Chapter 91

"Ah, Mr. Advacon, of course, the auction will start. Why the delay? After all, I couldn't care less about the dance," Orig muttered the last few words under his breath, cursing himself internally for allowing another man to dance with his wife.

"Follow me," Orig said as he made his way to the platform, which was adorned with numerous black diamond jewelry pieces and many uncut diamonds.

"We'll begin the auction for this rare piece—a necklace adorned with seventy black diamonds. We'll start at eighty thousand gold coins," the auctioneer announced in a calm tone. All eyes were fixed on the unique piece. Its design was old, but captivating.

Someone raised their hand for the piece numbered twenty-one: "Twenty thousand gold coins," one merchant sighed as he placed his bid, knowing that was the limit of his wealth. The bidding continued for the piece, while Orig still hadn't found Taya.