Chapter - 18

more powerful until he opens his eyes.

Kyoka Suigestu's World

Opening his eyes Naruto finds himself in a field with a pond in it. The moon reflecting off the pond being that its night time.

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He looks up to see the sky. Stars spread out throughout the sky.

He only uttered one word. "Beautiful.

" Then he hears a voice to the side of him.

She then responds. "It sure is Naruto-kun"

Turning his head to the side he see's a girl that might be able to match Akane's beauty sitting on large rock. A women wearing a beautiful white and light black kimono.

With beautiful light white hair with a flower tucked behind it. She also had dark blue eyes and and beautiful plump red lips (A.

N. : Picture Sode No Shirayuki From Bleach)

Naruto for the first time is stunned by someones beauty. He never expected his zanpauto spirit to be so beautiful.

Composing himself he walks to her and stands in front of her and begins to speak

"I assume you are my zanpaukto spirit. " He says then reaches over to grab her hand and place a kiss on her knuckles before continuing.

"You truly are a beautiful spirit. " Kyoka never imagined her wielder to be so bold.

Blushing up a storm after the kiss smiles at him. "I have been waiting to meet you Naruto-kun.

You are much more handsome up close" Kyoka says while still blushing.

Naruto smiles and replies "Thank you but while you can give me a word to describe my looks, I have yet to find a word that fully describe your beauty. " Kyoka now blushing even redder than before said.

"You are very smooth with words Naruto-kun"

"I only call it how I see it. So what do you mean when you said you have been waiting for me?" Naruto says.

"I have been watching your training. And let me say I am impressed.

Your resolve is unshakable. And your determination is I know will not waiver.

I know for a fact you will be able to wield me at higher state than Aizen can. " Kyoka said trying to control her blush.

Silence reigned over them for a few minutes before Kyoka speaks up. "Tell me Naruto-kun, do you know my name?"

For a minute Kyoka looks at him silently hoping he does. Naruto gazes at her with a soft expression and says

"Of course I do my beautiful mirror flower. It is my honor to meet you, Kyoka Suigestu" Kyoka all of sudden lunges at Naruto and starts to kiss him with much need.

Very shocked that his zanpakuto spirit is kissing him decides to give her what she wants and deepens the kissing. Sucking on her top lip.

Then proceeding to using their tongues. After 5 minutes and much need air she snuggles into Naruto's chest and whispers.

"Im so glad you know my name Naruto-kun" Naruto with his chin on top of her head says

"I'm glad too. I know that with you by my side I will become feared through out the shinobi world.

We will do this together. " Without another world he steadily puts her at arms length and says "I need to get back now.

I promise I will visit you often. Good bye Kyoka-chan" and with that giving her a kiss to the forehead then fades away.

Kyoka sitting there on the rock thinking about the lips that just graced not only her forehead but lips and the term he used her name in. "Such a kind soul for those he cares about yet a man who will not fear to cut you down at an instant.

You wont have to be alone anymore. I will always be there for you" Kyoya thought outloud.

She was interrupted from a voice of a female behind her.

"I see you meet him too" She turns around to see Akane leaning against a tree. Kyoka respondes 'Yeah.

He is wonderful man. Not to mention a cute one at that.

' Akane chuckles

"You got that right. So whats your name? Considering now that we share the same mindscape.

" Kyoka stands up walks over to her puts out her hand out

'Kyoka Suigestu' she says. Akane accepts the greeting.

"Well I am the Kyubi No Yoko but you can call me Akane" she says. Kyoka was then spoke

'Nice to meet you. At least I have someone here to talk too.

' Akane nods her head

"I agree it does get pretty lonely in here. But now at least he has two women that will love him and never leave him alone no matter what" Kyoka looks at her in surprise

'H-how do you know that im in love with him?' Akane can only laugh again

"That look you had on your face when you talked about him. Its the same look I get when I see him or think about him.

The look of wanting to love him" Akane says with a deamy sigh. Kyoka blushes.

'Well at least we have one thing in common. ' Kyoka says with a slight giggle.

Akane speaks "Not only that but I think there is another girl gunning for him. So we got competition now.

" Kyoka simply states grinning with a little blush.

'Well it matters to me not. For me and Naruto I know will become close within the next 3 years.

Hopefully very close'

"You and me both sister" Akane and Kyoka giggle

Back To The Real World

With that Naruto woke up with a sudden surge of reiastu. Alerting Aizen, he comes to see Naruto's purple reiatsu even thicker and denser than before.

With the sudden flow stopping he gets Naruto's attention

"Well I see you found out its name. Your reiastu is much heavier now" He said with a smile.

Naruto only nods, then gets up to stretch.

"Yes I did" Naruto said admiring at the blade. He began sensing the slight hum.

Then he hears her voice. 'Stop looking at me like that Naruto-kun.

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Your making me blush. '

"Kyoka-chan?" Naruto said.