"My sincerest apologies for being such a perplexing puzzle, Chancellor. Had I known I'd cause such trouble for you, I would have scheduled my magical awakening at a more convenient time."
Damn it. My troublesome mouth is not getting the memo.
Logan's fingers dig deeper into my hip—a warning. But it's hard to hold myself back when I already hate this man.
Just as I tell myself to shut the fuck up, my mouth opens again.
"Perhaps next time I'll pencil in my existential crisis between tea with the Queen and lunch with the Pope." My smile stretches wide, brittle as glass. "Though I suppose that would require advance knowledge of my apparent significance, which seems to be privileged information."
Vale's expression hardens, those cold gray eyes narrowing to slits. The temperature in the room drops several degrees.
"Your flippancy does you no credit, Ms. d'Armand."