I went through the motions as I moved through the day. Even if I was used to my life constantly going south, I couldn't help but feel especially desperate this time.

Maybe it was because I was almost sure that this internship was gonna be the beginning of a new start for me, where luck could be on my side for once.

It was the first time in a good while that I had allowed myself to have hope for a better life.

Asking my best friend Liz for help seemed unfair because she wasn't rich either and I didn't want to put her in a tough position.

I guess I had to hold on and hope for the best... If I could just make it till the end of the internship… I'm already appreciated around here; I simply need to keep it up for four more months. After that, I'll have a nice enough salary to get me through.

"Miss Walker" I heard the voice of my boss, Mr Letterman, behind me.

I turned to look at him.

He was walking towards me with big, confident steps. Mr Letterman was a good boss and everyone respected him, he had taken a liking towards me since the beginning, saying he liked my enthusiasm and initiative.

He had a few quirks that some found annoying, I found them quite amusing.

"Mr Letterman, good morning, what's the news today?" I asked with a polite smile.

"Well, today I have great news!" He said, energetic.

With all the vitality he seemed to display, it always seemed like he had taken a whole pot of coffee before work. And maybe he did.

"You do? Well, let's hear it!" I said, trying to share his enthusiasm despite my shitty day.

He sat in the corner of my desk with his legs crossed and began to talk, he had a theatrical air about him when he spoke.

"After your presentation yesterday, I had a meeting with our CEO. And guess what?" He let that hang in the air.

I already knew him enough to know that I needed to encourage his theatrics, but I didn't mind, I found it entertaining.

"What?" I tried to sound surprised, following along.

"He's already heard about you! Not many interns cause that impression in just two months, I couldn't be prouder to have you in our department. So, of course, I told Mr Rowley about your project. I shouldn't say this, but…" He came close, making a show of looking around before speaking, with his hand on one side of his mouth. I came closer to him. "Don't be surprised if he calls you to his office to talk personally with you. He likes to keep an eye on our young talent, and I think you've caught his eye."

He smiled proudly at me and my face was of honest surprise, which only made him giggle proudly that his story had the effect he was looking for.

I knew I was doing good so far, but to be appreciated by the CEO was a whole new level. Maybe there was hope for me yet and not all was as black as it looked.

This only reinforced my determination to push through.

I had to find a new place and start anew, like many times before. Maybe, for now, I had to eat my shame and ask Liz to stay on her couch for a bit, offering her the little money from my internship to help her parents, while I solve this whole apartment mess. She had offered before, but I felt bad because they were usually tight on money too.

I breathed deeply, unsure of what to do.

For the rest of the day, I tried my best to concentrate on work and push my constant worries out of my mind.


The next morning, as I walked to work, I thought back to my conversation with Liz. I finally caved in when I got home and called her, I needed to vent.

I was going to try to find other options first, but after hearing what happened, she didn't even let me protest.

"I won't take no for an answer, you'll stay with us till the internship is over, you hear me?"

"But what about your parents? I know you guys aren't doing all that well, Liz… It's not entirely true the saying that says there's always room for one more."

"Nonsense, my mom loves you almost as much as she loves me, maybe even more, she won't let you be homeless or who knows what!"

There was no way I could say no, especially not when it seemed like I had no other option.

I picked the apartment so it would be close to work and I could walk there and save money, but soon I would have to come from the other side of the city.

Seems like I could never count on things going according to plan…


After a couple of hours of work, I saw Mr Letterman approach me happily again.

'How is he always so damn happy?' I wondered as he walked closer.

"Miss Walker I have great news, please come with me." Contrary to what I thought, the man didn't stop by my desk but simply slowed down slightly as he said that.

"Right now?" I asked as I was in the middle of something.

"I can assure you, whatever you are working on is not as important as this." Then he turned, walking backwards as he said with a flourish "Come along!"

I hurried to get up and followed him. Had this something to do with my presentation?

I was going to call out to him, but I decided to just follow him and see.

"Close the door and sit." He said, already sitting behind his desk by the time I walked in. As I sat down in one of the chairs in front of him, he crossed his fingers and posed his intertwined hands on the desk, bending his whole torso to come closer with a smirk. "I called you here so we could have some privacy, didn't want anyone to listen in and be jealous, you know, I don't want anyone turning against my favourite intern. Don't tell anyone I said that tho!"

He giggled after the last phrase and winked at me, he was one of those few people who couldn't blink discretely and had to make a big effort and move his whole face to be able to, which meant that I had to make a herculean effort not to laugh at his face and smile politely instead.

"What is it, Mr Letterman, is this about my project?" I asked, really curious but trying to contain it to look professional, and let's face it, with my luck, I always tried not to let myself form big illusions that would later crackle.

"To be completely blunt with you, I have no idea if it is or not."

My face betrayed the confusion his words caused, but he seemed pleased to have some mystery around the reveal. Before I opened my mouth, Mr Letterman added:

"I've been asked to keep this private, Miss Walker, I trust you'll do the same?" I nodded eagerly, I wanted to know what the hell was going on. I didn't need any more surprises this week. "Good. I had a meeting with Mr Rowley this morning, I told you he was interested in your progress in the company, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did." I smiled trying to encourage him to talk.

Today my patience wasn't great and I was just hoping he would spit it out.

"Well, he asked me to inform you that he wants to meet with you today at 5."

'Today? And after work?' I immediately threw a question to myself. It's not that I wasn't happy that the CEO would like to meet me, but it sounded odd that he would call me in such a rush and after hours.

"Sorry Mr Letterman, just making sure, are you certain that the meeting is at 5?"

"Certain, do not worry that it's after work hours, Mr Rowley is a busy man, probably was a last-minute decision and there was no way he could fit you into his busy schedule during the workday. Do you mind?" He seemed to read my mind.

"Uh... No, of course not, I'll be there." I answered.

Odd or not, this was a unique opportunity that not many interns had.

"Great, he will be pleased. Please make sure you don't tell anyone, he doesn't want people to think he's giving you preferential treatment over the other candidate so soon, but, between you and I, you definitely have the upper hand here." He smiled proudly and I nodded.

Could it be true…

Was I already one step closer to getting the job of my dreams?

"Did Mr Rowley tell you if I should bring my presentation with me? Or if I should prepare in any way?" I asked, getting increasingly nervous.

"No, I don't think you'll need the presentation, if it's about that I'm sure he already got his hands on it. Just bring in that charming smile and brilliant mind of yours and I'm sure you'll be golden." Mr Letterman said encouragingly.

But despite Mr Letterman's encouraging words and calming attempts, I couldn't help but be impatient the whole day.

I was curious, but also had a weird feeling about this. I've never heard of this happening before; an intern being called by the CEO. Then again, they told me to keep it shush, so even if it did happen, maybe I wouldn't have found out...