Announce it to the whole world

"My birthday is coming up in a few days which is after next week", Huo Xinhan finally announced after giving it some thought. At first he had wanted her to find out on her own but he was running out of patience.

"I know", Qin Mei's lips curled up slightly. She had planned to surprise him on his birthday by showing up unexpectedly at the party but now he had personally announced it to her.

Huo Xinhan's eyebrows furrowed slightly making him look more handsome and a bit sexy. How come she knew? Then why had she not said anything about it until he had said so?

"Will you show up at the party?", Huo Xinhan sat up a bit more straight. He hoped her answer was not going to disappoint him.

"No, I have something very important to take care of moreover we already agreed we were not going to announce it to the world, didn't we? I'm sorry, I'll find a present for you", replied Qin Mei with a calm expression.