An unpredicted end

*Grandfather always said we should take care of our muscles like it was the air we breathe. Importance in your body reaps out the fruit of thought and realization. *


*In each pump, our muscles exert an energy we know not of. Although it can't be seen with the eyes, we feel it in each strand. The stream of blood which roams our nerves and vessels, as well as the steam from our skin. *


*Efficient use of your muscles would bring out exponential strength, he said. Yet I never understood where that strength came from. In each fight, and brawl I place myself in, I never uncovered the true strength he spoke of. *


*I tried adding more muscle, but it wasn't working. My body simply hit its limit of muscle capacity, and I gave in to the doubts that ate my soul away. *


*However that fight with the Yadarin boss gave me a strength I knew not of. I struck him with a strength that was out of my expectations, and I wondered why, and how. *