Interlude. Naive Girl.

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Elvina - blue eyes with a dark cast, lush red hair braided into a small braid, and an impressive size five bust, as well as cute facial features and a naive expression. A brave, kind and sensual girl with dreams of becoming an adventurer, from a little known village. Even from childhood she was prophesied to be a 'genius' of the sword, and her father - a former royal guard, at least that's what he said, predicted her talent and quick rise to the skies of the most skilful swordsman in the world! Ever since she was a child, she'd been told she was a genius, the kind of genius that only comes along once every millennium! With such a destiny, you must have thought she would become an arrogant, good-for-nothing miss who doesn't value other people or human lives?

Not at all. The girl has not become arrogant. On the contrary. Too kind and very naive. Maybe it was because of the books she read on the sly when her father was busy, or maybe she was like that herself. Either is what it is. From childhood she had been taught the wisdom of life by the local women, which on the one hand had given her good housekeeping skills, and on the other hand had in some ways moulded her into the unprecedented charm of a statuesque beauty on top of what she had by nature. But she had no friends. As they say, the highlighted beauty and talent is the envy of many, for the same reason she was hated by the local children, and she was left alone.

Now, the girl was about to become a traveller, leaving the village in search of adventure, carrying only a sword given by her father, supplies, a couple of coins and a light leather armour.

Setting off on her first journey, the girl moved along the road, admired the flowers and got lost in the forest. Though she was talented and, one might say, intelligent, she was an absolute zero without a guide. Even the skills and knowledge she had acquired during her childhood, her father's instructions, did not help her find the right path.

So she wandered, trying to find her way out of the thicket.

An accident, you might say. But... No. For as long as Elvina could remember, her father had aged extremely fast, and her mother had died after she was born. By the time she was sixteen, her father was completely grey, wrinkled and weak, sometimes he didn't even know what was going on, and it was only his will that kept him from going insane, and it just so happened that he forgot to show her the way into town.

And Elvina, because of her emotions, simply forgot to ask. And surprisingly enough, the knowledge from the books she had read during her childhood could not help her either. She knew how to survive in the forest, where it was better to hunt and where it was dangerous! She had learnt etiquette, literacy, a bestiary of monsters, but she didn't know where the town was.

Alas, the village remains a village - almost universal illiteracy and all that stems from it. The books Elvina had already found could be considered a great stroke of luck!

Anyway, she had to spend the night in the forest, in the open air. And she was scared, alone, in an unknown place. Because of her fear, she could not sleep and spent the night practising with her sword. In the morning, tired but even a little satisfied, she ate a caught and roasted horned rabbit, rinsed herself at the nearest stream and, gathering her things, moved on, into the unknown thicket of the forest.

Because of some pompousness or maybe naivety, the young girl thought that she could find her way to the city and only by the second night, she had doubts and wanted to go back to the village, but she didn't know where to go.

Well, at least she could sleep and have dinner.

So several days passed, until one day, because of a sleepless night, Elvina missed an ambush of small goblins. Due to fatigue, the girl fought as hard as she could, but several sleepless nights had weakened her so much that she held on only by sheer willpower.

Eventually, she was captured and a fight for the female began. The goblins wanted to fuck her immediately, but a large goblin, or rather hobgoblin, with a club and a scar on his face came out to her. When he came up to her, he swatted the insolent goblin who was coming forward with his club and smiled a smile that did not bode well for the girl! From what Elvina could not stand it, clogged in the fetters and wet herself with fear.

The girl knew how her captivity might end, and she did not want it with all her might.

Now, without a minute three - she was a prisoner of the goblins. Wrapped in ropes that prevented her from making any movement, she was in a cave full of women and goblins. To the disgusted laughter of one or the other freak, the girls were raped. And one, the fattest of the goblins, tore up a little girl and cackled at the top of his lungs. Elvina was 'lucky', she hadn't been 'touched' yet. But...

From the opening picture of what was happening, the young girl - aka silly girl - despaired. Her eyes faded, and no longer burned with that joyful fire. The girl knew what would happen to her in the future, and she couldn't think of such a thing while still remaining within herself... Her father said she was a genius, that she was born once in a thousand years, and she ended up like this... in a goblin cave, and she was destined only for the fate of a sow... Tears flowed relentlessly from her eyes in two streams, flooding her heart with burning despair.


And even the fact that she hadn't been touched yet didn't add to her joy, because that hobgoblin clearly had his eye on her. And if she lifted her head, she'd see his face. Tom was clearly sick of just looking at her, and he reached out and grabbed her clothes, ripping them off in one fell swoop, exposing her large, milky breasts that rippled hypnotisingly. The hobgoblin even drooled, looking at such huge balls of tender pink nipples.

'N-no, I don't want to! Don't! Please save me! Please!' - she was beating hysterically, smearing tears of despair on her still beautiful face. The hobgoblin had already reached for the tattered rag that was replacing his trousers....

- Gooey-gooey-gooey! Big Bleuth! Gui! She's your gui! - came the voice of another fat freak. Elvina didn't even notice as all the goblins stopped raping the women and started saying something.

The girl stared in amazement at the hobgoblin, who swatted the goblin fucking the corpse of a once-living girl - and moved away from her to leave.

Elvina was greatly relieved when all the goblins hurried after the ringleader. Perhaps if she could get the restraints off...

After a few minutes of squealing, she heard the sounds of battle, and that gave her hope of escape.

The flames in her once extinguished eyes flared up again, and the girl began to cut the ropes with a knife that had appeared out of nowhere with desperate fervour. Though... the women had somewhere, discreetly, to hide their weapons.....