"Well it's...."

"Answer the call and put on speaker"

Sung-kyu thought for a while before answered a call and put it on speaker.

"Hello Mr. Head, how can I help you"

"Well I just called since you didn't since you went back to Korea"

"Sorry about that sir I forgot since a lot of things have happened"

"I see, you can call me if you need anything since it's your first time in Korea"

"Sure, sir"

"I just got a call from secretary lee. Do you really want to work part-time"


"Okay I will look for the vacancies and send the information later"

"Thank you Mr. Head"

"Okay, I will end the call if there's nothing else"

"Ohhh.... by the way sir, I must met my parents in the afternoon and my father asked me to start going to school"

"But you didn't like to since it's noisy"

"I didn't have a choice"

"Okay, what do you want me to do"

"I want to ask about transfer certificate"

"I will arrange for that and you can collect them at Korea branch"

"Okay got it. Thank you sir"

"Anything, Take rest I will call once the job is done. By the way congratson finding a way back home"

Said Mr. Head and hang up the phone.

In Mr. Head's office,

"This punk is already calling them mom and dad. You heard that right"

"Yes sir"

"Well let wait for the call for more details"

"Sure sir"

"Find a way to get a transfer certificate for A"

"Okay sir"

"You can leave now"

"Take care sir"

Said Mr. Secretary while bowing with respect and left the room.

In the study room,

"I will be taking my leave now, please take rest dad"


Sung-kyu got up and turn around and walk towards the door.

"Wait, please don't let your mom know about the tape"


Said and left the room. Sung came out of the door and took the phone out of the pocket. He pressed the button on the right side of the phone and the screen appeared. Sung opened the contacts and call someone.

"Hi, dad"

"Huh.... seems like no one is watching"


"What's wrong you feel dull"

"Some many things happened"

"Are you in trouble"

"Not really.... actually what happened was..."

Sung-kyu explained everything that happened since morning.

"I see, so what have you decided to do"

"For now I will discuss about it with other's. Dad I want to let the other's know about my current situation and also about our relationship are you okay about it"

"Of course I am. I didn't before causeyousaidyou didn'tlike other'sto think you reached this high because of your background"

"Okay, I got it. Why did you call today, I hope you have something else to say"

"Well, I just got an information that the core members of the gang were planning something"

"Is it to night"

"No, weekend"

"Any thing else"

"Yes, they are planning to move container by the means of sea"

"It's shipping time was 2am on sunday. We didn't know about anything about the item inside the container"

"I will look into it and report it to you"

"Hmm.... about the transfer papers"

"I will call you later once I discuss about it with the other's"

"Okay, did you find anything about them"

"I found she was studying at Seoul middle school through social media"

"Any more details"


"Okay, almost more than half on gang member's children are school students and they changed it as their hub. I suggest you start from them"

"Hmm..I will think about it"

"Okay, good night"

"Hmm...bye bye"

Sung cut the call as he saw someone walking towards him and cut the call.

"Are you done talking with dad"

"Yes, ji-won aren't you asleep yet"

"No, since it's end of the semester soon. I have to study for exams"

"Okay, don't strain too much yourself"

"Okay, can you postpone the morning thing I have exams for the Monday"

"Sure, you can ask me if you have any doubts"

Replied after thinking for a while.

*dad said that the shipping was on Sunday I may not have the time to train her*

"Sure brother"

Sung-kyu smiled and pat her head.

In the sung-kyu's room,

Sung walked into the room and leaned on the bed.

*what was really in the container? What's so secret to ship illegally? Is it related to senior disappearance?*

Thinking deeply while lying on the bed.



"Hi boss"

"What's it this time"

"Sir, when we are monitoring we found that there was an illegal transaction going on at Sunday"

"Is it about the shipping on Sunday at 2 am"

"Yes, sir"

"Hmm...I already know about it"

"But, we didn't inform you at all"

"I just got a call from Mr. Head"

"I see"

"let's meet at 10'o clock tomorrow morning to discuss about other things in detail and try to find more details about the goods"


Knock knock....

