Unpleasant with pleasant. Part 2.

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It's been one 'hard' day since that yuri performance.

Such a long day. Especially when your cock is eager to show itself to everyone! Still, it was the first time I'd ever seen one of those! Up close and holding them by their soft places. And it was unexpected. I imagined it would be just a kiss on the lips without a tongue. She'd suck out her mana and get on with her work.

And then bam. She sucked me like a hoover, and the kiss was not a simple one - French, with abundant exchange of saliva! Vivid and so exciting! For a minute or two I watched two girls kissing, and I was also able to participate a little bit, kissing one of them by her firm and soft ass and the other by her tender breasts.

Yes... then my dragon... and screamed fire - white fire. And I confess, I even for a few seconds believed that he was about to drill the heavens and rise above the caves with countless treasures! And then he would enter them and....

Ugh... I'd rather not think about that right now. I don't need another fire eruption like that! And he's probably happy about it.

As it turned out, the goblin blood had something to do with me, too. I knew the goblin race was genetically wired for lust. But knowing is one thing. Being one is another.

So... spewing flames like a dragon. Hehehe... body of a goblin, and soul of a dragon! I even imagined for a second that I'd be hunting local females and--

Stop! I'm going hentai again! I forgot we've been in the village for 20 minutes. We got there in the late afternoon, by the way.

And this village doesn't look like much. It looks more like an ordinary village. Surrounded by a wooden fence. And the inhabitants are so uneducated! Even Elvina has lived in a village before, which seems like a decent town compared to this place.

No, I don't have anything against the villagers. Quite nice... in some parts, people (when you see bad things, everything looks nice). And when they heard that I... okay - we exterminated the local goblin lair (nearby), the villagers almost threw a feast in our honour!

Turns out they've been terrorised by goblins for two months now (goodness knows how they're still alive). And they steal their local cattle, and sometimes even girls. In fact, the wenches we dragged in were residents of this village. And when their husbands/parents saw them, they almost started shedding tears and thanking (but only thanking).

On that note, we put them in the hands of the villagers. And they are happy and we now have somewhere to sleep for another day. As it turned out, there were several vacant houses (they kindly offered us a place to sleep and replenish our strength), and their former owners were either chewed up by local fauna or just goblins.

Now here we are. I'm sitting like a monk, cross-legged on a straw bed: wearing clothes so no one can see my green skin. And practising... my control, a bit of magical sight, all I can do, and reinforcement along with will! Bit by bit, taking a bite of stale bread, replenishing my strength (before that, I was able to get a good meal of meat from the same wolves).



I want to cry at the injustice of it. Now... three beautiful girls are washing themselves in the local bathhouse! Washing off their impurities, washing their soft and delicate skin... and at the same time exploring each other's breasts - who has bigger, and who has softer... I was also offered to wash, and together with the girls! Aaaaaaaa!!!!! How unfair!!! I want to kill for injustice! Whine...whine....

And instead of frolicking with the girls right now. I'm jerking off my dick like some kind of OJasch! And all because of my skin colour and fear... Eh, and what was the desire to agree... But no, I had to politely refuse. I aroused the girls' suspicion as if I'd confessed that I was gay! And I'm more into boys.

I still have the words of Aquina and the other girls in my head:

'A-arien-sama! Y-you're...y-you're...cruel!' - Roaring, she ran out of the house where we were. To Elvina's perplexed look.

'What's wrong with her, Vivi-chan?' - Elvina asked curiously.

To which... I got an eloquent look from her, and then heard words that were painful to my heart.

'A boy... with a boy...' - she replied coldly, after which she grabbed the still perplexed Elvina by the arm and led her away behind Aquina.

So... that was it. I, of course, protested and was about to say that I was straight, but they had already disappeared behind the setting sun.

It was hurtful... to hear that. Especially the hobo. With goblin blood. Even my goblin nature was fucked by such words, and intended to prove another thing to them - to fuck them all night until morning. I managed to calm myself down and force myself to sit on the bed, to do much more pleasant things... No, you're thinking of the wrong thing. Wanking off when there are chicks in my environment is...kinda...OUCH. Although...tonight could be interesting...hehehehehe...Even found out a bit about the mini-map. And found one new thing - I can know where Elvina is right now. Oddly enough, I forgot again. And before that it was switched off. Now on my minicard in the fog of war (undiscovered location) a red circle with an 'E' was displayed. With a status of alive.

