Me and Her. Part 2

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And she's much cuter up close. Miniature, five foot plus or minus. She was standing still now, head tilted up, watching the strange beastie. And I stood not far from her, not knowing what to do.

It seemed like a simple plan: walk over and say hello. But the closer I got, the more I doubted my success.

Now I stood there, watching her.

Hmm, I have an idea though.

'Yuko, fly closer to her, but carefully,' I ordered the scout. 'She won't die, and if she gets killed I can create her again. She's a kind of small spirit in an etheric body, so she won't die.

Yuko, obeying my order, began to slowly dive down. As she descended, the stranger followed her. And now, Yuko is flapping her wings beside her, literally at arm's length.

They both look at each other. Alas, I can't feel what the stranger is feeling right now. After a minute of staring, the stranger makes the first move - she slowly extends a black (more like a defence tool or something) clawed palm and tilts her head slightly to the side. Her silver hair swayed. And I ordered Yuko to carefully fly up to the stranger's hand, which she did.

Carefully flapping her wings, Yuko slowly lowered herself onto the outstretched palm.

The girl froze, looking at the beastie in her hands. And then slowly brought it closer to her chest and froze again, shifting her gaze to the halberd in her hands. I could feel the puzzlement and confusion coming from her now.

Looking at them, I ordered Yuko to put her arm around the girl's arm with interest and concern.

The girl flinched and quickly shifted her gaze to Yuko.

*Bdam* The halberd from her hands fell out and made contact with the ground with a loud sound.

The girl gingerly touched Yuko's head and stroked it curiously. And Yuko squeaked happily, putting her head up to be stroked. The girl got carried away little by little, stroking the unknown beast in her hands....


In this way, some time passed. Now, the girl took off her helmet, revealing a beautiful pale face with a red... shit. I don't know what it was, but her neck was in a black crust of something weird, as was her chest with her arms up to her forearms. And the black stuff on her face stretched all the way up to her golden eye, hiding already behind silver fringes of hair.

Well... she was still beautiful. Too bad, really, her pretty face had a cold mask of indifference on it, but now that she had Yuko in her arms, she smiled weakly and started rubbing her face against the soft fur, covering her eyes in faint pleasure.

And looking at them, I realised - all girls love cute animals. Yuko's caressing her makes her spit up. I was even jealous... a little. But cuteness was more powerful than envy, and my heart raced. Damn, she's too cute!

How much effort I put into not throwing myself at her. But here, I'm afraid I'll be misunderstood. Judging by the look and emotion of the girl, she doesn't know how to feel emotions at all and was an innocent creature that would impale incomprehensible creatures with her spear.

Okay, sword back in its scabbard, hands up where she can see them. Ugh, I hope I don't have to fight her.....

The veil dissipated, and the girl, who had been frozen with caresses, stared at me with her golden eyes. Her smile faded. Her eyebrows squinted, and her gaze promised nothing good. Curling her lips in a semblance of... mmmmm disgust? As if another skeleton stood before her eyes?

- I see you like Yuko-chan? - My voice was gentle, at least I tried to say it softly. But a faint muffled growl could still be heard. My hands were in front of her, and I stood still without making any sudden movements.

The girl flinched, and her lips opened slightly. Her eyebrows relaxed, and the look in her golden eyes no longer stared at me like a skeleton. Her face took on an indifferent expression.

Yuko glanced at me and squeaked, the girl throwing a brief glance at the beastie.

- Ahem, I see you're not very talkative,' I was only feeling kindness and compassion in my emotions. But her reticence hurts my heart.....

She tilted her head slightly to the side. My heart began to beat faster. Cute, very cute. The important thing is not to scare her off...

- Mh, you understand me, right? If you do, nod.

The girl was silent for about thirty seconds before Yuko rubbed her cheek. She nodded weakly, transferring her gaze to the beastie.

- Ooh, that's good. I was already afraid you didn't understand me....

- Who... you? - An emotionless, gentle voice came from her mouth, interrupting me half-heartedly. Within seconds, the halberd soared to her hand and she clutched it, but the tip of the halberd was looking down, allowing for a hopeful start.

'Shit, I don't wish you harm - understand that! Let's put our weapons away and have a nice conversation, shall we?' - I called out mentally.

- I am Arien, and what is the name of such a nice person?

The girl was silent. She glanced at my two swords at her sides.

- Who... are you? - She repeated, raising her halberd slightly. Her golden eye glittered coldly. Yuko squeaked indignantly, but I ordered her not to move for now.

'Damn him... Eh, and why can't we just talk calmly? I'm unequivocally stronger than you after all... I guess I don't want to fight you!'

- All right, all right! I understand your question! Let's not point your halberd at me, okay?

The girl squinted her eyes.

- All-in-all, I'll take off my helmet now, since you want to see me so much... eh, and why did things turn out this way? - I finished speaking already in a half-whisper.

I slowly brought my hands to the winged helmet, stopping feeding the 'clutch' and pulled it up.

The girl clutched the halberd, watching my actions intently. When I finally pulled the helmet off and shook my head, causing the sprouting silver hairs to soar through the air and hit me in one eye, I yelped in surprise. It was too long and, more importantly, too messy, and it was in my eyes, making me blind for a few seconds.

My gut clenched. I didn't have time to react...

*Something slammed into me and knocked me to the ground. There was no pain, but...

- B-brother... is that you?' came a gentle, emotionless voice next to my ear that sounded hopeful. And then I was squeezed with my arms and legs, completely immobilised and pinned with my breasts. A sweet, strange smell hit my nose...

I was surprised and hugged her. It was more of a reflex, because I was used to hugging my sisters. I was so surprised myself... and also - the hair in my eyes was in the way.

- Brother! It's you! - I was pressed harder, especially by someone's breasts. And then I was sniffed and licked on the neck.

*A little faint pain reverberated on my neck. I felt a wet tongue that started licking and sucking on the wound....

'Wait a minute! What little brother?!'