Unexpected encounters

 Unexpected Encounters*


Elena stirred awake to the gentle but persistent sound of a knock at her door. Blinking against the morning light, she slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her thoughts were still clouded by the events of the past few days, making her chest feel heavy. The maid's voice soon followed, soft but clear, "Breakfast is ready, ma'am."

Elena responded with a faint, "Okay," before forcing herself out of bed. It was already past 8 o'clock—much later than she usually woke up. After freshening up and slipping into a casual outfit, she headed downstairs, expecting a quiet, routine breakfast. But as she reached the bottom step, she froze in her tracks. Damien was seated at the dining table, casually sipping his coffee, still very much at home. 

Her brows furrowed in confusion. "Why are you still here?" she blurted out, unable to hide her surprise. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

Damien looked up, his sharp gaze locking onto hers. "Good morning to you too," he replied, his tone neutral, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. He gestured toward the seat across from him. "Come have a seat."

Elena's shock only deepened, but she did as he asked, moving slowly to the table. She couldn't remember the last time they'd shared a meal together like this. The atmosphere felt strangely domestic, almost… peaceful, which only added to her confusion.

Once she was seated, Damien called for the maid. "Bring her breakfast," he ordered, and then turned to Elena, his expression softening just slightly. "What would you feel comfortable eating?"

The question caught her off guard. Damien was never this attentive when it came to her meals. Still feeling uneasy, she cleared her throat and said, "Just some toast and tea, please."

"Is that all?" Damien's tone held a hint of insistence. "You need something more filling. You're still recovering."

Elena's eyes widened a fraction. It wasn't like him to show such overt concern. She nodded, unable to find the words to respond. The maid soon returned with her breakfast—toast, tea, and some fruit. Elena murmured a quiet "thank you" before reaching for the toast, her movements cautious and measured. The silence that followed was thick with unspoken questions.

As she nibbled on her toast, Elena stole a few glances at Damien. He was unusually quiet, but she could feel his gaze on her whenever she looked away. Finally, she broke the silence. "You never answered my question. Why are you still home?"

Damien took a slow sip of his coffee before answering. "I decided to work from home today," he said simply, his eyes not leaving hers. "I wanted to make sure you're taking care of yourself."

The sincerity in his voice made Elena's heart skip a beat, but she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his decision than just concern. Was he really worried about her, or was he watching her closely for another reason?

"I'm fine," Elena said quietly, her voice steady. "I don't want to fall behind on work, that's all."

Damien's eyes narrowed slightly as if he were analyzing her words. After a moment, he nodded, though there was an edge to his expression that suggested he wasn't entirely convinced. "Just make sure you don't push yourself too hard," he warned.

Elena nodded, focusing on her breakfast to avoid the intensity of his gaze. Despite the tension between them, she couldn't deny that Damien's unexpected concern left her feeling a mix of confusion and something else she couldn't quite name. 

Just as she was finishing her meal, Damien's phone buzzed on the table. He glanced at the screen and then answered it, his expression shifting from neutral to slightly animated. "Yes, what is it?" he said, his voice brisk.

Elena only caught snippets of the conversation, but from what she gathered, it was about a family gathering—specifically, his cousin's upcoming birthday party. "This weekend?" Damien asked, his tone sharpening slightly. "Alright. I'll check my schedule, but I should be able to make it."

He ended the call and placed his phone back on the table, his expression thoughtful. It was as if the conversation had reminded him of something, but he didn't share what was on his mind. Instead, he stood up, signaling the end of their rare moment of civility.

"I have some work to finish upstairs," Damien said, his tone once again distant. "Take care of yourself today, Elena." With that, he left the dining room, leaving Elena alone with her thoughts and the lingering sense of uncertainty.

As she watched him go, she couldn't help but wonder what was really going on behind those guarded eyes of his. The strange morning left her more puzzled than ever, and she wasn't sure if this unexpected shift between them was something to be hopeful about or something to be wary of.

After leaving the dining room, Damien retreated to his study, trying to focus on his work but finding his mind drifting back to the call he'd just received. His cousin, Thomas, was having a birthday party this weekend. Thomas was known for being a bit of a wild card—someone who thrived on chaos and always managed to draw attention, both good and bad. The thought of attending another one of Thomas's extravagant gatherings made Damien sigh. But he knew he couldn't skip it, especially not this time. Family obligations were not something he could easily ignore.

As he leaned back in his chair, a plan began to take shape in his mind. This would be the perfect opportunity to bring Elena along, officially reintroducing her to his side of the family. It had been a while since she had attended any events with him, and now that she was back, this might just be a good time to present her as his wife again. By the weekend, she should be well enough to go, he thought. But there was still one detail to handle.

Damien reached for his phone and made a quick call to a boutique he often used for special occasions. He requested a selection of elegant dresses, all in Elena's size, to be delivered discreetly to the house. He didn't bother telling her—it would be a surprise. He wanted her to look stunning for the event, and he knew the dresses would be perfect.

As the afternoon went by, Elena mostly stayed in her room, still recovering but starting to regain some of her energy. When she finally ventured out later, she was startled by the arrival of several packages at the door. The maids brought them in, setting the large, beautifully wrapped boxes in the living room.

"What's all this?" Elena asked, genuinely confused as she eyed the luxurious packaging.

One of the maids smiled slightly. "These are for you, ma'am. They arrived just a few minutes ago. We were told they're dresses."

Elena's brows furrowed in surprise. Dresses? She hadn't ordered anything, and she definitely wasn't expecting gifts. She carefully unwrapped one of the boxes and lifted the lid to reveal a gorgeous evening gown in a deep emerald green, its fabric shimmering under the light. Her breath hitched as she ran her fingers over the soft material.

Who could have sent these? And why?

But then it dawned on her—this had to be Damien's doing. He was the only one who would know her size and have the resources to get something like this arranged so quickly. A mixture of emotions stirred within her: confusion, curiosity, and a hint of warmth at the unexpected gesture. 

As she stood there, staring at the dresses, she couldn't help but wonder what Damien was planning. She had a feeling that whatever it was, it would be another event where she'd be thrust back into the world she'd tried so hard to distance herself from. But now, there was no avoiding it.