Now we get to the most interesting part - the rolling. Even before arriving in the village (my poor legs, I stumbled every twenty metres and caught strange looks at myself), we were attacked several times. And all by the same Fulfs! Apparently those ones were too vindictive... or was it just us bumping into their habitats? Whatever. Although... now we have meat in abundance. And we sold it to the same villagers. Most importantly, I was able to raise my stats by one point each (I fought by shooting fire). I got a thousand experience and raised a couple of skills, such as stealth, regeneration, mana control, keen sense of smell, dash, magic gaze, small mana regeneration core, by one level. Pain resistance, hunter, beast instinct, by two.

With the increase in keen sniff, I began to sense odours a little more clearly - my poor nose suffered more. More of a minus for now.

Regeneration was... easier. Sometimes, falling was particularly painful. And even my instincts didn't always help me in manoeuvring, though they were a useful instinct in combat - I always got a clench when I spotted a Fulph ambush on us. However, as long as I had time to tell Aquina, she already spotted them a kilometre away and warned us about the ambush. That's how I raised the jerk skill when I was in a hurry to warn Aquina about the ambush. The skill eats, of course, a little mana and a lot of stamina (without constant reinforcement). After every third jerk, I had to sit down for five minutes to rest. Thus delaying our caravan. But the distance that I reduced was equal to three metres (with reinforcement also three, but the stamina spent much less, but mana consumed even more), with an interval after each jerk of five seconds. There was a visual effect, by the way, very much like a microteleport. True, the silhouette of the jerk is always visible.

According to the same Elvina, she... could do that too. A little worse, but more often than me. It's only two metres, 7 seconds apart, but she's only recently mastered this skill. She even demonstrated how to do it. Too bad I couldn't see very well at that moment. But in my magic vision... I could see the mana quickly accumulating in her legs, and at the moment of the spurt, it evaporated. So she was using up a lot less stamina. But in terms of magic... she had a good reserve... I guess. To be honest, I don't see mana reserve in humans yet. So far per level I can see more clearly, but no more than that.

So... that's it, actually. Now I'm sitting cross-legged, trying to see the fireball in my hand with my magical eye. By the way, it lit up the dark room and lowered my mana scale. This time I was enough for about ten minutes, and then the mana scale dropped to a dangerous level of thirty units. Which... made me squirm. I felt dizzy, and rainbow-coloured glitches began to appear in my eyes again.

Magical gaze skill enhanced.

Oh... fuck... at least my eyes don't hurt so much now. But... now I can't see everything so blurry! I can even see the colour of the wood. Well, I think that's enough training for today. I think it's time to check the jewels, because they've been soaking in a wooden basin of cold water for a minute now.

Getting out of bed, I leisurely walked over to the basin and looked at the slightly murky water. What can I say. The catch was not so good. Instead of gold rings - there was one silver token. But there were a lot of steel tokens with scribbles in an incomprehensible language. And on both sides. And if on one side there were... so to say the same patterns, then on the other side there were quite different.

Hmm... I guess on one side (the front side) it says 'Adventurer's Guild', I didn't read the manga for nothing. But on the other... probably the names of the losers that died? By the way. I haven't seen the tokens of... Aquina and Vivi. I should ask them about the guild when I get a chance.

Okay, what do we have here? - I reached for the--

*Bam* The wooden door swung open (distracting me) and almost flew off its hinges. But the girls had already stepped inside.

- Waaaahhhh! - Aquina stretched happily, delighting my nose with her fresh body odour, 'Arien-sama! We're done!

'I remember... it's called...' - I grudgingly muttered, looking at a satisfied and clean Aquina. But Aquina's slightly short grey dress with a cutout on her chest was above reproach, just like Vivi's - 'apparently the locals shared it'.

Simple and tasteful. Elvina's clothes were different, though. A white shirt with a cutout on her chest and an apron with braces... That made her breasts protrude, attracting stares. And that could lead to trouble in the future. I should follow up on that, but right now.

