Kieran's Park prowled, their eyes fixed on their target as they moved with precision to accomplish the instructions of the power hungry Kieran who sought to eliminate bloodline that threatens his instalment as the new emperor.

Lyra's parents rushed into the living room, their faces that was once brightened with love and passion was now filled with concern and worries. "Come here Lyra….. what's wrong champ"

"What's happening Dad?" Lyra asked, her voice trembling with fear, her father looked outside the window; his facial expressions turned gray.

"Dad!, what's going on?, mom, what's happening….can someone please talk to me?"

"Come here sweetie you're gonna be okay…. everything is going to be fine". Lyra's mother retorted, her father was lost in thoughts. "B..but…everything don't look okay…I'm not a kid anymore, but you guys keep acting like I'm in third grade". Lyra snapped back, tears gathering in her her eyes.

" It's Kieran, the Alpha from nightshade clan. He's gone crazy" her father replied.

Lyra's eyes widened in surprise and fear. "What does he want?… you guys use to be friends… I don't understand"

"We have to get out of here, now!" Harvey yelled grabbing Lyra's hand.

"Donna get Lyra's backpack"...

"Are we leaving…. Why are we leaving" Lyra asked worries written all over her face.

"You ask too many questions young lady…. pick up your phone and let's go!"

Snarls of werewolves approached the door as they were about to leave. Her parents looked at each other and fear was all over them

"Hey champ, keep calm okay,when I say run…. don't stop running…. don't look back okay". Her father held on tight to her hands as Lyra looked at him with worries washing all over her face.

'You heard father sweetie… we'd be fine, Kieran wants to become emperor and he'll stop at nothing to eliminate his…."she was on the verge of concluding her statements as the door burst open and some Park werewolves led by Kieran badged in.

"Well….well….well…old friend. The great Harvey Pulsheen…. ouch I forget it's Jewish…remind me again is it pronounced Pul-sheen or Pau-lsen? Which ever one, as you know I'm taking over the province it's either you're with me or against me"

"I'd rather die than be on the same page with a bloody son of bitch like you" Lyra's father retorted.

"The great Moon whisperer…The throne is rightfully mine, like you said I'm bloody, I'd step on ur blood to sit in it" Kieran Culkin looked at Lyra with fierce intent. Lyra's feet were shaking with her teeth gnashing against each other as she whimpered in fear.

Then he continued ".....But I can give you an olive branch to"

" I don't to respond to threat Kieran, I'd make sure you and your dogs don't see the light of the day" Lyra's father snapped back.

"Hello baby girl….I know daddy says it's gonna be okay…but I'm telling you pretty your father is a lying piece of shit" Kieran said as he smiled manically at Lyra. "Here are my terms Harvey, I get ur little whisperer, you stay alive, your wife stays alive and trust me you're gonna make More babies but I just want to borrow this one for the mean time..

"Take ur terms and shove it down your ass" Harvey snapped back.

"Okay…oooh Kay…superman, just because of our college history I'm giving you an option, you don't like the first one?, then hear this; you don't give me your daughter, I'd mop the floor with your blood of your beloved wife and afterwards I'd do the same with yours, how do you like that?"

" Go to hell motherfucker" Donna retorted as she and Harvey positioned Their selves Infront of their daughter to protect her.

"Run! Lyra, run!" Lyra's father yelled as Kieran eyes locked into her.

Lyra didn't hesitate, she sprinted out the living room using the back with two of Kieran's Park members chasing from behind. Her heart was pounding as she ran but she didn't dare look back. She had to keep running no matter what because her life dependent on it.