Chapter 2: shunshin'ed

"Kakashi! I want you to take one unit and capture all the ones responsible and send them to Ibiki, the others here will come with me and we will find him. Move!" Immediately all ANBU shunshin'ed out of his office.

"The amount of killing intent was insane, may god help those who did this to Naruto" Kakashi thought as he went to go gather a unit.

With Naruto

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Naruto found himself slowing down now. Blood was on the ground, and he was holding his shoulder.

"Looks like I lost them, good. Not to find a place to res.


"Oww my head" Naruto moaned as he felt is back on the ground. He slowly stands up and see's he is in some kind of underground cavern.

Looking up he see's the hole he fell into.

He all of sudden feels a pull, like some type of force is pulling him to walk towards a specific direction. He continues on forward, barely being able to see anything in the caverns until he touches finds a rusty door.

He looks at it closely and begins to rub it with his fingers.

"Wow this door looks really old, I wonder whats inside, well I'm not going to know until I push it. " He said

As soon as he places his hand on the rusted door, he gets shocked and faints, but before he could fully close his eyes and sleep, he notices a faint power coursing through him.


"Oww my head hurts twice as much now, where the hell am I now!" He stands up and looks around and finds himself in place that just occupied nothingness, except the color white which was everywhere.

"Am I heaven?" Naruto thought out loud.

"No you are not young one. " A voice says.

He spins around almost breaking his neck and see's this man with brown hair, his hair slicked back with one long strand gently resting in the front. He stood at 6'3 wearing white clothes with a white like cape reaching his feet.

He had hands in his pocket and to Naruto had an alarmingly calm and dangerous aura about him.

"Wh- Who are you!" Naruto shouts.

The man's mouth took a slight smile and says

"I am Sosuke Aizen my child" Naruto just looks at him, takes a deep breath and says

"Ok Aizen-san, what the hell am I doing here! Why the hell are you here! What the hell is this place! What the hell was that door I touched! And what the hell just shocked me before I fainted!" Shouted Naruto in pure hysteria. Aizen looks at him, and the first time in awhile an amused smirk graced his face.

"Ah yes, let me answer those first three questions. You are here because you touched the door that I was sealed in, That door you touched was my prison and what shocked you was the seal's energy.

It's interesting as it seemed it allowed to meet in your mind scape. " Aizen said.

Naruto scratched his head, relived he got some information.

"Okay, that answers that, but why am I here? And what are you? From the looks of the door it looks to be at least one hundred years old, so in that case you should be dead. " Naruto said.

Aizen slightly went wide eyed at his intelligent response, and composed himself and spoke

"How very astute of you Naruto-kun, to answer your question, I am a ex Shinigami" As soon as he said that Aizen was not able to continued as Naruto freaked out and yelled.

"Oh my god am I dead! Kami-sama has come to take my soul!" He yelled hysterically.

"Naruto-kun" Aizen said in a calm yet stern eerie voice that got him to stop.

"Before I was interrupted by your unnecessary outburst, I was about explain. Like I said this is your mind scape.

It's a surprise your even able to see me. As for me, I am past 100 years of age and no I am not Kami.

Shinigami are the ones that hold order of spirits when they die and go to the Soul Society" Aizen went on to explaining the basics of what Shinigami are, and told him about his time being one.

He also told Naruto his eventual demise by a man named Kurosaki Ichigo and how he was sealed and thrown in prison and how he recently became one with Hogyoku more of a soul though. It was then Naruto asked a question.

"So this is your prison then?" Naruto asked to which Aizen nodded.

"But how were you able to escape soul Society? I thought your prison would be up there not Konoha" Naruto asked curiously. Aizen smiled as he seemed to be enjoying the well thought questions he was asking.

For a kid anyways. "I will tell you in a bit.

Let me continue my story. "

Aizen then explained his motive and how he was young and naive and wanted to gain power and be known as a god through out the heavens and earth.

As he finished, Aizen's calm aura suddenly disappeared into a sad and remorseful one since he was reminiscing about the story. Naruto noticed this and decided even though he committed evil in his time, he saw the way he looked, and thought that his imprisonment really did change him.

Not only that, but he he had to admit he was impressed with his ability to take on these so called captains without any problems. Naruto broke the silence.

"Aizen-san, although I don't approve of what you did with your past it seems you really thought about your mistakes and feel regretful. I do not hold the past against you for it is what we do with our future that determines what type of character we are in the end.

" Aizen for the second time today became slightly wide eyed and spoke.

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"Naruto-kun, such a mature thought for someone your age and to only think you are still this small. Why is that Naruto-kun?" Naruto's face took a slight frown and looked at Aizen's eyes with his own that showed Aizen eyes of someone who has seen pain and death constantly.