The rest of the day passed uneventfully, though the tension from the morning hung in the air like an uninvited guest. Mark remained distant, speaking only when necessary, his grumpy demeanour more pronounced than usual. I didn't press him for conversation or explanations, instead focusing on maintaining a steady calmness around him.

It was easier said than done. His distracted gaze, the way he absently tapped his pen against his desk, and the slight furrow in his brow all betrayed his unease. Whatever was eating at him was clearly not something he planned to share, not that Mark was much for sharing anyway.

By late afternoon, I decided to step away from the suffocating silence of the shared office. Stretching my arms above my head, I muttered something about needing coffee and slipped out. When I returned, steaming mug in hand, I hesitated just inside the door.