Interlude. Vivi's innocent childhood.

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* Zing*

+2 strength.

+1 dexterity

+2 stamina

+1 spirit

Gained the crushing weapon skill

After waving off the notice and crouching near a tree, I breathed heavily, sweaty and tired, and finally lay down to rest, hidden from the rays of the rising sun.

My muscles ached mercilessly, filling me with hot lead. A pleasant shiver ran through my body, and I became a little stronger. Some knowledge that I tiredly left for later appeared in my head.

Tired, sweaty - I finally got my coveted crushing weapon skill, and I also raised my stats by a few points.

I think it was a good idea to use the time until morning. Although difficult and very exhausting. Still, swinging a club like some swordsman in a dojo is exhausting.

The hunger, which I had forgotten about, returned again and began to torment me with fits and obscene sounds. I mean, I wanted to eat very badly, and I thought I was being a bit silly.

Five hours was the time I spent working out. From deep into the night until morning, breaking every forty minutes for a short rest and returning to training.

Well, I can congratulate myself. The experiment was a success and the skill I wanted to acquire is now available to me after all this time. A skill can be learnt by engaging in a particular activity. Like me recently, beating enemies or trees with a club. And I'm still lucky that I have the basics of swordsmanship skills and an idea of how to train, or else, without a teacher, I'd be swinging for well over five hours! That's what I thought.

However, that didn't change the fact that I was dirty again. And I was thirsty, though very thirsty, but it was bearable.

Putting the club back in the ring, I stood up on trembling legs. I leaned on the tree and straightened up to my full height, feeling all my muscles aching.

I thought the villagers would share some food, or sell it to me. I don't have a penny on me now, but the sack I picked up from the bandits should hold a few gold and copper coins from the sale of Fulph meat.

And it's worth resupplying and finding out the way to the next town. Buy a map, if you have one, and some spare clothes. I don't know about the local forge, but I think there's one here, and there will be swords... probably. Anyway, I've got a lot to do today.

Gotta run in to the local chief, I think he wanted to talk about a reward for helping out or something.

'I hope it's worthwhile!' - With some sort of anticipation, I moved towards the house.


Aquina was not pleased. Frowning her eyebrows and propping her chin up with her hand, she stared at the rising sun, squinting at the first bright rays.

Throughout the night, Arien-sama had never shown up back, and had been disappearing into the unknown! All night he had made her worry and wait for him, and then she had fallen asleep on the rough bed unnoticed. By doing so, they couldn't wait for him to fall asleep, well... he wasn't there at all! But the plan they had come up with had failed! Which made her angry.

And when she woke up alone, she suspected something was wrong.

'Where could he have been all night?' - were the thoughts in her head.

Grumbling unhappily, she heard the door creak open behind her and a sleepy red-haired girl came out. With dishevelled hair and a sleepy face, she yawned savourably, bulging her voluminous assets, stretching her arms up.

- 'Good morning Aquina-dono...' the wonder mumbled sleepily, shuffling her feet and ignoring Aquina as she went outside to go about her girlish business.

'Titsy!' - she gave her a disgruntled look and then glanced down at her own. What she was thinking at that moment was unknown.

A second girl came out of the other room, but with blue hair: just as sleepy, with a blank, expressionless look. She yawned and stretched, rubbing her eyes with her hands, her head down. Her face was hidden behind a strand of long hair at that moment, and she followed Elvina out of the way, but stopped near the doorway and looked over her shoulder at Aquina.

- 'Good...' she greeted in a cold voice, and without waiting for a reply, disappeared behind the door.

'Now we are noticeably outnumbered...'

- Ooh! Good morning, Vivi-chan! - A familiar male voice sounded from outside the street, causing Aquina to jump up from her seat and quickly leave the house.


There was no sign of trouble. I arrived at the house where we were staying quickly and found a sleepy Vivi rubbing her eyes while yawning sleepily. She exuded cuteness, which made me stare at the back of her dress, revealing her luscious thighs and white panties. Her skirt was short as it was, and now it was even more so - it was completely up. And after sleeping, her clothes looked very dishevelled.

