Rustling calmly through the obscene streets of Hiroshima, a battle lay steady. The bloodlust filled their souls to the brim, and it seemed there was a stifling apocalypse approaching.
A course of dire diligence, ticking like an awaiting bomb, their patience wavered. Cries of battle readied in expectation, and a firm fastened grip held the sharpened weapons.
Many wondered what that sound was, and a man stood high as the answer. He moved the joints of his shoulders willfully, as the crackles of power cheered on.
Grandfather, a notable figure from the streets of Norway and admirably firm in leadership. He was neither rich nor poor, but a strong will of survival led him to greater heights.
The underground became his home at a very young age, and it strived with the law of the world.
Survival of the fittest is an obnoxious law that the world cherished greatly. Grandfather found himself in the pits of struggle, but that wasn't enough to tie him down.
Selling crackers as well as scraps of metal, he made a stable earning. Stable was how he saw those earnings, but to an average human, not was nowhere near enough.
And so he waltzed through the pillars of the underworld. Everyone pondered his origins, a rat feeding off scraps.
Yet that was the order of the world. No one could change that, even if they wanted to. Robberies, murder, lustful endeavors. All these and more were the dark realities of the world.
The underworld stood at the helms of all these, nevertheless futile attempts were made in the name of justice. Humans who had been victims of the underworld, their blood splattered across the vile streets they once walked on.
The underworld was no place for justice, power was the only importance. Many took the path of power, however, that never ended well.
Death lurked within the lavished gifts it advertised, and the claws of death were full of blood in each act.
Nevertheless, Grandfather survived and rose through the ranks. It is said that a pen is far sharper than fists, but that saying was long forgotten after the entrance of Grandfather.
His fists became justice, and the sheer will of order hung high within the underworld. Each leader respected him, for meddling in the affairs of the unnerved dragon would only bring demise.
A leader he was, and that continued for days to come. Now the dragon of the underworld, with his fists of death, had finally met a worthy opponent.
Human, she was, but her actions said otherwise. She was strong, too strong to be labeled just a human, and all feared her.
Grandfather stood in pride and fury, his grandson lay beside that witch and it meant his demise was near.
The blood that seeped from the injured head of Daniel was more than enough to overcome the fear of death. Maybe he might die, but he would regret it if he stepped out and left his kid in the jaws of death.
As dull as it may seem, his actions were right. Yakuza was the jaw of death itself. Many called her a goddess, because her victims never survived, nor was there any defeat recorded.
With a firm look, his fingers pressed against his dense palm, and his fists tightened. The steam of glory and rage rose once more with Yakuza being the prize.
A slight nod sent the message to his underlings. Thugs they were, but their resolve stood far higher than most. They ran wildly toward the goddess of death, and she greeted them solemnly in response.
Drawing out her twin daggers, she poised them towards the fleeting army of thugs. A smile hid at the corner of her lips, and the need for blood arose steadily.
The head of a thug dropped from his slit neck, and another held unto the spraying blood from his neck. The others knew it was despair, no! It was hell, hell on earth.
The hands of death had begun their work once more, and they stood as simple subjects of the impending danger.
Nevertheless, the thugs ran, with all their might. Batting away the hammer towards Yakuza, one smiled, thinking victory was his. Yet as swift as the sleek body of Yakuza was, she saw it as nothing like a threat.
Yakuza caught the head of the hammer with her palm and drew the clueless thug before her. Her smile brightened once more, and her risen heel struck the back of his head.
Excessive force and sheer power it was, and it drowned him in the whirlpool of death. However, the thugs continued pouring in, with fear in their hearts they spiraled with anger.
The anger fueled them unto irredeemable death and one by one they dropped like flies. Grandfather stood still, without moving an inch from his stead.
All that remained were his most loyal guards. Three of them held a base of martial techniques scripted to their core.
Walking calmly, they surrounded the Yakuza with stable breaths. Each knew that one mistake could cost them dearly, even to death.
Nevertheless, the goddess of death rose slowly from the body that lay beside her and performed her totem once more. Licking her dagger, she blurted out words known to all.
" How lonely it must be, to live in death alone. However do not fret, your family will join you soon.", she scorned.
"They will not be joining in, since we are here to accompany them. "
"Surely, our brother would meet us there."
" They need a bit of a scold, don't you think?"
The three pillars of the mafia in Japan, spoke in pride as they picked out their weapons. Yakuza stood in awe after hearing those words and frowned with disappointment.
" Might as well give you a ticket for that then", she responded.
Leaping back in time, she escaped the swift blade of one guard. Her expression was newer than any they had seen since she saw an injury on her.
"This is not your blood, it's mine", she frowned.
The other two thugs smiled in satisfaction after seeing the power of their colleague, but that smile turned pale after a few seconds.
They had already noticed their colleague had given up his life for just a scratch, and their disappointed faces were proof of it. The guard fell with a thud, as a dagger was struck through his head.
Yakuza walked towards the body and picked up the dagger from the corpse of grandfather's guard. She points the dagger at the other two in fury and threatens.
" You will pay for that, with your life."