Going for a Waltz

All things considered, Cassius was rather excited at the prospect of improving the forces at his fathers disposal, a raw template virtually untouched and uncorrupted. He was sure there were going to be some rotten folks who pushed back against him, and he was unsure whether or not his father would even approve of his childish form's whims. He lived for the challenge though, Cassius would have preferred to have served until his dying breath in his past life if it wasn't for the irreparable damage he had caused to it. When modern science uses your body as a case study for the wonders of medical technology, you know you've had a good run. 

"I'll have to establish a precedent first and display the raw advantage , I need to get my own squad for this… Equipment, Armour, Training, Tactics… Hmm.." Cassius was quietly pondering aloud what his eventual troop would require, assuming he got permission for this, IF he needed permission for something like this at all as a Margrave's noble scion.

Having said all that, his to-do-list was already becoming rather troublesome. An assassination attempt, a new father he needs to meet, a poorly equipped garrison, two older brothers of VERY different lifestyles who he's also never interacted with outside of family feasts and an honour guard whose questioning stare could bore a hole through a starship's hull.

"What is it, Jacobs?" Cassius asked, exasperated with his constant gaze.

"Apologies, My Lord. I'm just trying to figure out if you've been replaced with a body double." Jacobs asked, still somewhat reeling from Cassius's complete one-hundred-eighty degree flip in personality.

Cassius harrumphed at this and decided to tell him the truth of the matter. "No, Captain, I was poisoned to death while I slept and am now the reincarnation of a 45 year old man from the distant future."

"HA!" Jacobs released a single sharp laugh, instantly silencing the room with his outburst. Those who glanced over quickly looked away when they saw who the outburst had sourced from.

"That, was a good joke." Jacobs said, his usually intense demeanour softened by Cassius's crass humour.

Cassius looked over at the two youngsters who were both grinning wide, appreciating Cassius's "humour" as well.

'I guess it does sound a little insane when I put it that way doesn't it?' Cassius thought to himself while shrugging. 'I wouldn't have believed it either.'

They had already been sitting at this table for probably close to an hour now after having listened to Horace's explanation. Carmen, who was previously a nervous wreck, had just started to relax in the young nobleman's presence when he looked out the hall entrance and noticed dawn had arrived. Dread crept up across his features as he was sure they were far past when their report time was.

"FUCK!" He shouted while instantly jumping off his bench, nearly tipping Cassian off it in the process "Horace, we're late!"

To which, Horace first displayed a similar reaction, before calming quickly, gesturing with a nod and a glance between his boss's boss's who were presently seated with them looking at Carmen with amusement.

"I don't want to be a presumptuous arse Carmen… But I think we're covered here." Horace stated, a smug smile crossing his features.

"Are you saying it's my fault you're late Horace?" Cassius asked, his arms crossed with while wearing the best "Stern expression" an eleven year-old face could muster.

"I'm just saying it's not our fault… is all M'Lord" Horace stated dubiously in response, maintaining eye-contact with the young noble who he was certain by now meant no harm with his banter.

To Horaces credit, Cassius appreciated smart people like this and readily agreed with him and was merely putting on an act.

"You're correct, whoever's fault it is, however, must take responsibility." Nodding his head all the while, Cassius had just found another excuse to begin exploring the castle. "You will take me with you so I can personally explain the situation to your superior."

Jacobs, the ever stoic, raised an eyebrow at this demand, he hoped that this wasn't just an excuse to get out of studying as he had heard the boy would do nearly anything to get out of it previously.

The two boys however, saw this saving grace as an immense favour and Carmen would not stop thanking the young lord for it.

Dropping their now dirty plates off on a table near the kitchen entrance proper, the three men with a young man in tow proceeded into the courtyard, where Cassius could now get a view of the castle.

The Castle itself and its defensive structure could only be described as "Formidable."

The Ramparts, whose construction primarily consisted of large, rough hewn stone bricks, specifically some sort of limestone and granite which definitely provided the structure substantial defensive strength. They were between 4-6 metres at their thickest and at least 10-12 metres high, Protected by eight massive cylindrical towers evenly spaced around the castle, each possessing slightly tapered walls with a strong conical shingled roof. Dozens of arrow slits could be seen dotting their walls with with platforms further up, their defensive armaments obvious.

What made the castle construction itself all the more impressive was that it was situated in the rugged, heavily pine forested, mountainous region of the Kingdom's border region, nestled against the craggy slopes of the Ironridge Mountain. Its strategic location offered both natural defence and control over the trade routes that wound through the region. It was the most important obstacle that any Cross Kingdom Army would have to face before attempting to move further into the territory.

The Keep itself was a monstrosity of singular purpose, whose design reflected House Stenfalls ideology in its construction: Pragmatism. Strong gray stone walls with a multitude of arrow-loops decorated the balls, 4 large square towers protruded from the keep itself, ensuring no attacker who managed to breach the wall could have an easy time breaching the gate.

The gate itself was multiple wrought iron portcullis, who could be dropped and forced shut at a moments notice. Murder holes covered the roof, and multiple members of the honour guard were stationed nearby to counter any threats.

A few stained and crude clean glass windows decorated the second and fourth floor, representing the elite's who earned their position by merit or birth, he could roughly make out his room on the second floor peering into the large courtyard below. Attached to the Keep itself within the inner walls was the Kitchen Hall, which although seemingly posed a weak spot, could be easily defended by sealing the only entrance into the keep itself.

Frankly, it was no wonder the troop quality had fallen. House Stenfall had taken a dinky rotten fort located in the foothills of a mountain, and turned it into what modern historians would have labelled "nightmare fuel" for invading armies.

--/// Authors note ///-- 

The Castle itself and its defensive structure could only be described as "thicc."