His words hung in the air, the weight of their implications settling over me like a heavy blanket.

A trophy wife?

The term felt foreign, conjuring images of superficiality and extravagance. 

"In return for assuming this role," he elaborated, "I will provide you with the means to address your financial struggles immediately. Your debts will be settled, and you'll receive a substantial sum of additional cash to secure your future when this arrangement ends. I need you to play this part for at least a year, two at the most."

As the weight of his words settled over me, a mixture of relief and apprehension flooded my senses. The promise of financial security was a welcome reprieve from the suffocating burden of debt that had followed me for so long. Yet, the stipulation of playing the part of a trophy wife for any period of time sent a shiver of unease down my spine.

What would society think of me, trading my integrity for material gain? And how would this arrangement align with my own values and aspirations?

"But that's not all," Mr Rowley continued, his tone becoming even more earnest. "And I think this might interest you even more. I see in you not just the potential for companionship, but also the qualities necessary to excel in a professional capacity. You possess the beauty, intelligence, and social grace required to seamlessly integrate into my world."

I could almost laugh.

On one side, being acknowledged for my skills and offered a top position in the company was pretty darn appealing. It felt great to have my talents recognized like that. But then, realizing that this offer came with some serious strings attached, well…

>> "As such, I am prepared to offer you a position within my company, one that comes with significant authority and responsibility." He continued "You would serve as the CEO's right hand from the moment you accept, assisting in various aspects of the business, representing the company on important matters and making invaluable contacts for your future endeavours. I must clear, that this, however, is not tied to the first part, you can keep this position for 2 years and go, if that's what you wish, or continue learning." He paused, allowing his words to sink in before pressing on. "I understand that this may seem overwhelming," Mr. Rowley acknowledged, his gaze unwavering. "But I assure you, Miss Walker, I have carefully considered this proposal, and I believe it presents a unique opportunity for both of us."

His offer hit me hard, pulling me in two different directions. On one hand, the chance to rise in the corporate world and carve out a name for myself was like a dream come true. But then, I couldn't ignore the fact that chasing that dream meant making some tough compromises, seemingly by sacrificing some of my values and integrity.

He leaned forward, his expression too earnest for my comfort, yet he seemed determined. "Together, we can achieve great things. With your talents and my resources, the possibilities are endless."

I sat in stunned silence, the enormity of Mr Rowley's offer washing over me like a tidal wave. It was a chance to break free from the shackles of my past, to forge a new path filled with promise and potential.

"I have so many questions…" I almost stumbled on my words as they came out suddenly, my tone confessing my feelings and my overwhelmed self.

His smile was reassuring, a glimmer of encouragement. "All in due time, Miss Walker," he replied, his tone gentle yet resolute. "I will answer all of your doubts, but perhaps for now, let us focus on the broader strokes of our agreement. The details will become clear in time, I assure you."

After a few questions, most things were cleared out, but there was one thing I was postponing because of its delicacy. But if I were to even consider this unconventional arrangement, I needed to know exactly what it entailed.

"But..." I began, my voice trembling slightly as I struggled to find the right words. "What exactly would this marital arrangement entail, Mr Rowley?"

I carefully insisted on the word marital, so my question would be clear.

His expression remained composed, though a flicker of understanding flashed in his eyes. "Ah, yes, the crux of the matter," he mused as if expecting my inquiry. "Let me clarify, Miss Walker. This 'marital arrangement', as you call it, is merely a facade for the public eye. In reality, it entails no more than business companionship and social appearances."

So, it was just a charade, a performance to uphold appearances. If it truly was just that, I... think... could handle it. But one side of me was surprised I was so fast to admit that.

In any case, it was too soon to be sure of that.

"So, there are no... marital duties involved?" I insisted cautiously, needing to confirm what I hoped was true.

Mr Rowley shook his head, his gaze unwavering. "None whatsoever," he affirmed. "Our agreement would only require your presence at certain social functions and events, as well as the occasional public appearance together. Beyond that, you would be free to live your life as you please, provided you remain discreet and maintain the illusion of the relationship by living in my house. And, of course, you'll have to do your job as the CEO's Right Hand."

