Chapter - 40

Sakura yelled "Iruka-sensei is that even a real rank?" Iruka nods his head "Yes it is Sakura. Its rare but it is given to people who fall under a certain situation.

A situation I cannot elaborate on. "

Sauske was fuming "Why the hell does he get such a powerful position. He out ranks me.

I should be the one outranking him" Naruto nods his head. "Well good luck everyone.

From here on out your career's begin. Take it seriously and remember what I taught you here.

Your jounin sensei's will be in shortly" Iruka shunshin's out of the classroom.

Everyone decided to talk about how they all mad being ninja's. Naruto seeing how he has no obligation decided to walk and up and leave the class room.

Before he leaves he faces Hinata.

"Okay Hinata, I am going to leave now. I'll see you at my house okay.

Have fun meeting your teammates and new sensei. Don't be nervous, be confident because I know you can" Naruto said cupping her cheek while rubbing it with his thumb which she leaned into smiling and blushing.

He turns to Ino "Same goes for you too Ino. Have fun with your team and sensei as well.

Just follow these directions to get to my house. " Naruto said handing her a paper with directions.

He cups her face with his hand and rubs his thumb along her cheek as well. He begins to walk down down to the door until he comes to see Kurenai along with a man with a scruffy beard and cigarette enter.

Noticing him she smiles brightly. "Hi Naruto-kun are you going to leave?" Naruto smiles back "Man she really is beautiful" Naruto thought.

"Yeah I was about too, but now I see a reason to stay. It's not everyday I get blessed with someone as beautiful as you twice in one day.

And for that I thank the gods" Naruto said. Kurenai now sports a full on blush and giggles.

"You sure do know how to make a girl feel pretty Naruto-kun" Naruto chuckles "Well I am only telling the truth. You on the other hand know how to catch a guys attention.

" Kurenai still blushing just giggles even more. Asuma on the other hand was getting angry.

"Okay kid don't you have to be somewhere?" Asuma said. Naruto turns his gaze from Kurenai to Asuma.

His smile instantly fades and puts his battle face on. Kurenai how ever frowned at Asuma's rudeness and interrupting her time with Naruto.

Gazing at Asuma with such a fierce stare. "Yes I believe I do have an obligation.

" He turns to Kurenai and gives her a small smile.

"Well I will take my leave now, good bye Kurenai-chan. Shinobi-san" Naruto said.

Walking past them he feels someone latching on to his hand it was Kurenai. Looking at her she inches closer to where there bodies were almost touching.

She puts her mouth to his ear.

"I'm sorry about Asuma Naruto-kun. Also know that I am getting the first date.

" Kurenai whispers in a flirty tone.

Naruto smiles and whispers back in her ear" Well I'm glad you three decided. I would have liked to take you out a couple days from now but I have an important mission for the hokage in a couple days so I might be gone for awhile.


"But dont be sad, my beautiful ruby eyed queen. I'll take you out as soon as I get back.

Here is my consolation gift for not taking you now. " Pulling back Naruto gives her a kiss on the cheek and walks away.

Ino however was feeling something inside her a little bit jealousy and little of envy seeing this "What the hell. Who is this chick flirting with him out of no where? And why am I wishing he said those sweet things to me?"

Hinata too was feeling mildly jealous. Her Byakugan active.

"Why is she like that towards him. They must know each other but why am I feeling a little mad he wasn't doing that with me?" Both girls knew they were feeling something for Naruto.

Not sure what it was they both decided they would explore it later.

Kurenai brings her hand to her cheek "His ruby eyed queen? And a kiss to my cheek? Naruto-kun I cant believe I'm starting to fall. " Giggling she calls out her team.

As well as the other jouinin that arrived.

Naruto was glad he was given a slightly higher position. This meant he could implement his plans with not a lot of people knowing.

Deciding on talking to his ji-ji about it tomorrow he heads back to his house. An hour later Hinata and Ino came over to his house at the exact time.

Both were very excited spending the rest of the with Naruto.

He went to access their skills and found out they were pretty good for the kunoichi in their age group. Hinata was good at taijustu with her Byakugan active.

Naruto decided it would be good for her to up her physical training and learn a few justu's. Ino was in the middle with most of her things.

Not really being good at one thing thing, but not being bad at another. Although she uses her clan techniques really good.

Naruto thought it was would be good for her to increase her arsenal and and physical strength as well so they can both become well rounded. They spent the whole day beginning on chakra control first.

He wanted to make sure their control was good before he taught them any justu's. All in all the chakra control exercise paid off.

They mastered tree walking in one day which surprised him. He knew it would only be a matter of time before they start to get better than they are now if they keep working this hard.

Ino was able to spend less chakra on her clan techniques while Hinata was able to to spend less chakra using her Byakugan along with her techniques that went with the Byukugan.

As the day ended he asked them how their team's and sensei's were and he also told them that he might not be gone for a while due to...