Chapter - 29

What did you do after it Kakashi? You drowned yourself in ANBU missions trying to forget the pain of losing everyone near you. You simply weren't fit to take care of him" Kakashi instantly lunges and takes Sarutobi by the collar and pins him to the wall.

At that moment the ANBU hidden that were hidden in place had their kunai's ready to stab the ex ANBU captain.

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"Kakashi-sempai, stop this. " One ANBU said.

Not loosening his grip Kakashi yelled, "I could have at least provided him a home, something to eat. I know I wouldn't be there for him as much but at least it would be something!" Sarutobi only sighs.

"Yes it would have been something but like I said before you were in no position to take care of someone else when you couldn't take care of yourself. Be mad at me Kakashi, but I did what was best" Sarutobi says.

Loosening his grip on the Hokage he lets go. Then they all hear a knock.

"Enter" Sarutobi says. In comes the topic of their discussion

Back to Naruto

Examining everyone in front of him he could tell some jounin's were there still uncomfortable with him being in that room from their looks of their body language. Looking around he spots a purple haired woman with a trench coat with a beautiful body eyeing him from head to toe.

Doing the same he could tell she was very beautiful despite her provocative wear.

When there eyes meet, he pierced his gaze into her. Like he was examining her soul.

Anko being captivated by his strong gaze couldn't look away. After a few moments he smiles at her making her smile mischievously.

Turning his gaze to a woman beside her she spots Kurenai. Naruto smiling says "Hi Kurenai-chan.

Your looking very lovely today if I do say so myself" Kurenai lightly blushes

"Well thank you Naruto-kun. You don't look to bad yourself.

That was an amazing match you had today. I'm surprised at how strong you are" Kurenai said still lightly blushing.

Seeing this Naruto egged it on more "Yes thank you Kurenai-chan, but you know I'm glad to have someone as beautiful as you cheering me on when I was there. And for that I thank you"

Walking up to Kurenai he grabs one of her hands and plants two light kisses on her knuckles. Full blown blushing now, Kurenai couldn't help but stifle a little giggle.

Many jounin's in the room were simply amazed at how he handled Kurenai. Did he not know that this was Kurenai Yuhi, one of "Konoha's Ice Queens" To always shut a guy down and castrate anyone who made those types of advances on her.

Asuma was narrowing his eyes on Naruto now. Hearing a cough he gazes towards Sarutobi

"Hey ji-ji how is your shoulder?" Before Sarutobi could respond some dumb jounin yelled.

"How dare you familiarize yourself with the hokage! He should be respected! You are nothing but a demon" Naruto looking at him very stoic like started walking towards him, the first step he took he flexed his spiritual pressure bringing everyone on his side to one knee.

Continuing to take more steps he flexed it more and more till everyone was on the ground. It was worse for the man who spoke out considering it was aimed at him.

Reaching the man who yelled he looks down.

"Would you like to repeat that" All he could hear was gurgle for the man was choking. "Ji-ji or for you guys, Hokage-sama is someone I hold dear.

If you have any problem please, be kind and speak up. I am fair when it comes to opinions"

Raising his spiritual pressure just a little more the man was flat on his stomach. "No opinions? Well good.

We can continue then"

Letting go of his spiritual pressure, everyone was silently relieved that he stopped. They all felt helpless.

Like being paralyzed by death itself. Others trying to get back to there feet.

Naruto turns to Sarutobi and apologizes,

"I am very sorry for the outburst Hokage-jiji" He said looking at anyone to test his authority again. Thankfully everyone were silent.

"No problem Naruto-kun, just don't kill anyone and give me any more paperwork alright?" Sarutobi says. Naruto nods.

Still seeing the purple haired kunoichi on the ground along with Kurenai trying to regain themselves he walks up to both and sticks his hand out for Kurenai to grab.

Looking up she gently places her hand in his and helps her up. Naruto takes hold of both of her shoulders and looks into her eyes

"I am very sorry you had to witness such an unpleasant feeling Kurenai-chan. Please forgive me" Naruto said kissing forehead like when they first met.

Kurenai now blushing can only nod her head.

Sticking his hand out to the purple headed kunoichi that was almost up Naruto says "I am very sorry for that outburst as well. Would you mind telling me your name?"

Anko grins and says " I am the very sexy, single Anko Mitarashi" Throwing one arm in the air. Everyone only shook their heads at her antics while Naruto slightly chuckled.

"Very cute Anko-san, very cute. Very surprising you are single though" Anko hearing the complement decides to tease him a little.

Walking up to him pressing her breast against his rock hard chest, puts her arms around his neck and says

"Oh you think I'm cute Naruto-kun? Just how cute am i Naruto-kunnn" Anko said drawing out his name seductively.

Seeing the teasing, Naurto knows exactly what to do and decided he would return it back tent imes better. Putting his mouth to her ear.

"Oh I think you are very cute Anko-chan. So cute I can't help but feel drawn to you.

What would you do if I kissed you Anko-chan? Would you reject me or would you let me touch your lips? I feel you won't be single for long now that I'm here. " Anko now scarlet red blushing at the sincere and words he was saying.

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She never felt like this before. Not only that but she was being severely out teased by this man.