Chapter - 36

" While Naruto was checking the classmates, he didn't notice that many girls in the class had hearts in their eyes looking at Naruto and his tall, lean physique. While both Hinata and Ino who sported blushes still had it controlled to where it didn't look noticeable

"Naruto-kun. I can't wait to train.

But now looking at him he is so handsome. His clothes cling to him making him look so muscular.

I wonder what he looks like under them. Wait bad Hinata!" Hinata thought with a small nosebleed failing to block out the images she was receiving in her head.

"My god who is the handsome man. He looks way better than Sauske.

" The platinum haired girl notices his gaze on her, it was so firece. He then smiles very warmly making her look to the ground with a small blush.

"Why does his smile makes me feel this way. Guys usually go crazy when I smile but why is it the opposite?"

Iruka snapped him out his examination of the class. "Okay class, it seems we have new student joining us.

" Quickly being interrupted by a shout from a boy with a dog on his lap.

"Hey why the hell does he get to join us for graduation when he didn't even spend one day in this class?" Iruka responded "Well he got permission from the Hokage to join. Unless you don't agree with his decisions you can see him after class.

" Shutting up the dog boy, he continued "So Naruto would you like to tell us a little about yourself?"

Naruto looking out towards the students with his emotionless gaze "My name is Naurto Namikaze and that is all you need to know. " Iruka and most of the students instantly recognized the last name.

"He's related to the Yondaime?" but quickly face faulted a little when hearing his short lack luster response.

"Is there anything else you would like to include? Likes, dislikes?" Naruto turned his head to just look at him, his gaze giving the message that he was not going to continue. "Oookay.

Naruto you can go find a seat. I was just discussing the requirements of the graduation test"

Walking up to an open seat next to Hinata he sits down and turns to Hinata. "So it seems we are in the same class Hinata-chan.

Are you still up for training today?" Naruto says smiling which made her blush slightly. "Y-yeah I guess we are in the same class.

And yes Naruto-kun I am actually looking forward to getting stronger. " Hinata says.

Naruto nods her head. He turns her head to the platinum haired girl next to him.

He couldn't help but blatantly stare at her face. Speaking first "And what would the name of a very beautiful lady that sits beside be?" Naruto said.

Ino for the first time was a little shocked he openly tried flirting her by complementing her. Sporting a blush "My name is Ino Yamanaka" Naruto recognizes the last name.

"Ah Yamanaka, I believe I met your dad. Inoichi it is? A nice man" Ino was trying to figure out how he knew her dad of all people, she might just have to ask him later.

Naruto continued "So do you know anyone in this class" He asked Ino.

"Yeah I know just about everyone. The freaky looking guy with the glasses is named Shino he's from the Aburame clan, he super quite and keeps to himself.

The guy you see asleep on his table is Shikimaru from the Nara clan, super lazy although he is super smart. Probably the smartest out of us here.

That guy their with the super pale skin and black hair, his name is Sai. He doesn't talk that much but he is very awkward at times.


"Next to him is the big guy eating chips, his name is Choji from the Akimchi clan, he likes to eat a lot, oh and for the record never call him fat. He hates it and he will hit you.

Kiba is the guys name with the dog he's from the Inuzuka clan, super loud and brash. "

"The pink haired girl who you see fawning over that guy, her name is Sakura. She was my best friend.

Until her obsessiveness of that guy over there drove us apart. That and because I used to be the exact same way over him but I found it he wasn't the person that I thought he was, and I decided to take my career seriously.

And the guy you see that most girls and forehead girl are going crazy for is Sauske from the Uchiha clan. A big jerk if you ask me.

" Naruto only laughed softly "Forehead girl?"

Ino smirks "Yeah we used to be rivals, that was my nickname for her" Naruto chuckles again "Well beautiful and funny. I like" Naruto says.

Ino grins "You do huh? Well I can give you more thing to like" She says putting her arms under her developing bust, accentuating them in front of Naruto. Naruto smirks inwardly knowing he was being challenged "My favorite types of girls"

Naruto then took the time to act bold and trail his fingers on her soft hand. "My Ino-chan, you have very soft skin.

I really hope we can become friends so I might be able to see more things to like" Ino who was blushing at his flirting decided to fight back. "Well I really hope we do Naruto-kun.

So that way you can rub my hand like this all the time. It feels really good"

Ino says with a flirty grin. "You would like that huh? Well I guess I can grant a beautiful girls wish just once" Naruto said turning his gaze away to focus on the instructor but not before winking at her.

Ino sat there flustered "I don't even know this guy but yet he manged to make me blush in matter of seconds. Its going to be fun getting to know you Naruto-kun.

Although I hope I don't turn into a fan girl again. I'm not going there again.