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Half an hour later. After many embarrassed groans and ahhs.

'Thanks for the treat, master! You all went down on me! I'm very pleased!' - Rem licked herself, releasing my dragon from the captivity of her lips, while smacking a couple of times. She smiled and finally ran her tongue along the length of my cock, wrapping around the head and licking up all the milk finally. She looked very innocent, and yet lecherous at the same time. Especially when her face reflected her emotions.

I stood up, all red with embarrassment and a little tired. But I was more satisfied than ever. I definitely got a ton of new sensations from Rem's long tongue. But I tried not to look into her innocent eyes.

I was ashamed... The shame was just burning me all over, and Ram gave a little envious snort as she looked at her satisfied sister. But she had to accept the loss.

I put my armour back on, finally fixing the dragon, and the girls climbed onto my shoulders.

'Master, have you decided where we should go now?' - Ram asked curiously.

Rem remained silent as she continued to enjoy herself.

'Yes, now we'll check that room and make sure it's not locked, and after that we'll check the other rooms with just as many stumps!'

Putting the anvil back in the ring, I took one last look into the hidden room. Part of the mimic, namely an iron chest with a lid, was lying on the floor.

I would have taken it had it not been so large, but as it was, it had no value except for its material.

Leaving the room, we moved back....


'Master, what next?'

We stood in front of the arched passageway where the stumpy elder had come out of. It wasn't closed. And greed played out in me, because we can search for the same groups of stumps, and if a big one appears - we will open the hidden room with an artefact or magical item again. I'm not greedy, but my hamster demands that I privatise all the mimics to myself.

That's a lot of useful items, after all. However, time was short. I could spend a day, maybe a week on this maze, but I didn't want to stay here for long, even with that prospect.

I have to find Elvina and the rest of the girls, but... sadly, looking at the minicart, I saw on it that Elvina had... stopped somewhere... I don't know how far she's gone, but I'll have to try my best to make it before canon. Also, I might have to go through an evolution here.

After all... I have to influence canon in some way. Maybe even join the Goblin Killer and become his friend, if not friend, at least acquaintance. After all, there will be a lot of experience and adventures with him, the same Ogre who is famous for fire magic and high regeneration.

I want the skills of an Ogre. And to influence the same Orkbolg would be a useful thing. It's worth a lot to keep a warrior like that in your debt. And now, when he's still such a chump and doesn't understand anything about 'friendship', you can become his second mate, after the priestess.

- Hm-hm...' I let out a sort of thoughtful hum.

Okay, now it's not so important, the main thing I set myself a goal.

1. If possible to reach the thirtieth level, now I have the tenth.

2. To feed my sisters with yummy food, for the sake of evolution. I checked, after feeding Rem's progress jumped from 1% to 4%

3. Get to Elvina and rip off her petal.

4. Become friends with the goblin killer and priestess. Become his mate, if not friend, as well as the priestess.

5. To live... and evolve.

With the fifth... there was a slight hitch. But I'll leave it at that. I turned back around now and quickly reached another fork in the road.

'Sisters, we're going to have some work to do now!'

'Rely on us!'

'Alright, we'll try to finish as soon as possible!'


Six hours later.

Rocking, rocking, rocking... just rocking. In six hours of monotonous battles, I've raised five levels! I've allocated 15 to intelligence and 25 to dexterity. I'm faster now, and my reaction time has improved. I can't say I'm winning against my sisters, but it's easier to fight against them. I raised my harem skills, instinct and master's mark by two. And also darkness magic, undead, dash, mana control and empathy by one, which added so much to my skills.

Alas, it was impossible to absorb souls from stumps, no matter how hard I tried and my sword stopped at 43% progress.

But I collected six keys, alas, the drop of keys was rare and in six hours I was able to knock out only so little, but, surprisingly, I did not find the stairs down, as was the case with the first one.

Oh well, it wasn't that big of a deal. After checking, I made sure that the passageway still stood open like that. And I, guided by Rem's instructions, went to piss on the tasty mimics.

The sisters, by the way... gradually began to control their shape better and could already boast the first size of breasts and some semblance of sausage hair, alas, they lacked imagination for more, even with the help of my hints. They got the first one after many attempts, and then everything was balls and incomprehensible balls, yes with their bodies it rather hindered them, and it was difficult to maintain this at their current level of metamorphosis (but they promised to fix it when they found a girl to use as an example, now I had a second reason to find girls), which even reminded me of a joke: no matter how much you burst, no matter how much you crack, lollys will be in first place! I'm not talking about a full bipedal body at all, no progress so far - too complicated for them. But now they had necks, shoulders, arms, hair on their heads, breasts and pussy.

In addition, I was fucked... orally and pussy - slits in the body, but also so, the dragon was squeezed by the cold walls of the sisters, and he was only happy, erupting with flames. Well, and other perversions that pleased me. But it was for the cause! Their evolutionary progress ever increasing, after each such erotic marathon!

From the mimics, on the other hand, low quality drops fell, like spoons with self-cleaning enchantment and other equally delirious table items. Now I have a fork with increased... sharpness, a knife with rust-preventing enchantment, a steel plate with self-cleaning, a steel ingot and a broom....

Yeah, not all of the items were useful, and some of them were just ordinary items.

Eh... shit, I think I'm about to cum...


'Ah, x-master, your deliciousness is straining! Bring it all down Ram!' - bounced on me the pink slime, with a semblance of a slit between my legs, but without the legs themselves, squeezing my dragon from all sides, so she was also vibrating while doing so!

Emotions were running through my head. On one side Ram, feeling love and pleasure, on the other impatient Rem, waiting for her turn.

My cock was burning with hellfire, clouding my head with too vivid sensations.

There was a smile and a grimace of pleasure on Ram's face now, and her eyes were shining with love, literally - two pink hearts reflected in her eyes, and her hands roamed my body, stroking my breasts pleasantly.

*My hand was squeezing her soft size one breast, twirling her nipple with my fingers. At the same time, Rem was hovering over me, kissing me passionately and not wanting to be left out, and so my free hand was squeezing her similarly sized breasts, and her tongue was entwining mine, sucking or swallowing drool and just dancing in my mouth.

I was on the verge and my cock, just melting from the new sensations, could not resist any longer and finally spewed out the desired Ram milk.

'Ahnnn! Let it all out! Let down your milk, Master!' - She squeezed my dragon. Her body quickly absorbed the milk and Ram relaxed with a smile, falling onto my chest. She was not at all tired, but she was overflowing with happiness and decided to lie down.

I, on the other hand, shuddered with my whole body, rolling my eyes and passed out for a second.

'Favourite milk in me, master... I'm happy...' - Her favourite milk erupted into her translucent body. Within seconds she absorbed it with a happy smile on her face.

'Ram, it's my turn for a yummy treat!'


Everything... for the sake of evolution....

Ram got off me. Her lips nestled on mine and her naughty tongue wrapped around my tongue sucking it. Ram looked at her sister and quickly hovered over my standing cock, running a gentle touch over it like it was the most precious thing in her life, and then spread her pussy with two fingers, looking at me with a loving gaze, her eyes reflecting the pattern of a blue heart.


'Ahnnnnn! Mr yummy in me! Master, give me your milk!'

* Squish, squish *

The cock was squeezed by the walls of the vagina... or some semblance of it, and Rem's pussy vibrated at a pleasurable pace. Rem slowly engulfed my cock in her pussy, squeezing her breasts with her hands, twisting her nipples with her fingers, causing her to throw her head back, mewling softly to herself, sticking out her wet tongue.

*♪ Squish, squish, squish ♪

I don't regret anything...