Which, by the way, was also evidenced by her slightly exposed breasts. Her clothes were so dishevelled that they were revealing a lot. And strangely enough, I didn't feel aroused today, which was good.

Walking over to her, I greeted the cutie and rubbed her head. Before I could say anything, an angry Aquinas came running out of the house, demanding that I tell her where I'd been all night and why I'd made her so nervous.

The next thing I knew, I was making up an excuse on the fly. But my short silence was too suspicious, and the girl was already squinting at me with a look that didn't promise anything good! She had a very funny look on her face: she had her eyebrows drawn together and her lips pressed together, and she was looking at me with a wait-and-see look, tinged with resentment. Cute, which was the reason I couldn't think of anything better.

- I was training and forgot about the time... hehe,' If I had blonde hair and a human face, I would have ruffled my hair and smiled modestly, narrowing my eyes as I do in various anime. And maybe I'd get knocked afterwards, but Aquina's not like a tsundere... is she... right?

She's not going to beat me with her nice fists while shouting out what a fool and pervert I am, is she?

- That's right, then...' she surprisingly stopped feigning offence and smiled sweetly, 'then... Arien-sama, how exactly did you train? - With the smile of a bloodthirsty predator that sensed its prey, a black aura of negativity appeared behind her back....

'Wha? What kind of magic is this!'

- Um, A-akwina? - Taking a step back, I stretched my arms forward, raising my palms upwards. I was increasingly not liking the situation. Glimpsing Vivi looking at us with interest, I looked at her as if to ask: 'What's wrong with her?'. Surprisingly, Vivi yawned sleepily and patted her cheeks.

- 'Vvvvas your clothes, Arien... herself,' she clenched one hand into a fist, her eyes hidden behind fringes of golden hair, and her aura took on a darker hue from behind.

'Is it just me, or is this a cliché... a misunderstanding? - Looking at Aquina, I took another step back and noticed that Vivi was standing next to me (when only she had time) and started sniffing at something.

- *Sniff, sniff* - she pressed herself against my arm and clutched her hands together, she sucked in the scent and blushed a little, - again... that smell... of blood and something else... familiar.

- W-what! Vivi, what are you talking about? - Aquina was worried.

- That smell... it... it...' she closed her eyes and took another sniff, and then, as if remembering something bad, she wrinkled her nose and squeezed her fingers tighter.

'Don't tell me--that I've been burned?!' - With some annoyance and resentment, I had to gently pull away from Vivi. But she clenched her hands even tighter, and then she opened her eyes, in which were dark pupils covered with darkness. Gone was the blue of the sky, and in its place came the darkness of night, and those very eyes stared at me as if reading my soul.

I froze in place, not daring to make any sudden movements. Goosebumps ran down my back along with cold sweat, and my gut was howling. Looking into those dark eyes, I even said goodbye to my life and looked at Vivi like a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor. One wrong move, death.

There would be an end. Vivi would find out I was a goblin and devour my essence or whatever I had in its place, like when she cured the girls of the foetus. Whether I managed to regret saving her... I don't know. Time seemed to stop for me. There was me, a goblin that hides his nature, and her, a cute, probably loli elf with sky-coloured hair. I understand what she went through in that cave, and I won't blame her. Goblins are sadists after all. Of course, it would be a shame if they recognised me as a goblin, and there would be suspicion of how I had deceived them by taking advantage of their trust.

But instead of the expected death, I felt Vivi clinging to me: her fragile and delicate arms wrapped around me, and she shuddered, sobbing softly.

The sudden aura of danger was gone, and time went on again. Now I was just a normal girl who was clinging to me for some reason.

- What's wrong with her? - Aquina's voice came from the side, as if she hadn't felt the danger that Vivi had felt earlier.

Instead of answering, I stroked Vivi's head, her silky hair soft.

