Chapter - 28 Farense 2


The audience and fans erupts as Felix scored a goal.

"Felix scored a wonderful goal but wait Felix is down at the ground" the commentators one speaks.

"Let us look at the reply of the goal" the commentator two says.

The reply video plays

As Felix was shooting the ball, farense defender came to rough tackle him.

But the defender was little late that Felix already had hit the ball and also goes into scoring goal whereas Farense's defender came crashing into Felix.

The reply ends.

Even though refree allowed the goal because of advantage but Felix was greatly injured.

Felix is now being substitute because of injury.

As soon as Felix was out of the Field, benfica fans erupts and starts booing Farense player.

But as soon as benfica starts to boo farense player and Farense's fans also starts booing benfica player.

Shortly match resumes and both side enters into a passive play.

And soon after a while referee blows the whistle and half time break begins.

In locker room of benfica is totally silent, everyone was fully of anger and rage because they injured Felix badly.

Soon the halftime break is over.

The benfica player enter into the Field with wild aggression and rage.

It's Farense time to start the play.

As soon as referee blow the whistle, benfica player played like a wild beast.

As they see a farense player has a ball benfica player directly rough tackle the player and steal the ball.

Benfica played a rough style and Farense also starts to play rough.

Soon with in 65th minutes 5 yellow card was shown by referee.

But as time pass by form 65th to 70th, 70th to 75th referee whistle slowly became useless.

With in 85th minutes into the game referee has shown every field player a card expect the goalkeeper.

Soon the match ended.

All benfica fans light the fireworks and breaking down the barrier to trash talk farense player.

Seeing this type of things even commentators and audience in the home are in shock.

How a foul and substitute changed the whole game.

Even the post conference was helded but was cancelled as both fans came running towards the conference hall.

After 1 hour the fans finally left the stadium because of the police protection nothing major acident happen.

The night goes by but as tomorrow morning came the news of this incident circulates not only in Portugal but all in the world.

This incident shocked whole world.

Due to this crazy incident FA came in between and tells both team to issue an public apology.

FA also banned both Benfica fans and Farense fans to not to participate in next two matches.

(This is just a concept I don't know the rule of FA at all)

After that both team benfica and farense also paid the fine for this.

Felix doesn't know anything about the incident as he was taken into the hospital for quick check up.

After the check up, Doctor told Felix to do a complete recover it will take a maximum time of one month and minimum 3 weeks.

After hearing what the doctor said, Felix was sad but he couldn't do anything so he just lied down in the hospital bed.

The next day

In the morning Felix phone rings it was Felix agent.

Felix's agent tells Felix about all the incident that happened yesterday and tells that this news is all over the world.

Felix's agent also told he had got some offer for the season end.