Chapter 5: silent

A few silent seconds he only uttered one word.

"Why?" He asked. Sarutobi could look in confusion until a sudden an explosion of sheer pressure came out of nowhere, forcing the ANBU in the room to sweat profusely, while the God of Shinobi was having a hard time breathing and sweating due to the pressure being directed to him.

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Sarutobi manged to lift his head ever so slightly to look at who was causing the pressure and was shocked when he saw his adopted grandson causing it.

Where Naruto was standing, energy was surrounding him. But it was not visible chakra to Sarutobi's understanding, but some other type of energy.

Purple reiastu was streaming and surrounding Naruto.

Sarutobi thought "My god, this feels like killing intent but much stronger, this feels like pure power, what the hell happened to you Naruto-kun. My body has never felt so heavy in my life"

Naruto was standing there glaring at the Hokage.

"Why Sarutobi, why didn't you tell me!" He yelled with his spiritual pressure increasing even more than before. The floors started to crack little by little.

It wasn't until he heard his sensei.


Aizen yelled firmly in his mind before continuing 'Naruto-kun, one lesson you will learn from me is to keep your emotions in check and never let any emotion control you. Lower your spiritual pressure now and listen to his reasoning on why he did what he did'

Aizen said but inwardly smirking at the display. "This boy has almost has much spiritual pressure as me before I left the soul society.

And this is just after we merged. What's scary is he will surpass mine in a couple years if he trains.

He might not even have to fight some people just by flexing his spiritual pressure alone. Hmm, the next 4 years will be indeed interesting" He thought.

With those words being said, Naruto calmed down just a little while the Sandaime and Anbu in the room were slowly trying to get their breathing back to normal.

One thing was for sure though.

Everyone who felt the spiritual pressure in the room that moment knew that Naruto will be someone you would not want to come across in the future. Naruto only stood there, tears still slowly coming off his face.

He broke the silence as everything seemed it was back to normal.

"Why Ji-ji?" He asked more somberly this time. Sarutobi finished adjusting his clothes and getting his breathing in check and looked at Naruto.

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun, what you need to understand is your father was so dangerous being that he ended a war with one justu that many people wanted to claim his head. Your father was the first person to ever achieve the rank of a double S Rank shinobi with a flee on sight order if you saw him.

If other villages would have known he had a son they instantly would have tried to kill or kidnap you. And I would not let that happen" Sarutobi said in a firm yet strong voice.

While Naruto was processing the information he was just told. He was surprised surprised that his father was so strong other villages gave an order to run away from him when they saw him, not only that but he ended a war with one justu.

One word came to his mind when he thought about it "Amazing" Aizen in his mind scape was some what impressed at the information they just received. "My my, now I know merging with this boy was the right thing to do.

No doubt he will become powerful" Aizen thought smiling.

Naruto spoke up. "I am sorry for the way I acted Ji-ji.

It's just being alone and thinking no one cared for me made me very sad and angry. Its nice to know that I had parents who loved me and were powerful at that.

I understand you were only looking out for me. I promise an outburst like that will not occur again.

I am sorry Hokage-sama" He said as he bowed. Sarutobi was shocked at how he addressed him.

Never in his life has Naruto called him Hokage-sama.

A smile was found on Sarutobi's face when he replied. "Its okay Naruto-kun, knowing if it was someone else they would have done the same thing.

I can tell by your response and surge of power thought that you will become a great shinobi if not the best. " Sarutobi continued.

"Naruto do you want to know why people call you demon brat?" At an instant Naruto locked eyes with him with a mix of curiosity and painfulness.

"Naruto the nine tailed fox that attacked our village long ago, could not be stopped, you were born on the same day the Kyubi was summoned to destroy this village. "

"Your father even though he was considered a god among ninja, could not defeat a tailed beast considering it was the strongest one out of all of them. So he did what he thought was right to save his village and sealed the fox in you.

You saved our village that day Naruto-kun and in your dad's last words to me, he wanted the village to see you as a hero. But people were still recovering from their own losses in those times and were traumatized to the point not a lot of people got over that day.

And even going as far as misplacing their anger and sadness on to you. " Sarutobi said.

Naruto went wide eyed, everything was now making sense. Why they called him that name, why people hate him and don't give him the time of day.

He suddenly asked.

"Ji-ji, if I saved the village then why do people hurt me and try to kill me?"

Sarutobi slightly winced at the bluntness of the question. "Like I said before, it is misplace anger but Naruto-kun, always remember that people will fear what they do not know.

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Now let me ask you a question. If I poured a bowl of water in a cup does the water become the cup?"

Naruto responded, "Of course not Ji-ji, it only holds th. .