- I'm sorry... I... didn't mean to...' Vivi said quietly, clinging to me even tighter.

Glancing at Aquina, I shrugged. Right now, I didn't really understand what had happened. I just kept stroking Vivi's silky hair until she stopped sobbing.

- Hmm, well, I think I'll go wash up...' with a muffled sigh, Aquinas left and went into the courtyard of the house. But her abandoned glance spoke of the continuation of the conversation.

I, on the other hand... continued stroking Vivi....


Vivi Laurance is Arien's travelling companion.

Childhood is the only bright spot in my life. For as long as I can remember, it was in my early childhood that I laughed joyfully, carefree with every day that passed. I knew no pain or fear.

My family loved me. My mum, dad and older sister loved me, spoilt me and rejoiced at my every success. I was happy and knew no bitterness. I thought it would always be like that....

How foolish that was. As soon as my gift woke up, my parents turned cold to me, and my older sister turned away from me, and then disappeared. I didn't know why, I thought I'd done something wrong, but....

No matter how much I begged for forgiveness, my parents grew cold to me. No matter what I said, they remained silent with their lips pressed together... They looked at me with disgust....

Ha ha... how stupid I was then... thinking I had sinned somewhere, trying to beg forgiveness where words were nothing. I thought I'd be forgiven just a little bit more. My parents would smile at me again and hug me gently, pulling me close to them. They'd forget about this time like a bad dream.

But... no matter how much I pleaded, all the words were just an empty sound. At home, outside with my friends... even they... stopped playing with me. And after that I was forbidden to go out at all on some vague pretext, - 'sick,' was the verdict my mother gave me, locking me in my room.

So I lived alone for a year, maybe more. A lonely, abandoned girl. Not agreeing with it, I tried again to return those happy days, but ran into a wall of alienation and indifference ....

How many tears I shed, how many sleepless nights I cried, curled up in bed and closed myself off from the world ...

I'd probably live my whole eternity within four walls. Then... I stopped smiling for the first time, tucked into the void of despondency and loneliness.

A week later, collapsing as usual in bed, I felt something strange in my chest. I didn't realise what it was at the time, but a tremendous vigour swept over me. I was overwhelmed with strength and a strange joy. The resentment and pain vanished as if it had never happened. I wanted to jump and laugh wildly, which I did, scaring all the servants and parents.

I probably shouldn't have laughed for an hour. Then my throat went hoarse, and then I couldn't see my parents at all. But I didn', I was happier than ever and laughed again. That was the first mistake.

A week later, the rush of joy overtook me again, and things magically soared, swirling in a whirlwind. Strength, vigour and joy - that's what I felt then. I didn't care about anything, I just rejoiced in the magic in my room, clapping my hands with joy and laughter. Once again, it was another mistake.

The next day, my parents walked into my room. Their faces were indifferent and there was disgust in their eyes. At the time, I was even glad that my parents had visited me again. I didn't care about the disgust in my mother and father's eyes...I was just more excited than ever, but I was deeply mistaken.

The next words shocked me, and tears treacherously trickled down my cheeks.

'You are no longer our daughter!'

'Others will take care of you!'

Words that hurt my childish heart worse than betrayal... My parents abandoned me, giving me into the hands of other elves. No matter how much I cried and begged, they looked at me with disgust.

Then I was taken from my home. I never saw my parents again. For the next year, I lived in a strange temple with other elf children. But even they looked at me with alienation and fear. I probably shouldn't have laughed so loudly.

Only a few individuals treated me neutrally and quite kindly.

Our Mother Superior, Mistress Mai. She was the only one who looked at me without fear and smiled while looking at me. Then she became my big sister, though I was afraid to admit it to her.

As the days went on, day after day. We helped the temple as much as we could... or rather, I helped, alone. We were taught, learnt everything. And then... one day everything changed. A strange old man in a grey robe came to the temple - a man. Old, with grey hair and wrinkles, and he smelled bad. I only knew about them from books, but what was my surprise when I realised he had come to see me.