My eyes can't get enough of the open view.

- Your beauty is as beautiful as ever, lovely ladies! - I said admiringly, and then added a touch of pity in my voice, - it will be very sad if it gets dirty with the dirt in this house.

- Nothing, we have to perform tomorrow morning...so...*long yawn*, still put on other clothes...ah...now, we will go to sleep...*another yawn* Good night, sir! - Elvina said sleepily, moving along with Vivi. She, by the way, also wished me a good night's sleep before going to her room.

But Aquina stayed behind, fidgeting nervously with her dress.

- Arien-sama... there are no more beds available...' she said, looking at me with a confused look, 'so... if you don't mind... we'll sleep together! - she mumbled in a stutteringly quiet voice, looking down at the floor.

'Ahem! How... I want your calf! Be patient, Arik! Be patient - you're saving it for yourself! You'll have time!' - fighting the urge of the lustful half of me, I managed with some effort to make myself forget about the 'possible night'.

- Sorry, Aquina...

- W-what? W-why? - she immediately flared up, raising her gaze at me, 'I... am I disgusting to you? - she almost cried, rubbing her eyes.

And looking at such a picture, my heart was bleeding!

'Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! We need to raise the level soon!!!' - Clasping my hands together, I walked over to her with a sad sigh and with a 'clean' glove (wiped on my trousers, I hope they were clean), rubbed her head and with a chuckle gave out:

- No, honestly, I like you. But...' he waited a bit for the girl to calm down, and now she stopped rubbing her eyes.

- N-no? - she immediately stared where my eyes were supposed to be and in a quiet, hopeful voice repeated after me.

- Now I'm a bit dirty - ahhhh, don't look at my breasts, look at my eyes! - my clothes are dirty, and I probably smell like... well, I don't know who... heh-heh-heh.....

- No!' she shook her head indignantly, 'you smell n-normal! Nothing nasty! - she said, grabbing my hand and holding it tighter to her head, 'm-can... stroke me... as much as you want...

'Um... what?' - a mute question floated up in my head. Stroke my head... as much as I want? Isn't that something I do whenever I want?

- Hehehe, I've been stroking your head from the beginning, haven't I?

- N-no! E-that...' embarrassed, she modestly let go of my hand and lowered her head.

This is where my goggle clenched... no, not from danger. The girl took a timid step forward, slowly raising her hand (as if she wanted to touch me, but was afraid to do it right away).

'Shit... want to... only then it'll be fucked! That's right! I haven't been to the baths yet, have I?'

- That's right! Aquinas, I haven't been to the baths! You can go to bed without me! - I shouted out already outside the threshold of the house, hiding from her gaze and ignoring the surprised looks of some of the men...

'Ugh, that was really close. Just a little bit more and trouble... at least chew my arse! I'll have to go out tonight,' I muttered mentally from the long night. After that I asked the first man where the bathhouse was and went in the direction indicated.

Hopefully, at least there I will be able to relax....

* * *

Looking at the back of Arien's running back, Aquinas was hurt. A silent pain gripped her sweet heart. Her chest boiled and ached. Without knowing why, a lone tear rolled down her cheeks and her lips smiled happily. He hadn't rejected her, but he hadn't accepted her either....

It made her happy and sad at the same time.

But she wouldn't back down and she would get her way! No matter how much she had to... *she felt ashamed* to seduce him! The main thing is to do it before the other two rivals do it!

With a final smile, she went back to the room where Arien used to sit.... *creepy shame* but... at least there's something!

* * *

When I got to the local bathhouse, I only now noticed that I'd been holding that copper ring in my hand the whole way. By itself, it was ordinary. It wasn't outstanding among other ordinary rings, but the strange engraving...

That engraving hinted at its uniqueness. Maybe. A guess, of course, what if it was a mega ring with spatial inventory?

Well, why not? Am I in a fantasy or something? I'll check it out after the bath. I've got all night.

Now, the main thing is to have time to steam up and turn off the lights from unnecessary stares, just in case. Yes, to dissuade other men who also want to steam in the bathhouse.