Chapter 9

Taya was so hungry, the carriage did not stop for more than six hours, and she finished the food inside her carriage; only cranberries remained, and she had a severe allergy to him. 

It was the same reason why she had aborted her child in her first life, because she was eating a lot without knowing that it was not good for her health. 

And now none of the men of Orig or Orig should talk to her as if she were traveling alone.

She caught her eye on the food box prepared by those maids, although this bad feeling told her not to eat it, but she ended up being all candy boxes. 

"It tastes strange, but I'm starving," she whispered. She felt her heartbeat would stop. She went to the door of the cart and started hitting him with full force, coughing hard. She was coughing blood.

"Have you heard that voice?"

The cart driver talked to the man that was walking by him, while Orig was on the front. 

"No, no, I didn't hear anything. Did Prince Orig go crazy until he got married, and from that girl, what was her name?" 

Said the man to the carriage driver; he was so upset from his master discussion. 

"I don't know, but it seems that she has something that interests him. Wasn't the great-grandfish's desire to see his grandson married?"

The two men gossiped while Taya had lost consciousness and no one noticed her.

"Well, we're going to be stunned at the river bank."

Orig said coldly, as he got off his horse, pulling his hair's tie and putting it in his pocket, to move to where Taya's cart was. 

He felt as if he was choking when he found her lying on the ground, and the blood had spoiled her beautiful dress, "Taya."

He shouted her name, trying to get her to wake up; he pulled her out of the carriage. His men had not seen their master in great anger and tension before. 

"Where's that damn healer? How did this happen to her? What were you waiting for, idiots?"

Orig started screaming at his men; her pulse was weak.

The men responsible for observing Taya did not respond. In their beliefs, the Tulips race should keep their offspring pure and not allow it to mix with the rest of the kingdom's members, so that was why they did not accept servants from other kingdoms nor any other relations. 

And when Orig married this lady from the capital, he formed a lot of hatred and criticism among his men, but not to the extent that they neglected their duties like this in purpose. 

"I want her to be alive, no matter what it costs."

Orig grinned, recalling the first time he met Taya and every moment that was between them, as if this lady had not carved her name in his mind just but might be in his heart, and that was what he feared. 

'Only three days with her, and that's how he is? If I don't, Commander Orig, I'd rather say he falls for her.'The healer thought, pointing to the men to prepare chamber quality. 

"She's got food poisoning, I made throw out, but she should drink this dose, or else..."

Before the healer continued his speech, Orig grabbed the drug bottle, and put its content in his mouth, with every second his heartbeat accelerates, just imagining that Taya would die in his hand.

He made her drink the content of the cannula, "This is a miracle of seeing the master kissing a lady in public," Said one of the men of Orig, who was watching from afar.

"Stupid, he makes her drink medicine, he did not mean it, and our commander won't fall for her, she's nothing but a seductive toy, "

Said the other, to stare at them, Orig, with looks of destruction, they hardly swallowed their salia. 

"Why didn't shy wake up? Didn't the medicine give its effect?"

Orig said, with Taya-tip lipstick marked on his lips, it was as if he was breathing her in love, and he would die if anything bad happened to her.

"It seems that her body is weak, we will wait for her to wake up, she has to be warm, the weather is cold during the night, and it seems that the darkness will fall soon,"

Said the healer who got up to get more doses of medicine.

Orig carried her to the tent, which was erected by his order, they would camp her in this cold weather because of her presence, the men were complaining about this bad luck girl.

"This is a night dose, she may experience some symptoms like a sudden rise in temperature," 

The healer declared, who asked permission to go, it was past midnight, and of course he didn't plan to stay any longer.Orig leaned on the tent pole staring at her, her face was pale. 

"You can't die, Taya, not, and before you tell me who you are and how you got this accurate information about me, " 

He said, daring to re-tramp her hair back, the thanks to her information, men who were sent by Orig had been able to block that caravan, which is responsible for transporting his men to a prison near the river.

And now they would precede them to the high mountains, he didn't succeed in murdering the crown prince, which was the first task he failed in, and now Taya knew its details, in one way or another she became important to him.

In the same way, Orig made her drink the medicine before, every time his lips touched hers, he felt that this lady has a magic, making him eager to have them all for his own, he really got the desire to taste her when she awoke. 

'You have to focus on your task only, Orig, how will you explain your failure to the great ruler,'

Orig thought, folding his fists in depressed.