"They're not finding out, you hear me?" Edward spoke up, his voice controlled, but much more commanding. Mark seemed taken aback as if this was a tone Edward didn't take often. He continued, slowly and firm "It's your job, something that I'm asking you to do for me, and for our business, to make sure this works. Our business is on the line; your future is on the line. You'll do this, and you won't mess it up."

I felt like a stranger in this conversation. It was a family matter, and I felt completely out of place, yet here I was, somehow a 'part' of this family now. Mark clenched his jaw, but he didn't say a thing.

"Mark," he continued firmly, more father than a boss this time. "I do understand your reservations, but this arrangement is for the benefit of everyone involved, including you. The board needs to see stability, and I won't be around much longer to provide that."