Chapter - 16

And they were good people. They would be proud of you" Naruto stiffens at the confession but smiles at him and says

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"I know Itachi-san. This is why I'm doing this.

For the people I care about. " Without a word Itachi disappears.

Turning his gaze back to Mikoto standing there in complete shock. It was until Naruto snapped her out of it and said

"Are you okay pretty lady?" Mikoto blushes again and says

"Why yes, yes I am. Thank you for saving me I surely thought I was going to die" She said before throwing her self into the arms of Naruto.

Being Naruto as he is, he puts his hand on her back to gently soothe her and starts whispering things in her ear to cool her down. Couple of moments later her crying dies down and she starts to inch away from him.

Naruto couldn't help but take a good look at her. She was beautiful in his arms.

A fair complexion, with beautiful long black bangs come down her face with no blemishes. She looked to have a slender frame and he could tell she was a ninja from her toned slim legs, along with a chest that looked to be at least D cup holding firmly in her bra.

Mikoto on the other hand was enjoying being engulfed in his arms. Feeling all his muscles from his arms to his chest.

Being held in his tight muscles had her feel safe. His aura was the most interesting to her.

It made you feel as he is closely examining you just to break you down. His aura made you feel like you are nothing to him and you can't touch him as he fights.

On the battlefield he seemed like her older son, if not more serious on a scarier scale. But now his aura feels like he will take care of you.

And nothing will harm you. Being interrupted out of her thoughts by a hand to her chin, Naruto brings her chin up and asks.

"Are you okay now?" She could only nod. He asks with a grin "So can I get the name of the princess I just saved?" Mikoto can only blush hard and stutter out

"M-my name is Mikoto. Mikoto Uchiha" Naruto smiles at her more giving Mikoto a harder blush.

"That is a beautiful name Mikoto-chan. Why was he trying to kill you?" Naruto said.

Still blushing from the affectionate term stutters

"I-i don't know. He was my oldest son.

Why would he betray our clan like that! Why kill all his family, friends and everyone he loves!" She yells tears pouring out again. Naruto looking a little sad brings her into a tight hug and she instantly buries her head in his chest and just rubs her back until she calms down.

Mikoto, enjoying the moment hears Naruto speak up.

"I would love to sit here and hold you all day Mikoto-chan but I have to go now" Mikoto looks up and teases back

"Aww why? I am that bad of company?" Naruto cracks a slight chuckle and says smoothly

"No not at all Mikoto-chan. Any man in his right mind would enjoy this.

Would it make you feel better if I told you I am enjoying holding you?" Mikoto blushes even redder than this time and couldn't say a word. Naruto starts to hear Akane and growl a bit making her presence known for the first time in this encounter.

Akane's Mindscape

She was witnessing what Mikoto was doing and started to growl. "How dare she shamelessly flirt with MY Naruto-kun.

. .

Wait my Naruto-kun when did that happen? Tho I wouldn't mind making him mine. And I mean all of him.

" She thought playing certain sexual scenarios in her mind making her nose bleed at all the images.

Back To Naruto & Mikoto

Seeing Mikoto blush Naruto only smiles, releasing her giving them a little space and say's

"Well I must get going. Ji-ji will be here in second.

When he asks who saves you tell him everything that happened here. I'm sure ji-ji would at least like to know I'm alive at least.

" She nods her head as Naruto turns around to try and get back to the forest but hears something from Mikoto that makes him flinch

"Where are you going and is It true? Are you going to leave this village" Naruto stops and stands still. Turning around to look at her, he sighs and runs a hand through his hair and says.

"Yes I am. When I become of chunnin rank I will leave this wretched village to start my own.

" Mikoto says "I want to go with you" She says. Making Naruto slightly stunned before reigning himself in.

"What would be your motive? You have been in this village your whole life. What would be in it for you to defect? You still have a child here.

Why?" Naruto said turning his facial features serious.

"I have nothing to live for except my son. I wont know how this will effect him in the future.

I believe he will seek revenge. I'm hoping I can steer him away from that.

But all I know is I want to start a new. This place will only serve as a memory of what happened" Mikoto retorts.

Naruto studying here seeing the logic in her statement speaks up.

"Very well, you can come. But you will have to wait a couple years.

For am I on a training with my sensei away from the village. " Mikoto nods and asks

"So your coming back then in a few years? What if you don't come back? What if you decided to leave me? Where am I going to go? What am I going to do!" she yells hysterically. Not knowing how to proceed and get her to quite down, he does what he thinks is right at the moment.

Walking towards her he gently grabs her cheek and caresses it. Then follows it up with a deep searing kiss to her lips.

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Mikoto was stunned for a moment before deepening the kiss. Surprising Naruto by her actions, he begins to deepening as well making her moan into the kiss.