Chapter 2: The First Step

Chapter 2: The First Step

The sun was beginning to rise, casting a golden hue over the ancient stones of Dragonstone as Rhaenyra and Linaera stood on the balcony, overlooking the restless sea. The air was thick with the scent of salt and the unspoken weight of the task ahead. Linaera adjusted the clasp of her cloak, feeling the smooth, cool fabric of her Valyrian attire—robes woven in the colors of her house, deep crimson and black, embroidered with subtle dragon motifs.

Rhaenyra turned to her daughter, her expression a mixture of pride and concern. "This is a new step in our resurgence into the wizarding world that has forgotten us," she began, her voice soft but firm. "I know this is a lot to shoulder, my sweet child. I would not blame you if you decided to reject this path. It is not the will of your mother and I to force this... endeavor upon you. We can always go forward with our other plans, ones that do not require you to venture into this unknown world."

Rhaenyra's love and concern for her daughter were evident in every word. Linaera could see the depth of her mother's emotions in her violet eyes, the same eyes that she had inherited. Rhaenyra was a dragon, fierce and protective, but Linaera knew that she would never cage her.

"It's okay, Mother," Linaera replied, her voice steady and confident. "I don't mind doing this for our family, for our legacy. And it's not like it doesn't come with other benefits. I get to know other people, and we'll need connections. Hogwarts is the best way to forge that. I want to make you and Mama proud."

Rhaenyra's eyes softened, and she gently placed a hand on Linaera's cheek. "Oh, my dear child, we are proud of you no matter what. Even if you decided to forsake everything, we would love you just the same. But if this is your decision, we will respect it and give you all of our support. Never forget that your family stands behind you, always." She leaned down, kissing Linaera's forehead tenderly. "Ao issa jorrāelagon, issa zaldrīzes," she whispered in High Valyrian. (You are my love, my dragon.)

"Avy jorrāelan, muña," Linaera replied with a smile. (I love you, Mother.)

With that, the mother and daughter prepared for their journey to Diagon Alley. They didn't need to fly on dragons today, nor did they require any extravagant display. This was a subtle step, a quiet re-entry into a world that had long since forgotten their name.

They apparated from Dragonstone and reappeared in a secluded area just outside the entrance to Diagon Alley. Their arrival was discreet, though their presence was anything but. Both Rhaenyra and Linaera wore attire unlike anything seen in the wizarding world for centuries—elegant, flowing Valyrian robes embroidered with intricate patterns of dragons and flames, in rich shades of black and deep crimson. Their hair, gleaming white and braided in traditional Targaryen styles, caught the morning light. 

As they approached the cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley, the people passing by couldn't help but stare. The Targaryens were beautiful and striking, their very appearance commanding attention and awe.

Their first stop was Gringotts, the imposing white structure gleaming ahead of them. The towering goblin bank, a symbol of wealth and secrecy, loomed before them as they neared its entrance. Above the doors, the infamous inscription was carved:

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

Rhaenyra gave a small nod of approval at the warning, and they ascended the steps into the bank. Inside, the hall was a bustle of activity, goblins moving about with brisk efficiency. Linaera had read about Gringotts in her past life but seeing it now with her own eyes was something entirely different.

They approached one of the goblins, who looked up from his ledger with sharp eyes. "Welcome to Gringotts. What is it you seek—gold, treasure, or protection?" the goblin asked, his voice tinged with the customary politeness reserved for wealthy clients.

"We seek to open an account," Rhaenyra responded in a calm, authoritative tone. "Under the name of Targaryen."

The goblin's eyes widened slightly—a rare display of emotion—but he quickly masked it. "The name Targaryen carries weight, even after so many years," he said, his voice now carefully neutral. "Follow me."

They were led deeper into the bank, past rows of goblins counting and sorting treasures, until they reached a private office. There, the goblin assisting them began the process of establishing accounts for each member of the Targaryen family, as well as a family vault with the highest level of protection. Rhaenyra paid for silence, ensuring that their presence would remain hidden until they chose otherwise.