As it turned out, I had a great gift, he said, as if it were not mine, but his. There was praise and pride filled pompousness in his words.

That was when he asked me to demonstrate my magic to him. That was the third mistake.

I was too naive. The same old man was the second person who smiled kindly and bribed with his words.

My magic, as usual, worked without fail. Chairs and table together with things soared into the air, whirling in a whirlwind under the shrieks of a man who had been sitting on a chair for nothing.

I think it was already clear that our Mother Superior had run into the room and things froze, and then smoothly fell to the ground. That's when I saw in our Mother Superior's eyes... sadness and sorrow?

And the old man jumped up from his chair with joy. After that, he never dared to sit down in my presence. Yes, he stayed at the temple and taught me magic. I did not know then what a mistake I had made in accepting his offer to teach me his art of magic.

Then the old man began to visit our temple every day, and taught me his magic for two years, after which he died of old age one ominous day. Quietly and peacefully in an inn nearby.

For the first time since entering the temple, my heart was torn with pain. Though he had not replaced my loved ones, he had been my teacher for two years. He rejoiced in my successes and supported me in my failures.

Leaving behind a book and a staff, he passed into the next world. And I left the temple, having said goodbye to my elder sister. Even then I could stand up for myself, and my magic could protect me.

I had my teacher's staff in my hands, his book and a couple of gold coins in my sack.

For the first and last time, my tears rolled down my cheeks. And I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't shed any more tears.

In a few minutes, I was in the adventurer's guild, and afterwards I proudly wore a porcelain medallion around my neck. It was also there that I saw so many people for the first time. My life shone with colour and adventure again. Finding a good group of humans and one elven woman, we became fast friends.

As a light mage, I could heal my mates and help them. And darkness to smash my enemies, but my teacher wouldn't let me use it in front of everyone. Gift or curse. My dark magic was considered the fallen magic of the evil gods.

Well, I wasn't bitter. Healing was a lot easier than killing.

The book left behind by my teacher had not yet used up its knowledge of magic and was replenishing my spells. More and more I comprehended the arts of light and darkness. Within four months I had raised my rank to steel and my companions to sapphire.

Life became more and more joyful with its colours. I fell in love with a man in my group. Naively, I thought it was a mutual love. The fourth mistake of my life.

After losing my innocence with him, we became close. But...our relationship faded quickly when he dumped me with the words, 'it was a mistake, I love someone else'.

Then...I was filled with anger and intense resentment! I didn't realise what I was doing. Darkness covered my eyes as if I had fallen asleep: I could do nothing, and when I woke up, I saw a desiccated corpse.

Fear quickly filled my heart. It was the first time I had killed a sentient being. My legs somehow came to life on their own, and I fled to another town. It was difficult, especially on my own. But it wasn't for nothing that I got the steel rank of adventurer!

I never saw my group again. Changing my clothes, I became a lone adventurer. Thanks to my darkness magic, I could perform simple tasks and grew stronger and stronger. My knowledge in the art of darkness became more and more extensive. But I didn't forget about other branches of magic. Light also helped me in my life, as did water magic. Thanks to that, my arsenal was replenished with new spells.

It was only natural that I would be noticed by other adventurers: I was offered to join a group, but I was afraid of losing control again, so I turned them all down. Eventually, I earned the nickname 'Ice Princess' for my tricks with water magic. Hee hee, that's a weird nickname. And I'm not a princess at all, and my alienation is justified!

Then... the black streak of my life began. Taking risks and doing quests alone, my emotions gradually began to fade, and the magic of darkness became stronger and stronger. I unlocked a new skill called absorption. The same skill that killed my first one. I could absorb the souls of monsters and became stronger. But the more I absorbed, the more I lost control of my magic. In the end, I had to forget about this skill for a while, recovering my faded emotions and control.

A year passed.

