*Chapter 28: Clash of Titans*

The battle erupted with fierce intensity. Kisame's massive sword clashed with Divyansh's Rasengan, while Itachi's Sharingan matched Himanshu's in a deadly dance of jutsu and counterattacks. The chamber became a battleground of elemental techniques and powerful strikes.

Himanshu engaged Itachi, their Sharingans locked in a clash of wills. Itachi's mastery of the Sharingan allowed him to anticipate Himanshu's moves, making the fight incredibly challenging.

Divyansh faced Kisame, his Rasengan and chakra-enhanced attacks struggling against the Akatsuki member's strength and Samehada's chakra-absorbing properties. The combat was fierce, with both sides pushing their limits.

Jiraiya, using his sage techniques, supported the brothers by creating openings and defending against Kisame's relentless attacks. Despite their combined efforts, the Akatsuki members proved to be formidable opponents.

As the battle raged on, Itachi used his genjutsu to disorient Himanshu, his eyes flashing with malevolent intent. "You're growing weaker, little brother. Will you ever surpass me?"

Himanshu grit his teeth, focusing through the genjutsu. "I won't let you win!"

Meanwhile, Divyansh, driven by his desire to protect, unleashed a powerful Rasengan barrage, forcing Kisame to retreat momentarily. He knew they had to find a way to overcome their enemies.