*Chapter 22: Clash of Titans*

The battle began with intense ferocity. Hidan charged at the group with his scythe, his movements swift and unpredictable. Kakuzu followed, using his elemental jutsu to create devastating attacks. The cave was soon filled with the sounds of clashing metal, explosions, and shouts.

Himanshu and Divyansh fought side by side, using their combined strength to hold off the Akatsuki members. Himanshu's Sharingan allowed him to predict Hidan's erratic movements, while Divyansh unleashed powerful Rasengan attacks to disrupt Kakuzu's elemental techniques.

Jiraiya fought against Kakuzu, using his own vast array of jutsu to counter the Akatsuki member's attacks. The battle was fierce, with each side pushing their limits. Hidan's immortality made him particularly challenging, as his body could recover from seemingly fatal injuries.

Despite the chaos, the brothers remained focused. They knew that they had to protect the container and prevent the Akatsuki from accessing whatever it held.

Divyansh's eyes narrowed as he saw Hidan preparing for another attack. "Himanshu, cover me! I'm going to try to break through Kakuzu's defenses!"

Himanshu nodded, his Sharingan glowing fiercely. He engaged Hidan, using his speed and precision to keep him occupied. Divyansh focused all his chakra into a massive Rasengan, charging at Kakuzu with unwavering determination.

With a final, explosive impact, Divyansh's Rasengan shattered Kakuzu's defenses, sending him crashing into the wall. The Akatsuki member groaned in pain, struggling to regain his footing.

Hidan, seeing his ally incapacitated, let out a furious scream. "You'll pay for this!"

Himanshu seized the opportunity, unleashing a powerful Fire Style jutsu that engulfed Hidan in intense flames. The Akatsuki member roared in agony, his body writhing in the inferno.

The brothers pressed their advantage, their teamwork and resolve making them formidable opponents. The battle raged on, each side fighting with everything they had.

Finally, with one last surge of power, the brothers and Jiraiya managed to subdue Hidan and Kakuzu. The Akatsuki members, battered and defeated, were forced to retreat, their plans thwarted once again.