-Frequently updated new readers beware in the future there are spoilers-
Larger than earth like planet in the habital zone of a singular G-type main-sequence star.
Two tidally locked moons orbit the planet, the smaller of the two appearing to have had some sort of major impact happen to it in distant past.
Most western continent, seperated by a large shallow ocean. A thin mountain range in the southren hemosphere extends deep into the ocean and provides a point between Asha, and Kaldor where the boats and ships of the era can safely complete journeys in under a day. A powerful Kingdom controls the lands this side of the narrow straight.
The Eastern continent, seperated from the west by a large shallow ocean, a large plain based eastern Empire controls the otherside of the straight, both the Kingdom and the Empire regularily engage in trade and warfare allowing knowledge, technology, and peoples to pass between the two landmasses with regular occurance.
Kana Sea:
A large shallow ocean seperating the two continents from one another, large storms can brew here and savage the local coasts, legends state a multitude of mythical seacreatures and even a sentient race inhabit the waters. Locals have even stated seeing some of these creatures on land.
Ironforge Kingdom:
Ironforge is neutral, small country
Geography: High mountains and a craggy coastline with sharp cliffs with large plentiful valleys define the landscape of this country. Traversing the territory can be a great pain as often towns are seperated by the mountains themselves.
Ironforge is led by King Harold Ironforge, whose family dynasty led the revolt against the Southren Kingdom. A long time friend of the Stenfall's, King Harold's Grand-father entrusted the border town & castle named Sturm. With the long civil war of its larger, stronger cousin to the south still ongoing, the peasants and nobles presiding in these lands take great care to secure their borders, as would be Lords and Conquerors continue to press the smaller Kingdom in order to take advantage of its rich natural resources and strategic geography and superior metal forging skills.
There are Seven major towns & cities in Ironforge, the largest of which is a Port-city located West of Sturm. With the seat of the King being located north, directly upon the River Gustov which flows throughout the valley.
Sturm: Insanely well fortified castle, and home to house Stenfall.
Stennsmark: Home to House Vrator, who were granted the large territory to govern, and assists with administration and governance of Stenfalls lands.
Stonewater: Largest city to the far east, roughly 250 Kilometers due east of the Stenfall lands, also the largest port city in a well protected bay, massive stone walls protect the city from all external threats, while the bay itself lies in a well protected bay with many forifications and small craggy islands to deter a sea invasion.
Durans Keep: Fortified settlement 15 Kilometers West of Sturm,
Cassius James Stenfall:
Age: 11 (Formerly mid 40's)
Title: Third Son of the Margrave: "Lord" Cassius James Stenfall
Occupation: Retired Colonel of a United Worlds Heavy Shock Infantry Batallion known as the 3rd Land Raiders Batallion or 3LRB for short.
Hobbies: Re-creating Ancient Earth technology, Herbology, Gardening, and Studying old scripture
Margrave James Laurence Stenfall
Age: Mid 30's
Title: Margrave of Ironforge Kingdom, Lord of Sturm
Viscount Joel James Vrator
Age: Early 30's
Title: Viscount of the Ironforge Kingdom,
Occupation: Govenor of the territory of Stenfall & Stennsmark, Viscount of Vrator
Hobbies: Collecting artwork, Fine clayworks, and rare items from Asha.
Jericho Sol
Age: 50's
Title: Castellian of the Sturm Garrison
Hobbies: Whittling, Wine Sampling, Teaching and Training
Elric Julius Stenfall
Age: 16
Title: Heir to the Margrave
Dustin Riley Stenfall
Age: 12
Title: Second Son of the Margrave
Misc information:
Months are labelled as such;
Aetheris; The month of the sky god, representing the turn of a new year, and Celebration of life.
Umbra; The second month, representing the fading darkness and cold of winter.
Florion; The third month, representing the renewal of life and birth of spring.
Vernalis; Fourth, named for the breeding season of most animals & Leviathans, also the first harvest of the year.
Solara; Days have become longer, and warmer
Ignis; The hottest months of the year, summer and harvests follow
Tempestra; The beginning of Fall,
Harvest; Simply named, the height of fall, and the last harvests of the year should be carried out now.
Brahm; First month of Winter or late Fall, named in honour of the Brahm festival which was commonly known as the Harvest Celebration, hosted on the first of the month.
Nivara; The God of night and cold, Sister to Aetheris, Celebrating the end of a year, and the Celebration of death.