My life was back to its former colours, not as bright, but I could enjoy life again. I upgraded my rank again, now to copper, and was considered an experienced adventurer, which was essentially true. My control was back to normal, and I found a group of china rank newbies. Very naive teenagers, two years younger than me (3k years old, and acting like a teenager? No, that won't happen), but also brave and kind.

I became their leader. Thus surprising all the other adventurers. To have an 'Ice Princess', yes to join the group, and also very green newbies. It was stunning news to many of my admirers.

Beauty is a terrible weapon. Many confessed their feelings to me, but looking into their eyes full of lust and selfish thoughts, I punished them severely, by human standards, of course. So what if I froze their dignity! What else was I supposed to do with such personalities? Not kill them. The law might punish them for that, even though it turns a blind eye to some things.

Anyway. My group under my leadership quickly reached the next rank in three months. And what enthusiasm and joy they showed during the promotion. It was a day I tried to remember and keep in my memory.

Alas, beauty played a cruel trick on me again. One day after the feast, a man from my group confessed his feelings to me. A kind and brave young man, just a teenager. But... I hadn't forgotten that people tend to forget their love quickly. I had to softly refuse him under the pretence that I already had a soul mate. A fictitious soul mate, of course, but he didn't agree with me.

'Then where is he! Vivi-san, you've been alone all this time, and when you needed support, he wasn't there for you! Someone like him is not worthy of you!' - he said with feeling, coming closer to me and grabbing me by the shoulders.

The tears came again, and for some reason, my heart started pounding fast. One more step and we would have kissed, but emotions quickly faded at the memory of that day.

'I'm sorry...' - Pushing him away, I quickly retreated to my room and locked myself in it.

All the next night, my tears flowed unceasingly down my cheeks. It was not until morning that I was able to fall asleep, and I did not sleep long. There was a firm knock on the door, and a familiar voice called out to me insistently.

'Vivi-san! Please, let's talk!'

Him again. Confusion... no, it was the anger of an unsleeping girl. Jumping out of bed, I quickly unlocked the door and stared at him with annoyance.

'Uninterrupted flow: water whip,' a water whip quickly formed in my hand and I swung it at the guy.

'Ah, Vivi-san! Please calm down!' - he shouted out, dodging the water whip's not-so-strong lunges.

'Fool, don't disturb my sleep! 'Uninterrupted flow: water thrust!' - A torrent of water rushed from his hand and quickly washed the guy down the stairs. Only his cry of 'Vivi-san!' was barely audible under the water column.

Next, he tried to win Vivi's heart by giving flowers and wooing her. Every day, this guy confessed his feelings, and despite his refusals, he imposed himself on her more and more. So much so that she had to beat him! But even that didn't help to discourage him, and it made him more and more angry.

His friends mocked him more and more, but he never stopped trying to win the girl's heart.

Maybe in a year or more, he would have conquered Vivi, but fate played a cruel joke on her again.

In three months, the newcomers had already risen to steel rank and Vivi to silver rank, and they decided to take up a quest for goblins.

Green and cunning creatures. Vivi had encountered them before and had quite managed their nests thanks to her darkness magic. But now that she was in a group, she didn't dare to use her strongest magic. The last, fifth mistake of her life.

For fear of being alone again, she was afraid to use her darkness magic. And for nothing. If she had been braver and used her darkness magic from the beginning, her group would have survived. And about the blasphemous magic... well, they would have admired Vivi and respected her a lot more.

After all, she was their friend and leader first and foremost.

As it was, from the beginning they just had the bad luck to meet a shaman and a hoba. They managed to kill the former, but the latter scattered their entire group and knocked out Vivi and the others.

Avila is a petite girl. Kind and always helpful, sometimes complex about her height. She was the first victim of the goblins.

Their entire group was left alive. After waking the two teenagers and Vivi, the goblins pinned them to the ground and pulled their hair, forcing them to look at the following picture: a fat goblin was laughing and holding a kicking Avila in his arms, and then tore her clothes with a few movements of his hands, exposing her small size one breasts and shaved pussy.

