In team A meeting room,

"A1: that's it for todays reports sir. We have already changed our methods of approaching and we already gained 73% of gangs under our control"

"hm... good work guys. Still 12 % of Venezuela was remaining and once we reach 85% we can clear things up"

"okay, sir"

all members shouted out.

"that's it for today"

Kim sung got up and opened the door to leave Kim sung frozen for a sec and opened his eyes wide open.

"ohh.... it's been a while A"

"hmm... it's really been a while C"

"i heard they were sending you to Korea"

"ohh.. you are well informed C"

code name A -1, A -4 was looking at them with an an annoying

"i know right because my dad is a director of blue dragon"

"good for you"

A left the place and A -1 and A -4 followed him.

note:- no one in the blue dragon group know about the relationship between kim sung and head. Since kim sung hate attracting attention.

Two days later,

"boss, the gang in Venezuela started rebelling"

"A4- did you find who is behind this"

"not yet sir, A1 and A2 are on it"

after few minutes,

"A4- some of gang in our under have taken part in the rebelling"

A4 rushed in with an unbelieve expression all over his face

"send A3 just in case fight broke out"

"okay sir"

"ah.. say him he can do whatever he want as long as he can deal with everyone of them"

"A4- sure sir"

next day, in meeting room

"A1- sir, we found who is behind the rebelisation, kim Yeong Cheol he was ko Chang Seok right hand man and also loyal subordinate"

"so, ko Chang Seok was behind everything"

"A2- i have hacked into ko Chang Seok main desktop and found that tomorrow night he was meeting some. I have already send the details to you sir"

a few minutes later

"A4- sir according to data we have i found code name B is the member of tomorrow's meeting"

"A3 – sir all my underlings have infiltrated the kim Yeong Cheol group"

A3 stood up and said it out loud with a proud voice

"good work A3"

"A3- thank you sir"

A3 look at A1,A2,A4 and try to intimate them by leaving a challenge with his eyebrows

"okay, then coming to the main point. A4 do you have any thing to add"

"A4- yes sir, as you heard ko Chang Seok was behind the rebellion but there was another person who is behind ko Chang Seok"

"so what you mean was some one else was pressuring ko Chang Seok"

"A4- not exactly a pressure sir more than like their are working together"

"who is behind him"

"that was...."

"what you didn't found him yet"

"A4- we found him sir, it was code name C. It's just i was too shocked to found that the person behind all this shit was C.

"that was unexpected, okay i will let you know what to do by evening. You guys can get ready for tomorrow events and A4 send me each and every evidence to me"

"sure sir"

every one in the meeting room walk out of the room

"what are you planning C"

A stood up and walked out of the room and went straight to his father's room

"hey dad"

"i thought you are busy and can't come today"

"a promise is a promise"

"okay, have a seat"

Mr. head's secretary aka B's father brought a chair and placed it Infront of the dusk. A sat on the chair while thanking secretary. 

"Dad how are you doing these days." 

A and Mr. head both started chit chatting about their daily life. 

few minutes later, secretary brought out food and placed them on the table. A and Mr. head started eating what's placed in front of them and stood beside them.

once there finished eating secretary quietly removed the plates from the table and left with out looking back.

"Dad let me ask you some thing"

A placed the documents on the table and said 

"why did you do it"

"oh... you already find out about it"

"well i just found C was behind it, but i am well aware that he can't even do anything if you didn't back him up"

"so, i busted out myself"

Mr. head laughed out loud. A look at him with disbelief 

"why did you do that"

"well i just want to delay your process"

"you don't like me to go to Korea"

"you can say that"

"i got it"

when A got up and about to leave and turn back with a questioning face.

"are you the one who arranged the meeting between B and ko Chang Seok"


"okay, see you later dad"

A left the room with out looking back by showing the sorriest face in front of his face, Mr. head's face turned automatically into guilty and unhappy. A took out the walky-talky.

"A speaking everyone assemble at meeting room"

"A1- yes sir"

"A2- what ever you say boss"

"A3- sure boss" 

"A4- roger boss"

In meeting room,

A entered the room and sat on the chair while saying

"everyone is here early than expected, let's get to the point. first A4"

 "yes sir"

"try to contact B and also collect the appropriate evidence on C to completely close his chapter"

"sure sir"

"next A3"


"find a way to let me enter into the ko Chang Seok group for tomorrow meeting" 

"easy, leave it to me"

"that's it"

"A1- sir what about both of us"

"A1,A2 you guys role have ended by first mission. so, you guys don't have to attend meetings from now. that's it for today"

A3 and A4 left the room while A1,A2 are looking at each other and talking to each other with sign language as "will you ask or should i ask" "you go first" "no you go first"

"what do you guys want"

"A1- boss did we do something wrong"

A1 took the initiative by mastering up the courage. while A2 stood beside in a daze.

"No, nothing like that"

"then, why did you remove us from mission today"

"A1 and A2 i have a special mission for you guys, are you guys up to it"

"of course sir"

"A1 go to Mr. Head's secretary, he will help you with the things you need in the Korea."

 "A1- sure sir"

"A2 once A1 collect all the information. Leave the Andamans and also create a identity for yourself and also for the remaining three. I will send you the contact.no of one of the Korean branch BD group butler contact him as soon as you reach Korea"

"sure sir"

the next two day's went by and A made a deal with B in order to stop the deal between Venezuela and Macao. with that the gangs in Venezuela go rampage. a bloody battle have arose in between blue dragon group and Venezuela group. at the end of the battle BD group end up with 8 dead and 50 critical condition and 30 with light scars and 70 are perfectly alright.

mission status: (completed) to make x- force a top gang in the Venezuela

current location -north sentinel island in Andamans