History of Astria

A History of Astria...


A Simple title, with most of the pages written in several different languages, a hundred hands must have included their work and views into this singular tome. How did this expensive book come into his possession? A gift? Had his father hired a great tutor to lecture him? Perhaps from the castle's previous occupants?


He doubted he would get the answers immediately. Shifting through he found the most recent entry into the book.




The title was written in strong, bold font, reflecting the author's strength and conviction in this singular title.

Recorded is a brief overview of the young Kingdom of Ironforge, numerous scholars from the Encyclopedia of Astria have researched and published additions to this entry, it is our wish to educate and record as much of the world and its mysteries as possible. 



* The Ironforge Kingdom was established 40 summers before the birth of King Harold Ironforge, the Ironforge Kingdom Initially, was a series of mining and forestry colonies spread across the expansive wilderness of the mountain valleys north of the Cross Kingdom, known as the Silver Mountains. Led by King Harold's grandfather, at the time Duke Robert Carburrough who led the local baronies and landlords in revolt against the Cross Kingdom, which at the time was amid their third civil war in forty years.* 


* The series of wars known as the Beggar King Rebellions took a massive toll on the nation as a whole, over-taxation and over-drafting especially had become too much of a burden on the population and eventually Duke his most loyal followers and their retinue sent a declaration of war and broke from the Kingdom. * 


* Fort Sturm, an old Cross Fortress and its dilapidated trade town before it was the site of the first battle for independence, where King Robert Carburrough led his fledgling nation in a short siege of the dilapidated fort which lasted for 7 days until a small group of knights removed their armor and scaled the walls in the pitch darkness of night, thereby opening the gates from within. * 


* These knights were led by Julius Cassius Sternfall, in return for his efforts the Fort, and its nearby town were handed into his care while the fledging King set out to unite his new people.* 


"So this is how we came to possess this Castle, and Cassius his name... " 


After reading the book and its archaic notes for what felt like an hour, Cassius began to feel drowsy and decided that now was as good a time as any to take a much-needed nap, now acutely aware of how exhausting reincarnation was.


Reaching over and placing his new book on the old coffee table, Cassius then quickly drifted off to sleep. 


A few short hours later, he awoke feeling refreshed, light still nowhere to be seen behind the curtains. 


"First to rise, Last to fall" Old habits die hard, Cassius had been waking up before first light for close to his entire adult life, and never could kick the habit even in his retirement. Honestly, he enjoyed the peace of the early morning; plus, there was the matter of the most common time for an enemy attack was first light, being fed and prepared before the enemy expected you to be was a key life skill that kept him sane throughout his career. 


Stretching, he decided to sneak out of his room and go for a walk to try and get some food, reincarnation was exhausting business, and he had developed quite an appetite since arriving. He was sure surviving a poisoning also took a toll on him. 


Arriving at the door, he opened it a crack and listened closely. Hearing nothing other than the ambience of the large stone corridor he proceeded to corner check to ensure there was nobody standing guard nearby.