
Chapter Forty: Percy's POV

(Warning: Intentional torture and violence)

The call I had been waiting for finally came.

I handed the little miss a spa gift card Elisa had given me a long time ago. It'd expire in a few days, and while I badly needed it, I didn't have the time.

"Stay here till we come back with the car," I told her.

I turned to Second and gestured for him to keep his eyes open for any attack around this public space. He nodded.

Third and I drove to Jona forest, where Luke and Liam were apparently waiting for us. They had caught the assassin on her way to escape the country.

How did she get past all our informants at the border and immigration? I didn't know. I'd have to handle that after I clipped her wings and threw her into the sea.

I stepped out of the car when we arrived and caught the smell of burning flesh. That was definitely Liam. It seemed he had had a lot of fun burning the vans after taking out the valuables.