The formalities at Gringotts took some time, but finally, everything was in place. With their accounts established and their secrecy assured, mother and daughter left the bank, stepping back into the bustling streets of Diagon Alley.

At Flourish and Blotts, they gathered the necessary books for Linaera's first year at Hogwarts. Rhaenyra selected a few advanced texts on ancient magic and dragon lore for herself, while Linaera took her time choosing tomes she thought would intrigue her siblings. 

At Madam Malkin's, they were fitted for robes, Linaera earning admiration from the shopkeeper for her regal bearing and striking appearance. Praises flowed freely, but Linaera merely smiled and nodded, knowing that her family's beauty was secondary to the power they held.

Afterward, Linaera decided to forgo the pet store—after all, she had Adrastus. A simple owl or cat couldn't compare to the majesty of a dragon. Instead, she asked her mother if they could visit some other shops to buy souvenirs for her siblings and Mama Laena.

Rhaenyra agreed, and they spent some time exploring the various stores. Linaera chose a beautifully crafted dragon figurine for Jacaerys, enchanted to breathe a small puff of smoke every now and then, a hood addition for his reading time. For Jahaerys, she found a collection of enchanted storybooks that acted out the tales as they were read. Jahaera will receive a delicate silver hairpin in the shape of a dragon, its wings outstretched, while for little Daenerys, Linaera picked out a soft, plush dragon toy that roared softly when squeezed. Lastly, she selected a set of luxurious dragon-themed quills for Mama Laena, knowing how much she enjoyed writing.

Finally, they made their way to Ollivanders. As they entered, the soft chime of a bell announced their arrival. The shop was dimly lit, filled with narrow shelves stacked with countless wands. An elderly man with pale eyes stepped out from behind the counter.

"Welcome," Ollivander greeted, his voice gentle but sharp with curiosity. "It has been a while since I've seen new faces here in town."

"Good morrow," Rhaenyra replied with a vague but polite smile. "It has been a long time since we went out."

Ollivander nodded, his gaze drifting between mother and daughter. He seemed to sense the significance of their presence but chose not to press. Instead, he turned his attention to Linaera.

"And what is your name, child?" he asked, his voice gentle.

"Linaera Targaryen, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Ah, what a polite child," Ollivander said, his smile widening. "Let's see what your wand will be."

He disappeared into the back, returning with several boxes. The first wand Linaera tried felt cold and indifferent in her hand. The second sparked faintly but fizzled out almost immediately. By the fourth attempt, Ollivander's frown deepened.

Finally, he paused, his eyes narrowing as if he were considering something. Then, without a word, he walked to the very back of the shop, returning with a wand that seemed to have been hidden away for a special occasion.

"This one," he murmured, as if speaking to himself. "Dragon heartstring, twelve inches, made from Valyrian steel and an ancient oak core. A rare combination, but I think it will suit you."

Linaera took the wand, and as her fingers closed around it, she felt an immediate surge of power. It wasn't just compatibility—it was as if the wand had been waiting for her. A shimmering, fiery glow emanated from the wand, casting light across the room. Ollivander's face lit up with excitement.

"Extraordinary!" he exclaimed. "Yes, yes, this is a perfect match. You, young lady, are destined for greatness."

Linaera smiled, feeling the weight of her new weapon in her hand. She thanked Ollivander, and together with her mother, they made their way back to Dragonstone, the sun already beginning to set.

As they prepared to leave via Apparition, Rhaenyra mused aloud, "Perhaps we should consider connecting Dragonstone to the Floo Network as well. It would be useful for future travels."

Linaera nodded in agreement as they made their way back inside, eager to see their family again. First, they greeted the others, sharing stories of their journey. Then, Linaera carefully placed the new items in her room, each one a symbol of the path she had chosen.

This was only the beginning of her journey into the wizarding world, but Linaera Targaryen was ready. The world would soon remember the power of the dragons.