had to reveal that he was doing this because he was a new player in Hunt 5.

The popularity of the game was so immense that after learning about it, the owner didn't cause any more trouble. After all, if Alex became famous, it would be a great promotion for society. Before he knew it, the news had spread across the entire community, and what was even crazier was that many new players or those preparing for operations came to visit him.