Manifestation of pride

"So you have come once more, child."


The voice which trembled the stone pillars of the hollow room. A great demise that stood once more against the child of fiery will. Picking up his axe of fire and magma, his scorching pride boasted of its strength.


Thump! Thump!!


"Align my soul with the afterlife, so I may also drink from the river of death"


 An unsteady breath of fear gripped Daniel's collar, but his resolve remained steadfast throughout the crisis. The sin of pride descended slowly toward the child, and his hoarse voice grew stronger this time.


"Alas, let's see how well your training did to you, feeble soul. I would gain satisfaction from the spar, yet I'm afraid you wouldn't survive in this feat"


Thump! Thump!!


"Why? You may ask. Do not fret for there is only an answer within that precarious word. You are weak, and weaklings will forever be trampled upon. Child!!"