Chapter - 31

Confessions, Academy, Special Genin, and Mei?

"What is the meaning of this Naruto" Sarutobi said in a strict voice. Naruto looked at him, ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"Its exactly what it means Hokage-jiji. " Naruto said.

Sarutobi was trying to wrap around his head at what he said. "Naruto, you just came back to the village and now you want to leave again? Are you seriously thinking about leaving?"

Naruto then began walk towards the window. Looking out he says "I am.

But not now. I still have a lot of planing to do.


Sarutobi then shouted "You will not leave this village Naruto! I will not allow it. Why would you want to leave anyways? Is it because of the people? You should have nothing to worry about because your strong now.

Why would you want to leave?" Naruto sighs again "You don't understand ji-ji. "

Sarutobi replied furiously raising his killing intent "The hell I don't! I made a promise to your mom and dad to fulfill their wish of seeing you as a hero in this village, I will not spit on their wish like the others! If you do so I you will have to fight me Naruto. " Naruto looking over his shoulder raises his spiritual pressure toppling Sarutobi's killing intent.

Sarutobi was frozen and in pain.

"If you let me explain for my reasons then I'm sure we can work something out" Stopping his spiritual pressure he looked at Sarutobi finally silent but still having labored breathing. "Sorry I had to do that ji-ji.

But before I was going to explain you decided to butt in. " Naruto still looking outside the window he continues

"This village was never my home ji-ji. You of all people know that.

The only thing that kept me here was you and possibly the hope my life would change for the better. Training with Aizen-sensei for these four years made me question my own beliefs of why I wanted to stay here.


"I realized my reason for staying was a just foolish thought to have and I realized it would have a slim chance of coming to fruition. Even now people call me the names I was called four years ago, their attitudes are the same.

I came to believe that some people will never change if their still deeply rooted in their beliefs. I for one will not tolerate it.

See ji-ji I have a dream. "

"My dream is to fulfill a promise to Kaa-san, Tou-san, and Aizen sensei that I made. The first one is to become the most feared shinobi in all these lands.

And my second dream is to start my own village and have it become more powerful than any of the villages here in the elemental nations. You see I have a lot of plans for my village ji-ji.


Sarutobi was shocked and was trying to take in all the information he just told him. Sarutobi defiantly knew he could become Kage if he wanted to seeing his skills first handily.

But Sarutobi thought if he wanted to build a village, he could defiantly defect and no one would stand a chance against him, so why was he telling him? He knew that Naruto looked at him like a grandfather as he looked to Naruto as a grandson so why?

"That is very surprising to hear Naruto. But let me ask you a question.

Why would you tell me?" Sarutobi said curious.

Naruto responded "Because ji-ji. I wanted to see if you would help since your closet thing I have to family.

And possibly join if your up for it" Sarutobi was now very surprised. "So that's why you want to be in the academy.

You want your name to be known first, but Naruto, what makes you think I would join let alone help? Im not warming up to the idea of having you defect Naruto. If you noticed I am still the hokage of this village.


"I figured you would say that. Tell me ji-ji what really keeps you here in Konoha.