'No, don't! Please! Help!!! Noooo!!!' - and despite Avila's resistance, he quickly reached for her small pussy and then, under the teenagers' hateful stares, removed his loincloth, revealing his "baby".

'W-what are you doing! N-no, please! Not there! Noooo!' - his huge cock, with its swollen veins and growths, slowly nestled into her hole.

'Bastard! Let her go, you bastard!' - one boy stammered, staring hatefully at the fat goblin's face. But he only smiled and grunted, then slowly began to spread her bud with his cock.

'Cullen!!! Help!!! Aaaaagggggg!!!' - holding his victim tightly, he entered in one motion and inflated her belly with his cock so that it was even visible through her skin.

'Khaaaa!' - the girl threw her head back and rolled her eyes as foam spurted out of her mouth and another goblin began to fit into her new hole.

'Squish,' she was lucky this time, and the goblin was not noted for its large size. The smaller goblin's cock fit snugly into the wet mouth and he began to move his pelvis back and forth.

'Mmmm, squelch, mmmmkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! Squelch!' feeling the foreign and oblong slimy organ in her mouth, Avila moaned and tried to clench her teeth. But the strong thrusts from behind and the muffled squealing of the fat-bass, made her eyes roll back again from lack of air. Her pussy was just stretched and ripped, and the goblin joyfully began to make rhythmic movements.

'Bastards! Monsters! Bastards! I'll kill them all! You bastards! I'll kill them all!!! Khhhhaaaa... s....v...' - Cullen screamed, spitting and trying to break free of the goblins' grip, but they held on tight and then slashed at his neck with a dagger.

'Squelch, squelch, mmm, squelch, squelch, mmm!!!' - Seeing Cullen's death, tears flowed from Avila's eyes, and her eyes were covered with a veil of indifference. The girl stopped resisting to the delight of the goblins, and they began to make more and more movements with redoubled zeal.

Vivi didn't realise that her tears were flowing and her heart ached. If only she had her hands and mouth free... 'How come... why did this happen to us?'

Vivi's exhaler, on the other hand, kept thrashing about to the merry chorus of goblins, trying to save at least his love! But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move, and then a dagger was slashed across his neck and he collapsed with tears in his eyes.

'Squish, squish, squish, squish,' the fat one panted more and more with the other goblin, fucking the loli's mouth and pussy, and then they simultaneously panted so loudly that they pressed their cocks together tightly.

'Guiii!!! Guiii!' - cum quickly began to fill the girl's mouth, making her cheeks bloat. So did her stomach, which began to resemble a balloon.

'How come...'


Time was ticking away.

It had been a week since Vivi had been captured. She and Avila had been stripped and tied up, and then taken to a cave with girls just like them. And it had been hell for her. A living and never-ending hell. Her emotions were completely gone, and only hatred kept her from becoming like the dozen girls before her eyes.

How many goblins she had already passed through... she didn't count, but with each goblin, her hatred grew more fierce than ever. As long as her heart was aflame, she would not break and survive, and afterwards she would destroy as many goblins as they had broken the lives of ordinary girls.

She made a vow to herself...

The second day of captivity since Vivi's vow.

'Bastards, monsters, freaks!' - Vivi thrashed in an agony of rage, looking at Avila's completely extinguished eyes. She had broken down, both physically and mentally. There was no more of that joyful girl. Fatty and the other goblins had completely broken her.

Somehow Vivi managed not to break down after what she had seen. But she had lost track of time.


'Sounds... I can hear the sounds of battle. Squealing goblins... howling... what is it? Someone is coming into the cave... who is it? A humanoid...strange...has he come to save us?'


'He searched the room... and left. Didn't save us. Why? Why did he leave us? Please... save' - tears of despair flowed down my cheeks....


'Him again... is there someone else with him? It's that girl... the new girl, isn't it?'

