Horace's Will


Jacobs led the way through the keep, leaving through the heavily fortified main entrance where a pair of heavily set Honour guards joined them in escort.

'Lets see what you've got, brat.' the largest of the two bearing a large bearded axe thought to himself.

Entering into the courtyard, Horace noted the cold and unforgiving look plastered across Cassius's face reflected the ambience of the courtyard, The early morning light just barely visible as a whisper over the horizon, allowing the darkness of early morning twilight to exacerbate the grim atmosphere. A crowd was formed as the four men stood, visibly anxious, with a restrained Kel fighting against his bonds.

Cassius noted that his fathers personal troop and honour guard filed out of the keep and formed an open perimeter around the Margrave, who was simply sat on a stool with his arms crossed, an emotionless calculating look on his face.

Internally though he was concerned that he was rushing Cassius, and was prepared to step in to help him deal with it should he get overwhelmed. 'I hope you pass this test, my son'

As Cassius approached the four men with measured steps, his demeanour shifted, realising that his body still found comfort in his fathers presence. Behind him, Horace and Carmen trailed, each attempting to match their lord's confident posture, while Jacobs eventually broke off from the trio and positioned himself behind Margrave Laurence and shared a concerned look towards him, also prepared to assist as needed.

Cassius paused before the assembled men, his eyes narrowing as he took in their fearful, but determined expressions. Closing his eyes for a moment, he took in a deep breath and felt the weight of the moment pressing down on him, aware of the eyes of both the crowd and his father fixated upon him.

Upon opening, His gaze hardens with grim authority, the past experiences of another lifetime begin stirring. He feels the unmistakable surge of old instincts, a powerful, almost physical reminder of his days on the battlefield. reflecting the steeliness of a man who has seen the harsh realities of leadership and discipline.

Memories of commanding troops, and executing justice come rushing back. The weight of those experiences feels tangible, as though each memory is a heavy, solid object pressing against his consciousness. The discipline he once enforced, the strategies he devised, and the resolve he embodied—all those fragments of his past life seem to coalesce into a singular, focused purpose.

Cassius spoke clearly, addressing the assembly before him, his young voice booming with the gravity of his command. "ATTENTION." A single simple command, spoken with such resolve and authority that many within the crowd stiffened in response.

Laurence noticed with interest that even Jacobs tensed at the sudden command.

The four men immediately dropped the raging drunk into the dew covered grass before coming to attention.

"Kel…" He started

"Did you forget my words so soon?"

He took a measured step closer, his small frame somehow amplifying the gravity of his words. "Your defiance and disrespect have consequences. You will face the punishment you've earned. This is not only for you but a lesson to all who witness it."

Kel unleashed a tirade of curses and insults, and was about to rush him when the four men proceeded to jump him again, pinning him to the ground.

"Kel," Cassius said, his voice cutting through the tension, "You have shown contempt not only for the mercy I afforded to you, but also towards the authority that upholds the honour of this place."

"Maron, cover his mouth."

"Yes My Lord!" Maron shouted quickly lodging his armoured gauntlet into the man's mouth, breaking a few teeth in the process.

The crowd watched in silence, the brutal reality of the situation starkly evident. Cassius, though only eleven, stood firm, his face set in a grim expression as he observed the man.

"All you had to do was show up, accept your punishment, and I would allow you to carry on." He started.

"Instead you have brought shame to me, and to the Margrave of House Stenfall."

"You insult the memory of every warrior who has donned our colours, and given their life to protect our beautiful nation."

"You disgrace yourself, and your family with your actions."

His words struck a chord with every member of the crowd who had chosen to become a warrior of the Ironforge Kingdom, whether they joined for the pay, or the glory. Every single member present wanted to protect their Kingdom and their families.

These words incensed the man, grew more violent, and began thrashing on the ground, managing to dislodge himself to charge at Cassius.

Kel had never had a "Fair" life, he was chased out of his house the day he turned of age, deciding when he was young that all things unfair in the world were a direct result of 'Nobles' like the Stenfalls who didn't give a shit about people like him.

He had just turned 28 this year and was on his second wife with six kids to raise on his 'paltry' salary, which he spent little of on his family. His family were honestly glad when he wasn't home.

A violent drunk is how best his neighbours described him, at worst? A wastrel who was better off in the labour camps. The worst part? Nobody would do anything to him due to his position as a Castle Guardsman, he was smart enough and conceited enough to have realised that, and terrorised his neighbours and family with impunity whenever he felt the need to show up.

Hence, why hearing this tirade that essentially confirmed everything he already knew about himself, and condemning him as a waste, drove the man to a final, insane act..

Mustering the strength that only an alcohol, adrenaline fueled rage can bring, he broke free of the only shred of friendship he had left in this world, and charged towards Cassius with a bloodthirsty yell

Kel was the largest of the five, and with large body and powerful hands, would be able to deal irreparable damage to a small child in seconds.

The courtyard erupted in chaos as the crowd gasped and recoiled from the impending violence. Cassius, despite his young age, stood resolute as he faced the oncoming threat.

"NO!" Jacobs shouted, immediately darting forward, every single fibre of his being strained and elevating his physical ability to its extreme potential as he turned into a blur of motion and drew his longsword in a single motion.

He wouldn't make it!

Laurence stood instantly, his eyes wide with alarm. His paternal instincts flared as he rushed into the fray himself, his heart pounding in his chest. The presence of the impending danger for his son fueled his every movement, and he rushed to intervene if Jacobs's efforts fell short.

A sigh escaped Cassius as he relaxed his body and looked on Kel's feral action with pity, he reached for his dagger, preparing to take the man's life, but would become stunned as another figure dashed past him.

Kel's desperate lunge would never succeed; time seemed to stretch on agonisingly in those final moments, a cruel mockery of his desperate final raging act.


Horace had felt the critical moment as it happened, his instincts sharp and responsive to the danger before him. He watched Kel struggle against the men, his actions becoming increasingly feral and desperate, and eventually breaking free. Which was the exact moment Horace's body reacted before his mind had the time to fully process the gravity of the situation before him.

The primal urgency of the moment drove his body into motion.

In that split second, Horace's training and reflexes took over. His body moved with a precision born of countless drills, his actions dictated by instinct rather than conscious thought. The deep-seated resonance of his conscious desire to defend Cassius permeated throughout his entire being, sharpening his focus and solidifying his resolve.

Kel outstretched his hand, his fingers splayed in a futile attempt to grab the boy, was suddenly wrought with a jarring pain. A single blade, slicing through the air with a chilling precision pierced the flesh of his palm with a sickening crunch, driving forcefully onward as if possessed by a will of its own.

The blade continued through, unhindered by any resistance Kels hand could provide as Horaces thrust struck true and pierced his throat. Kel's eyes ran bloodshot as he impaled himself on the weapon, using the last of his desperate charge to grab for Horace. 

Horace would never grant him the satisfaction however, as he roared and twisted his blade with both hands, and stepped through into a slash, allowing Kel's adrenaline fueled charge to assist his blade, decapitating him in one movement. Kel's charging body collapsed forward, knocking aside Horace as his body sprawled out a few short inches away from reaching Cassius.