A string of chaos was all Daniel thought of. Tadashi lay on the ground, signalling Daniel with teary eyes to not interfere. However, his greatest worry came true. Daniel had now become a target on the radar of delinquents.
"That brat!! Get him!"
Two delinquents sped towards Daniel, with their fists in the air ready to strike. Daniel raised his arms, guarded with a sense of survival.
*You are all going to pay!!* ,his thoughts screamed in anger.
A fist dropped from above, but Daniel parried it instantly whilst shooting a straight jab from his fists. He added two more to the jaw and nose of the delinquent, breaking his momentum.
The delinquent fell on the ground unconscious, because the punches felt too heavy. It was almost as if a brick was blasted through his face.
His thoughts could not understand where that power came from, nor did it have tike go assess the situation.
Daniel lowered his body, escaping the direct punch from one delinquent and sprinted towards him. Grabbing the waist of the delinquent, his feet slid through the delinquent's feet, throwing him off balance onto the ground.
A strong punch followed afterwards from Daniel, knocking him completely out. Daniel stood up calmly, his expressions without emotion.
It was like a lion in a fight with an antelope. A completely one-sided fight with no path of escape. Daniel had become a hunter that day, a ferocious one indeed.
He tried to keep himself out of trouble, but it would be against his pride and code to sit still. The last two delinquents watched him in a trance. Their brains couldn't take it anymore, so they continued their advances.
One grabbed a nearby chair to smash Daniel with. The other ran towards him with pure fists, but it ended so fast.
A raging tornado kick on the defenseless delinquent, and a sharp strike to the rib with his knee. Daniel dropped his seniors to their knees, with the delinquent receiving another heavy punch to ingrain the pain in his mind.
The whole class was baffled at his feat because it was a great omen. It had never happened before, nor was it expected to repeat.
None had ever stood up against a senior and won. That was why bullying came easily to the doorsteps of the students. Even if you could take out all the delinquents, you would have a huge problem dealing with the leader.
He was no joke, and he had martial prowess. The rumours of him spoke of his endless battles with other schools. It earned him the name, " mad dog".
Now their classmate, a student who joined in less than a week was battling the mad dog?
" This is completely outrageous!" A classmate stepped back in fear.
" He's doomed" Another replied.
Daniel was still holding on to the delinquent's collar. He released his grip, causing the delinquent to fall to the ground unconscious.
The mad dog had received news about the completely one-sided fight and quickly ran to the classroom with his squad. They blocked the exit of the class, leaving the rest of the students in panic.
" You!! Come here!", the mad dog shouted.
Daniel looked at the unconscious bodies of the delinquents and grazed his fingers through his hair. He turned towards the direction of the delinquents and sneered.
" Are your legs that heavy? Why don't you rather come here? "
The classroom stayed still and quiet, with Tadashi struggling to stand. He stood upright and opened up his arms, with hopes of protecting Daniel.
" There's no way I'm allowing you to hit him. You would have to go through me first!" Tadashi shouted in bravery.
His legs shook from the loss of energy, but his resolve was as hard as steel. Tadashi had not gained close friends, simply because he was from a poor background.
Many had evaded him, but Daniel was the only one who accepted him for who he was. So he did not budget, not even a metre away from Daniel.
The mad dog's veins popped out in the heat. His heart couldn't take it anymore, nevertheless, he walked in pride towards the two kids.
His sight was slightly above theirs, with his breath freezing the already tense atmosphere of the room. Tadashi gripped his fists to strike back and kept up his defence without swaying.
The lifeless body of Tadashi dropped from the heightened strength of the punch. Daniel looked straight at the mad dog and confronted him. He stood before the mad dog without moving and grabbed the mad dog's collar.
The mad dog grinned back at him, grabbing his hair tightly without letting go. The two hot bloods stared straight into their souls. It was a show of strength, nevertheless, each had seen the other's potential.
So they started plummeting each other in the face with ought moving out of place. Daniel didn't move an inch and continued batting the fleshy face of the mad dog.
The mad dog felt his consciousness steering away slowly. He believed if he fell, he would lose everything. Thus he put his remaining stamina on his next barrage of blows, striking the face of the 13-year-old before him.
The blood pressure of the students shot up. The mad dog had stepped backwards in a glance and swayed to and fro. His body fell with a thud, turning the classroom into a circus of jubilation.
Daniel stood above the body of the mad dog as the other students surrounded him. They cheered his feat, attempting to offer snacks and deals as a means of bonding.
Daniel turned swiftly and walked back to his feet. His sight was still and his heart had calmed. However, he was disappointed at the current power of the top dog and picked a tissue to wipe the blood off him.
"Didn't feel a thing." Daniel sighed as he looked through the window.
Two women sat before a crystal ball. Their eyes beamed with home, thinking of the many rewards they would gain.
A man walked out of the red curtain, with his horrid smile laid bare on his face. He approached the woman and placed a picture on the table.
" This is the boy. He has the external energy within him, so if we can get that .."
" Then everything will fall in place. We will have the power of the otherworld within our grasp." The two women responded.
" Surely, we would. It has been long since we drank from the fruit of power. I had fallen into depravity, thinking that all the doors were shut on me. Yet here it is!"
The crystal ball sparked in white rays, with an obscene aura around it. The man walked away from the table and turned. His laughter enveloped the room, and his smile got weirder.
" The boy is our key to it. The unrestrained power others called magic, yet it was not so simple to predict or find. Nova is its name. The source of all energies, I will get my hands on it no matter what!"
"Only then can we open the portal to the world of dragons. Perhaps there will be havoc on earth, how nice would it be!!"
A dagger suddenly strikes the picture, revealing Daniel with the women at the orphanage.