The Margrave's study

After Hektor and Cassius finished their parting formalities, Hektor departed the room in a rush and a new found spring in his step. He had a strong gut feeling about that child, and that made him all the more certain about whatever this new invention of his was. 

As he proceeded down the long corridor's of the Keep, he realised how much pressure the child gave him, an eleven year old had potentially developed an industry changing device in his spare time? He decided that If things paid off the way Cassius expected, then he would need to tie himself to the ship that is 'Cassius' so he can rise even further.

He would need to consider things moving forward, his cousin, related to him by one of his uncles was already under Cassius, what about introducing him to the heir of his own business? Or perhaps his adventurous daughter as a possible marriage alliance? He already owed everything he was and would be to the Stenfalls, but having an alliance that would survive his generation would be the wisest decision he could make. Perhaps the boy's father can be convinced? Either-way he needed to report to the Margrave about his latest delivery later in the week anyway, might as well get some advice or atleast probe him for how he felt about the matter..

'To hell with it he thought' He decided might as well make his report today, he was here and in high spirits anyway and he didn't become as successful as he was by sitting back and waiting. Thus instead of leaving the castle, he proceeded deeper into the keep to the highest floor, passing through one final security point before the 'War Quarter' where two heavily set men in full suits of armour stood on guard.

The aptly named 'War Quarter' Was where most of the senior Commanders and members of the Household Honor Guard were located and lived when they weren't stationed at the border, or out patrolling the territory with the Margrave himself.

"Baron Hektor! What special occasion brings you here?"The largest of the two men shouted in greeting.

Hektor was happy to spot the familiar face and shouted back in surprise "Ser Holfinger!"

The two men hugged in close greetings, as long time friends they had been with House Stenfall since they were both youth's, selected by the Margrave personally for different intentions. Hektor, to lead a fledgling Trading Gyld under House Stenfall. And Ser Holfinger, to act as a personal battering ram and shield.

"It is good to see you, Holfinger, I thought the Margrave would keep you at the border forever!"

Holfinger laughed in response, "As did we all, but apparently the Margrave desired my friendship once again and so summoned me earlier this month, we'll need to catch a drink after this and catch up!"

"Indeed indeed, do you know if Margrave is in presently? Speaking of the man, I need to report on my latest caravan, and to report on Cassius's education."

At the mention of Cassius, the large man gave him a strange look. "You are the third man in an hour to come report about Cassius you know that? The other two are still inside his study, you know the way, yeah?"

"Of course of course, you will have to let me know when you have time to catch up next though! And drinks are on me!"

Holfinger waved the man off, but was surprised at how elated the man appeared to be. When was the last time he had seen the merchant so jovial? He must've made a killing recently. He sighed to himself, if only he had the head for money, then he never would've picked up the axe in the first place.

Elsewhere in the Keep, five men were already gathered around a table, dutifully reporting today's events to the head of the household himself who was remaining unusually quiet.

One of Elrics tutors, a new addition to the margrave's inner household, was a veteran knight who Elric had selected as a member of his retinue and was reporting on the Lords progress in his recent studies.

"Your son Elric's education has been going exceedingly well, my Lord. Today marks the day I believe he has achieved a strong familiarity with the Households standard tactics, and his swordsmanship has reached an acceptable level. I believe Lord Elric appears to be ready for field experience."

The Margrave looked up from the parchments and coarse papers arrayed before him and beheld the younger knight before him, whose gaze was enough to pressure the knight into silence.

The Knight, mustering all his confidence locked eyes and attempted to match his Lord's powerful gaze briefly before looking away, pressured from the powerful inflicting look.

He had only ever had the opportunity to meet with the Margrave a few short times, and he could always feel the sense of power and authority his gaze had. It was as if the entire vastness of the ocean was mirrored in their depths. Reflecting a keen intellect and a resolute, stubborn spirit. 

"Very well, have Elric organise a medium patrol to get used to campaigning in the field, send word to my brother Joel at Stennsmark to the East, and let him know my son will be around his territory for the better part of a month. Instruct Elric to attempt to deal with the small bandit party that's been harassing Caravan's headed to Stonewater. It should be good practice for him."

"It will be done my lord!"

With that, the Knight bowed and left quickly, excited that his liege had given his son a challenge and an opportunity to gain merit.

Stennsmark was the largest farming settlement in the territory which occupied perhaps the most valuable farmland of the border territory, located almost 50 kilometres away from Sturm the large town houses around 3,500 households or roughly 9,000-12,000 people depending on the season. The town itself was mostly composed of serfs, labourers, and crafters who were regularly levied when the Border Fortifications were breached.

The town itself was fortified by a large wooden palisade which stretched the entire circumference of the city, and was regularly moved as the town expanded, the inner portion of the town possessed its own more formidable stone wall, a homage to the original Fort that stood over these lands, with the Castle itself located in the Eastern Central part of the Town, presently being built under the wealth afforded to the town under Joel's rule.

Laurence's brother-in-law was a Viscount of the house of Vrator, and administered most of the Stenfall household's lands while Laurance's responsibilities kept him busy dealing with the security of the realm. He was essentially the "Governor" of both the Vrator territory, and the Stenfall territory. Which through the combined efforts of both two great houses, brought a great deal of stability and security to the otherwise war-torn lands.

It must be noted however that the two men, although not related by blood, they shared an immense amount of trust usually only seen by family with one another.

Historians would later assume that it was likely due to their shared mutual interest, where Laurence's brother-in-law Joel relied heavily on Laurance's military strength to secure his land, while Laurence relied heavily on Joel to handle most administrative tasks on the territory as a whole. The give and take relationship left little room for conflict between the two, and even culminated in a marriage alliance between Laurence's sister and Joel to cement the Great Houses's alliance.

The formal alliance had allowed the serfs and peasant classes a great deal of room to breathe through various incentives pushed by the Vratori family, and although war came often, both houses worked their hardest to ensure their lowest class was protected from the wars.

They had accomplished all this by building a series of medium to large forts throughout the territory where people could evacuate in times of escalated conflict to relative safety, the Cross Kingdom generally avoided sieging these small forts after the first few times, as upon a successful siege they quickly saw how little value was left inside of these small forts. The only gain to have been had was slaves, and there was a certain difficulty to trying to wage war with thousands of unruly 'slaves' ready to tear your throat out at a moment's notice, even to the detriment of their own house.

This was entirely due to the fierce nature of the locals, and of course due to House Stenfall financially incentivizing their people with a bounty system exclusive to the regular civilians. They had put an open bounty on the heads of every Cross Kingdom Warrior and Knight that entered their lands.

5 Silvers for any regular warrior, 10 silvers for any soldier, and 30-100 for any Knight or Officer that was either successfully brought dead or alive to any Stenfall encampment respectively.

Both the Nobles of Stenfall, and the Peasants had gained from this transaction. 10 silvers could feed a family for a month, and 100 could set them up for a year. Whereas the Stenfalls could often ransom these captured individuals back for a hefty price.

---------/// Authors note ///---------

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