Chapter 18

'Did that lady just slap you over? She underestimated you. You are Prince Dollyo, who all the girls eager to have a night, not just a sweet word from him. You're the future of Dessman's family,'

Dollyo's thoughts were mixed with the audience's comments on what was happening in Dessman's Palace.

Everyone knows the bad manners and morals of this man, but no one dared to stand up to him or oppose him; he got any girl he liked, even if that meant taking her out of her husband's warm. 

"You..." Before he raised his hand to do a heinous act against him as a prince of these lands, that tall man with green eyes and blond hair stood before him. "What are you trying to do, Your Majesty?"

The voice of that man was terrified in the cells of those who heard him; the amount of pressure that Dollyo felt was indescribable as a small rabbit, which he stared at, the king of the jungle, with his full presence and elegance.

"Shame on you trying to raise your hand at a woman," said the man with his fist on the prince's arm, which was almost unbearable, barely Dollyo freed from that man who called him crazy.

"No need to thank me." 

When the man turned, he did not find Taya; she left when he was focused with Dollyo; she has something more important to worry about than matching such drama. 

"Where did they go? They are not in the garden, and not even in the back hall." 

Taya said, who raised her head up to see the shadow of a man and a woman hugging from the second floor. She weakly took two steps back; her heart almost stopped beating. That man was holding her tight. Damn it, would that happen again?

Taya ran towards the library, thinking of nothing but to stop, no matter what happened between them.

Suddenly she hit with a huge body as she took the left aisle, to raise her eyes and meet his own, that the library was still on the second floor, and how he came down so quickly.

"Where have you gone? It was not polite of you to leave the party like this," said Taya with a trembling voice, watching his cold facial features, though she still put that shrewd smile on her face, trying not to show her weakness. 

"Are you afraid to leave you alone?" That was his reply, which she was sure he might do; he did on her previous what would stop him now. 

"Something expected from the Dessman family; abandonment is a thing that is inherited from you; excuse me, my guests are waiting for me; I had trouble myself of bringing you without benefit." 

She grabbed those words that were like the bomb that fell on his ears; his nerves emerged and he hardly held on to himself.

'I can't blame her; if Abheer didn't show up and suggested checking on Meral instead of me, I'd now be in her arms,' Orig said to himself. For some reason he couldn't catch up with Meral and decided to go back to the party. He was thinking about Taya and how she would feel until you met her.

"You are my wife in front of these people, and when you are with me, you will do as we agreed, the information K wants in exchange for this luxury and prestige; don't expect my loyalty to our relationship; what between us is just business." 

Said Orig, pulling her to stick to the wall. The vase fell next to the table, and it crashed like her heart.

Taya turned her eyes to avoid her gaze, and Orig, who hated to be provoked, said, "I don't like those who remind me of my words; don't think yourself in a situation that allows you to talk to Orig Dessman; leave me; and continue to catch up with that lady of yours."

She was upset that he ran to see Meral, even if he hadn't met her or done any unholy thing with her—the idea that they had been in an intimate relationship alone, bothering her to the point of suffocation.

"You're here, Your Highness, Prince Eveno wants to meet you and your wife," said one of Orig's knights, while he didn't care about Taya's mess mood. 


Orig let Taya's arm down and left her behind. He was angry at himself for allowing her to insult him like this. 

"For God's mercy! Who she thinks herself," 

'This was only the first week, and their leader started hallucinating that the lady would make him go crazy, 'the knight thought, and he peeked at Taya, who was still standing, turning her locks back.

Because of everything that happened during the party, Taya was not in the mood to complete it; she felt that her heart needed some fresh air, so she went to the garden instead of accompanying Orig; he hardly cared about her.

"It hurts," 

She whispered, caressing the roses that were in different colors, the trees that surrounded her, and the water fountain in the middle of the garden; even the sun's rays were telling her that all the sadness would pass.

She sighed and breathed deeply, staring at the window in which she saw the shadow of the man and the woman who were hugging.

'I won't let things go like this; I promise you, Meral, that we will meet, and you will regret everything.' Thought, Taya, who didn't feel with anything except when she was drowsy, was pressing herself to look fine; her ankle still hurts her, but she only ignored the pain to look strong and had a chance to impress Orig; she wanted badly to be his wife, but what a one-love side could do in her case. 

"Your grace, are you okay?" 

Evail, who bent down when Taya opened her eyes, maybe fell asleep for a few minutes, feeling a little headache. Taya shook her head in the affirmative.