An end at last

*What makes him think he can defeat me? After trying so hard to land a hit but still getting nothing, he still holds hope. I loathe that look on his face. I hate it with every nerve in my body*

*To think even insects perceive themselves as worthy candidates against my cause. It's laughable, yet he sends a shiver down my spine. It's almost as if his schemes go to me, but I can't feel any traps.


*Ugh I don't understand. I simply can't understand. Why am I panicking? Don't tell me I'm feeling fear against an insect!! No, never. I'd rather cleave these hills than bow to that lowly human. *


In emphasis, Anakin didn't simply feel fear, but a crawling shiver of doom rose through his nerves. His lingering doubts ate through him, beeping the thoughts of failure through his mind.


However, he simply brushed them off and focused on his sole goal. It was to claim Daniel's life and achieve an unwavering will similar to his.