The event of the evening

The morning sun filtered softly through the curtains as Alena woke up the next day, her mind immediately drawn to the evening ahead. It was the day of Thomas's birthday party, and though she had recovered from her illness, Damien had insisted she stay home once again. With a mixture of anticipation and anxiety, she went about her day, trying to keep herself occupied, though her thoughts kept circling back to the evening's event.

As usual, Damien had left the house early, but today felt different. He hadn't mentioned any work matters to her before leaving, which only made her more aware of the day's significance. The hours passed slowly, and by lunchtime, Elena found herself glancing at the clock more often, wondering when Damien would return.

Just after lunch, the sound of the front door opening caught her attention. She stepped into the hallway to find Damien already inside, removing his coat. He glanced up at her, his expression unreadable.

"I've called the makeup artist and the hairstylist," he informed her in his usual composed tone. "They'll be here in two hours."

Elena's eyes widened slightly. "Two hours? But it's only two o'clock."

"I know," Damien replied, his gaze steady. "We'll need plenty of time to get you ready. The party starts at seven, and I want us to arrive early."

She nodded, feeling the weight of the preparations settling on her shoulders. Damien's meticulousness was nothing new, but today it felt more intense. "Alright, I'll be ready," she said, trying to mask her nerves with a calm demeanor.

Damien gave a brief nod and left her to her thoughts. Elena returned to her room, looking at the dresses that had been laid out for her. The pale blue gown they had chosen hung gracefully in her closet, a reminder of the importance Damien placed on tonight's appearance. She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking as he planned everything so meticulously.

As the clock struck four, the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the makeup artist and hairstylist. Elena greeted them politely, leading them to the room Damien had arranged for her preparation. They quickly set to work, their professional hands moving with practiced precision.

The hours passed in a blur of brushes, powders, and soft-spoken instructions. Elena watched herself transform in the mirror, her nerves gradually giving way to a quiet confidence as the team worked their magic. Her hair was styled in soft waves, complementing the delicate features that the makeup artist had highlighted with a light touch.

By the time they finished, Elena hardly recognized herself. She looked every bit the part of someone attending an important event, her appearance refined and elegant. As she stared at her reflection, she couldn't help but think of Damien's words from the night before—how important it was for her to stand out.

Just as the last pin was set in place, a knock on the door drew her attention. "Are you ready?" Damien's voice called from the other side.

Elena took a deep breath, smoothing the fabric of her dress as she stood. "Yes, I'm ready," she replied, opening the door.

Damien was standing there, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, but his usual composure faltered. His eyes widened slightly as he took in her appearance, and for a moment, he simply stared at her, seemingly lost in her beauty. The silence stretched, and Elena, noticing his reaction, hesitated before speaking.

"Is everything alright?" she asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Damien blinked, quickly masking his surprise. "Oh, yes. Good," he said, his tone reverting to its usual calmness, though his eyes lingered on her for a moment longer. He cleared his throat, trying to act as if nothing was out of the ordinary. "It's time to go."

Elena couldn't help but notice the brief flicker of emotion in his eyes, but she chose not to comment on it. Instead, she took his offered arm, and together they made their way to the car. 

As they walked, Damien kept his gaze forward, but the image of her standing in that doorway was burned into his mind. He pushed the thought aside, focusing on the evening ahead. Tonight was important, and he needed to keep his emotions in check.

For Elena, the evening was filled with anticipation and uncertainty. This was more than just a birthday party—it was a step into Damien's world, and she wasn't sure what that would mean for both of them.