"Who is it"

"Sung it's we. Have some soymilk before going to bed"

"One second mom"

"I will call you again"

"Sure boss"

Sung cut to call and walk towards the door. Sunday took a deep breathe and opened the door and move backward while giving a way to Mrs. Kim. Mrs. Kim walk in and placed the milk on the desk while looking around the room.

"Let me know if you need anything."

"sure mom"

"Hmm...I won't disturb you anymore, go to bed early"

"I will"

"See you tomorrow, goodnight"

"Yes, goodnight mom"

Mrs. Kim left the room while nodding her head in response and left the room. Sung closed the door and went back to bed.

The next day morning, 9'o clock

Mr. Kim came into the room while opening the door Mrs. Kim followed and saw sung-kyu was still lying on the bed in the deep sleep.

"Tsk, he was still sleeping"

"Let him sleep, he look so tired yesterday"

Ring ring....

A phone range while the whole room was silent. Sung opened his eye's slowly and cuddle on the bed while sitting straight up. Sung rub his eye's and opened his eye's while Mr and Mrs. Kim were both looking at sung-kyu. Sung-kyu widened his eye's while looking into their eyes.

"Is something on my face"

"Mrs. Kim~ No, it's that you are really cute while you are sleeping"

"Mr. Kim, comedown once fresh your self up"


Mr. Kim left the room and Mrs. Kim follows. Sung-kyu closed the door and smiled with in himself. He walked towards the hanger while laughing and lifted his hand up to get the towel.


Sung fell a hint of pain on his index finger then came back to his senses and pulled his hand away. Once the pain is revealed he took the towel and opened the bathroom door while walking into the washroom.

Few minutes later,

Sung-kyu came out of the bath and dress himself up. Sung-kyu hang up his towel.

Ring ring....

A phone range, Sung leave the towel and walk back to answer the call but towel fall of the hanger. Sung look back due to the sound while answering the call.

"Hello, what's it"

"Sir, we found out what's in the container"

"What's in it"

"Last night Gong ji-Cheol went tailing the gang member's and found transporting a person into the car and was moved to the nearest warehouse at the port"

"We failed to identify the person from the footage since the body have several injuries. Seems like he was been torture the for about 2-3 weeks"

"I will look at it once I come there"

"Okay sir"

"Ah, is Gong ji-Cheol there"

"Yes sir"

"Pass the call"

"Sure sir"

ji Chang Wook look at Gong ji-Cheol while walking towards Gong ji-Cheol and extending hand towards Gong ji-Cheol

"Ji-Cheol pick me up at the location I send you on line"

"Roger boss"

In the dining room, everyone was sitting on table Mr. Kim was reading the files placed on the table while a tall grown man I'm his 30's was stand beside kim Soo-Hyun and carrying some of the files that soo-Hyun have already looked into. Mrs. Kim was placing breakfast on the table.

"Good morning"

Said Sung-kyu while walking down stares. Mr. Soo-Hyun secretary and soo-Hyun was looking at sung while Mrs. Kim.

"Sung come and have breakfast when it's still hot"


Sung walk through the dining room and sat opposite to Mr. Kim.

"Good morning father"

" are the papers complete them one you finish your break fast"

"Okay father"

"Mrs. Kim, honey, you have to talk nicely with sung-kyu. You are being rude to him"

"Oh. I am not honey, how can be so harsh to me"


Sung-kyu laughed out loud while Mr and Mrs. Kim looked at him in a daze.

"Let's start eating"

"You guys didn't ate yet"

"No, your father insisted on eating with you"

"I see"

"When did i"

"Oh.....just a moment ago"

"oKay, let's eat"

"Mrs. Kim~Sung have you decided about going to school"

"Not yet mom"

"Right, here are the test papers. Do them once you finish eating"

"Should I have to right away"

"Of course"

Ding, you have a new message...up on the sound sung look at the phone, it's Gong ji-Cheol *I have reached boss*

"Well can I do it later"

"Why not, but I need a reasonable reason"

"Well I have an appointment at 10'o clock and my friend is waiting outside"

"You, still have 45 minutes left and let your friend come in and wait"


"Don't argue"

"Okay, I got it"

Sung-kyu took out his phone while look at his parents with a hint of scared look.

mission: (on) mystery about the senior's death

current location: Seoul, Korea.