Chapter - 27

Some jounin's in the audience were ashamed as well. "The reason for this sparring match is because if he wins against me then I know he will be able to take his last father's name.


Many of the ninja's began to whisper "There is no way he will win against Hokage-sama. " One jounin said.

"Yeah the demon brat must have won this match by luck"

While the whisper were going on all the jounin's except Mikoto and Kurenai were surprised at the news of his last name.

"He was m-my sensei's son? W-why? H-how? Why didn't Hokage-sama tell me? Kakashi thought.

"So this little gaki is related to the Yondaime huh? Oh I defiantly want to get to know him now" Thought Anko. Yugao was too very surprised at the news as well.

Everyone was interrupted from their thoughts and whispers when Sarutobi speaks up

"Now this match will begin. With me the Hokage vs Naruto"

A proctor with a sickly cough with senbon needle in his mouth steps in the middle signaling the start of the match. Looking at the Hokage and Naruto puts his hands down and says "Hajime!"

Sarutobi took his Hokage robes off showing he is in his battle uniform. Naruto sits there lazily again with his his hand rubbing his hilt.

'Naruto-kun please stopping rubbing me' Kyoka says with a blush.

"I am sorry Kyoka-chan. Your hilt is so beautiful I can't help but marvel at it" Naruto said.

Sarutobi then pulls out a shuriken and puts his hands together and says "Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!" The one shuriken turned into hundreds flying at Naruto. Naruto only looked at it passively.

Only before masking his arm with his purple reiastu batting away the shuriken. Sarutobi looked a little surprised before forming more hand signs and saying "Doton: Doryūdan (Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet)" A dragon like head of mud shoot out of the ground at fast speeds towards Naruto.

Only for Naruto to shunpo out of the way.

"Your techniques are to slow Hokage-jiji. You cant touch me with any of your justu's" Naruto says.

Sarutobi studies him before moving,

"Well my boy it seems you are good. But let me show you why I am the hokage" Making his hand into a cross sign says "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)" Three exact replica's of Sarutobi appeared.

Both lunged at Naruto engaging him in hand to hand combat while the real Sarutobi and a clone started making different hand signs before both shouted different justu's ""Doton: Doryūdan (Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet)" The other clone shouted "Katon: Karyūdan (Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet)" The two justu's combined with each other shooting towards Naruto

Naruto was analyzing the situation at hand. "Well this is impressive.

Using three clones of himself. Two to attack and distract me while ji-ji and the other clone do a collaboration justu.

By the looks of the justu it seems like it has increased and speed and power, if I don't react soon I might get caught with it considering he poured somewhat a lot of chakra into these clones to hold me still. " Naruto instantly switched to defending with one arm with both of the clones which surprised a lot of people.

Shifting his angle so his side was facing the the justu, it almost hit him until Naruto says 'El Escudo (The Shield)' With one hand a green like shield appeared blocking the powerful justu with ease. Sarutobi stood there surprised at how easily it was blocked.

Naruto taking control of the shocked Sarutobi shunpo'ed behind the two clones giving two chops to the back of there head instantly poofing out of existence while Sarutobi dispels the other clone.

In The Stands

Many of the people in the audience were stunned that this boy was holding his own with the hokage. Not a lot of people could hold their own against the Sandaime regardless of his age.

"I can't believe he is fairing against hokage-sama. To think this is a sparring match for them.

It's incredible. And that shield Naruto pulled up.

He didn't even used hand signs. To block such an attack with two affinity's combined isn't any easy thing to do" Kakashi said.

"Oh my, his power is so sexy!. " Anko said grinning.

Kurenai only looked annoyed at what she said. While both Gai and Asuma were just watching with their jaws hanging.

Many of the heads of the shinobi council were as shocked as well.

"What the hell" was all Tsume and Mikoto could say with their mouths hanging.

"Well it seems my theory of Naruto is correct" Shikaku says. All the heads of the council turned to him intently listening, even Hiashi was leaning towards the conversation.

"And what did you analyze about Naruto, Shikaku-san?" Tsume said very curious as the rest of the council were.

Sighing Shikaku began "Look at the way he has been moving against Hokage-sama. The speed at which he moves tells me he moves at least kage level and above.

His speed rivals the Hirashin if not above it. " Many of the mouths dropped at the thought of moving faster the Hirashin, the one move that ended a war and that made Minato a double S class ninja.

Shikaku continuing "Not only that but one of his techniques didn't require hand signs. This man has been single handily toying with Hokage-sama.

He has yet to perform any of his moves or pull his sword out. This tells me that his hidden moves must be stronger then they really are as well and he wants to hold some kind of trump card over him.

When he starts to use his techniques I believe Hokage-sama wont be able to keep up. "

All were silent at his revelation.

"Shikaku are you sure? I mean Hokage-sama is still very strong despite his old age. Right?" Mikoto speaking for the first time in the conversation Shikaku only sighs "Watch and see then"

Back to The Fight

Naruto then pointed his index finger out and said "Lets begin the real match ji-ji. Know that I will not pull punches.