The clothed humanoid said something to the girl, and the girl nodded. Afterwards, he walked over to me and sat down.

'I can't see... I can't see his face... why? Is he hiding it? Strange... that smell... goblin blood... did you... kill them all? If so... thank you... thank you very much... now... I'm at peace.'


'He's saying something. Strange... why am I trembling? Too tired...'

The humanoid cut the ropes off Vivi and she, feeling free, tried to stand up. But being in one position for so long caused her to stagger and slump back to the ground. But she was gently picked up by strong arms.

'Aren't... am I disgusting... to him? I'm... spoilt, aren't I?'

- thirsty, thirsty.

- Mr Arien. I've finished.


Another day had passed since Vivi's rescue. She had learnt the name of her rescuer. Arien, a strange name. But Vivi will remember it for the rest of her life.

He's also strange. Wears closed clothes, hides his face. According to Aquina, he doesn't want to be seen... Too bad, I'd like to see the face. To give thanks...

I also met Aquina and Elvina.

Aquina, like me, is elven, she too was rescued by Arien. And Elvina is human, he saved her too. I don't know how, but we became friends very quickly. I guess it's our common fate that brings us together. Arien... our destiny is a saviour. He's definitely a... hero.

I felt... not disgusted with him... Then... when I needed mana. He's weird. I'm corrupted. He's also strong. His mana reserve is very well developed.

We have reached the village. The villagers are grateful to us... They gave us an abandoned house. But that's not important. The important thing is that I've finally washed away all the impurities of this hell.

I'm clean now. Arien won't leave me, will he? He said I was useful... I don't want to be lonely anymore. I'll tell him all about my magic. No matter how he reacts. I'll follow him wherever he goes.....

Wishing my saviour good dreams, I finally fell asleep without that nightmare.


Morning... a day without that hell. I'm free again. Strange... Arien isn't in Aquina's room. Is he awake already? No, Aquinas doesn't look happy....

Maybe he's busy? Why is Aquinas so displeased? Is she selfish? I don't understand...

Okay, it doesn't matter. After greeting Aquina, I walked outside the threshold of the house and heard Arien's voice. He greeted me... and also stroked my head... it's... nice.....

And also... I can feel myself being devoured by the stares. Normally, I'd teach such impertinences a lesson... but Arien... I don't mind if it's him....

If he wants it, I'll do anything for him.

А? Aquinas ran out... she's not happy again. Started demanding something from Arien... isn't she being a bit too arrogant? It's strange why Arien's hesitating.

He was training, mh, why was Aquina... emitting an aura of bloodlust... Enemies? No, then why? My Lord! Aquinas is acting too brazen! Is she... showing no respect for him? Why? Why does he allow her to do this?

I don't want... he... is... mine... no, not like that... I am his... I belong to... Master Arien. That's too nice. Hee hee, is the master embarrassed? Yes, I can feel it. I want to see his face... please master... don't hide it from Vivi!

А? The smell of blood...nasty smell! Why is it on Master! I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate! Goblins! I hate you! Because of you, I am dishonoured in front of the Master! I'll kill you all! Goblins! I'll kill you!

Eh? Where are you going, Master? I'll protect you! I will remove this unworthy odour! It must not defame you! - Grabbing his hand and pressing herself against it, she used her magic.

Eh? Why... master... why are you gripped by fear? Did Vivi... did something wrong? Why are you frozen in place... w-what is it... are you... regretful? Why... master, Vivi... don't leave me... please... I will be an obedient girl... just don't leave me! - Clinging to him, Vivi trembled petulantly, sobbing. Tears started flowing down her cheeks again.

Vivi... will be a good girl... just don't leave me... master! - Feeling him start stroking her head gently, Vivi stopped shivering and crying. She was glad that the master had positive feelings for Vivi.

And then, she promised herself that she would not cry anymore, and would always be with her master wherever he went. Whoever he fights against! Even against the whole world - she would always support him and be with him until the end of her centuries.

Together... forever.