*Chapter 17: The Confrontation*

Inside the hideout, the atmosphere was dark and oppressive. The walls were lined with old, crumbling stone, and the air was thick with the scent of dampness and decay. The brothers moved cautiously, their eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the chamber, chilling and mocking. "So, the leaf shinobi have come to play. How delightful."

From the darkness emerged two figures clad in the Akatsuki's black cloaks with red clouds. One was a tall man with an orange mask that covered his face, his single eye peering out ominously. The other was a man with long blonde hair, his mouth twisted in a sadistic grin.

"Deidara," Himanshu whispered, recognizing the blonde. His eyes shifted to the masked man. "And that's… Tobi."

Divyansh stepped forward, his fists clenched. "Where's Gaara?"

Deidara chuckled, his voice dripping with disdain. "Your friend is with us, but not for much longer. The extraction is nearly complete. Soon, the One-Tails will be ours."

Himanshu's Sharingan flared to life. "Not if we have anything to say about it."

With a nod from Jiraiya, the group sprang into action. Himanshu and Divyansh charged toward Deidara and Tobi, their movements swift and precise. Jiraiya moved to support them, while the Konoha jonin spread out to search for Gaara.

Deidara leaped into the air, tossing a handful of clay birds at the brothers. The birds exploded on contact, forcing Himanshu and Divyansh to dodge. The explosions rocked the chamber, sending debris flying.

Divyansh formed a Rasengan, aiming it at Deidara. "Take this!"

Deidara smirked, evading the attack with ease. "You'll have to do better than that, little jinchuriki."

Meanwhile, Himanshu faced off against Tobi, his Sharingan analyzing the masked man's movements. Tobi seemed to phase in and out of existence, making it impossible to land a hit.

"Your tricks won't work on me," Tobi taunted, his voice playful yet sinister. "I'm not someone you can defeat so easily."

Himanshu gritted his teeth, his mind racing. He remembered from the original timeline that Tobi's ability allowed him to phase through attacks. But how could they counter it?

Jiraiya, noticing the brothers' struggle, summoned a large toad to assist. "Himanshu, Divyansh, we need to find Gaara! I'll keep these two occupied. Go!"

Himanshu hesitated, his eyes flickering between Jiraiya and Tobi. "But—"

Jiraiya's voice cut through the chaos. "Go! We can't afford to waste time. I'll handle these two!"

Reluctantly, Himanshu and Divyansh dashed deeper into the hideout. The corridors were narrow and winding, their senses on high alert as they searched for any sign of Gaara.

Himanshu's Sharingan scanned the surroundings, picking up traces of chakra that led them to a large chamber. Inside, they found Gaara lying on a stone altar, his face contorted in pain as black, swirling energy began to envelop him. The Akatsuki were almost done with the extraction.

Divyansh's heart raced as he saw Gaara in such a dire state. "We have to stop this!"

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the doorway, blocking their path. It was Sasori, his red cloak billowing behind him. His expression was emotionless, his eyes focused on the brothers.

"Sasori of the Red Sand," Himanshu said, recognizing the former member of the Akatsuki. "You're the one behind this."

Sasori's puppet-like movements were precise and deliberate. "Indeed. And you're too late. The extraction is nearly complete."

Divyansh clenched his fists. "We won't let you finish it!"

Sasori's eyes narrowed. "How amusing. Let's see if you can back up your words."

With that, Sasori unleashed a barrage of kunai and shurikens from his puppet's arm, forcing the brothers to dodge. The projectiles flew with deadly accuracy, each one aimed to incapacitate.

Himanshu and Divyansh moved swiftly, using their skills to evade the attacks. Himanshu activated his Fire Style, sending a stream of flames toward Sasori, while Divyansh prepared a Rasengan to strike.

Sasori's puppet twisted and contorted, blocking the fire with its own defensive mechanisms. The flames dissipated against the puppet's armor, and Sasori used the distraction to close the distance between them.

Divyansh's Rasengan connected with Sasori's puppet, but the impact was absorbed by the puppet's defensive measures. Sasori responded with a sharp counterattack, his puppet's arms extending and striking with incredible force.

Despite their efforts, it was clear that Sasori was a formidable opponent. Himanshu and Divyansh knew they needed to change tactics. Himanshu focused on creating openings, using his Sharingan to anticipate Sasori's moves, while Divyansh combined his attacks with a series of powerful jutsu to keep Sasori off balance.

In the midst of the battle, the sound of clashing steel and jutsu echoed through the chamber. The brothers fought with everything they had, determined to protect Gaara and stop the Akatsuki's plans.

Finally, Divyansh saw an opportunity. He created a massive Rasengan and charged at Sasori, pushing through the puppet's defenses. The Rasengan collided with Sasori's puppet, sending it crashing into the wall. Sasori was thrown off balance, his control over the puppet momentarily disrupted.

Himanshu seized the moment. "Now, Divyansh!"

Divyansh nodded and unleashed a powerful series of Rasengan strikes, overwhelming Sasori's defenses. The Akatsuki member staggered, his eyes showing a flicker of surprise and frustration.

"We have to finish this!" Divyansh shouted.

Himanshu nodded, his Sharingan glowing fiercely. He focused his chakra into a massive Fire Style jutsu, amplifying its intensity. The flames roared as they surged toward Sasori, who struggled to protect himself with his remaining puppets.

The heat and force of the attack overwhelmed Sasori's defenses. He stumbled back, gasping for breath as his puppet was destroyed. "You… you're stronger than I thought."

Himanshu and Divyansh pressed their advantage, determined to end the fight. Sasori, weakened and battered, realized he couldn't win this battle. With a final, pained glance at Gaara, he retreated, disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Himanshu and Divyansh rushed to Gaara's side. The extraction was nearly complete, but the brothers used their combined strength to disrupt the remaining process. Divyansh tapped into the Nine-Tails' chakra, using its power to push back the dark energy swirling around Gaara.

"Hold on, Gaara!" Divyansh urged, his voice filled with determination.

With a final burst of chakra, the brothers managed to disrupt the extraction. The dark energy dissipated, and Gaara's body relaxed as the process was halted. He lay still, breathing heavily but alive.

Jiraiya and the Konoha jonin arrived, their faces showing relief and exhaustion. "You did it," Jiraiya said, his voice filled with admiration. "You saved Gaara."

Himanshu nodded, looking at the battered but victorious faces around him. "We couldn't have done it without everyone's help."

The Sand Village shinobi, including Kankuro, approached them with gratitude. "Thank you," Kankuro said, his voice earnest. "You've done more than you know."

As the group prepared to leave the hideout, the brothers felt a sense of accomplishment. They had faced powerful enemies, saved a crucial ally, and proven their strength. But they also knew that the Akatsuki would not rest, and their mission was far from over.