A weight lifted off my shoulders at his reassurance, and the knot of tension in my stomach gradually unravelled. This was manageable, I reasoned. I could play the role of the supportive partner publicly without sacrificing my autonomy or dignity.

'People might believe I'm a trophy wife, but at least I know I'm upholding my values. That's what matters, right?' I thought to myself, trying to reconcile the external perception of our arrangement with my internal moral compass.

My innate inclination to analyse situations kicked in, prompting me to ask a few more questions. Mr Rowley complied, but soon I could tell there was not much more to add than what he had already detailed.

Not that he wanted to disclose yet, at least.

As the details of our arrangement became clearer, a sense of relief mingled with some of the lingering apprehension.

Mr Rowley seemed upfront about the deal, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something he wasn't telling me. Call it intuition or a nagging suspicion, but I could tell.

"I assume there will be a contract detailing all that we just said. You're a businessman, after all, Mr Rowley." This was my last question, and I was feeling calm enough to deliver it confidently.

'Yes, it required a sacrifice, but it seemed worth it, right? It's not like opportunities like this come knocking every day.'

Mr Rowley nodded, a hint of approval in his eyes, it was as if this meeting had confirmed his theories about me. "Of course, Miss Walker. Everything will be spelt out clearly in the contract. I believe in transparency and accountability."

With that settled, he rose from his seat, signalling the end of our meeting. "You have twenty-four hours to consider my proposal," he said, his tone business-like yet not devoid of warmth, but I couldn't help how my eyes widened at this sudden urgency. Seeing my expression, he was quick to add: "I'd love to give you more time, but something external is pressing on me. I trust you'll weigh the pros and cons thoroughly."

He offered me his hand to shake as a goodbye "It was a pleasure, Miss Walker, truly. I sincerely hope for a long and fruitful business relationship ahead. Make sure you consult with my secretary before you leave; she will provide you with the necessary details to reach me with your decision tomorrow."

As I watched him leave the room, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude mixed with uncertainty. This was a life-altering decision, one that would shape the course of my future in ways it was impossible for me to fully comprehend yet.

But deep down, I knew that whatever choice I made, it would be mine alone. And that realization, in itself, was both empowering and daunting.

I stopped by the front desk of Mr Rowley's secretary, who spoke to me with a smile.

"I trust your meeting with Mr Rowley went well, here's what he left for you." She handed me an envelope. "Oh, and he asked me to let you know he arranged for you to have the day off tomorrow, so you can prepare for the project."

After thanking her, I left his office, with my mind swirling with conflicting thoughts, knowing that whatever choice I made would irrevocably alter the course of my life.

I felt like walking around so I did… I barely noticed where I was going, my mind was racing.

As I pondered the decision, my mind buzzed with a flurry of conflicting thoughts. On one hand, the prospect of financial stability and the opportunity to climb the ranks within the company beckoned to me like a siren's call.

It was a chance to break free from the suffocating grip of debt and uncertainty, to carve out a future where I was in control of my destiny. This was a feeling I never got before, so of course, it was so, so tempting...

Yet on the other hand, the idea of masquerading as the wife of a man old enough to be my father - or grandfather even - filled me with a deep sense of unease.

As I weighed the pros and cons, I couldn't help but wonder about the long-term consequences of my decision, both personally and in business.

Would I be sacrificing my integrity and self-respect for the sake of financial gain? Would I be seen as nothing more than a gold-digger, trading my dignity for a chance at success?

Would this charade follow me like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over my future endeavours?

Maybe I was being too negative…

What if it was nothing more than a blip on the radar, a temporary inconvenience on the path to greater opportunities?

Amidst the uncertainty, one thing was clear: whatever choice I made would have far-reaching implications for my future.

It was a decision I couldn't afford to take lightly, one that would require careful consideration and soul-searching before I could decide.

And for that, I needed a friend who would be discrete but also sincere.