Don't Cause Pain

Chapter Forty-Six: Don't Cause Pain

Sebastian's POV

My father would probably have shaken his head or rolled his eyes if he had seen Geo feeding the girl who stole his corpse. She had said she was too hungry and tired to speak.

I wasn't soft, but there was no need to deny a basic meal when we had her in custody. She didn't seem like she wanted to escape, and I could tell she had been used.

Also, after hearing her make fuller sentences, I picked up on her accent, so she wasn't from this place. My pack didn't have enemies around North America, so being targeted by a pack from the East felt interesting.

She sat back, resting on the wall after being fed. Geo turned to me, and I nodded. "So, tell us? You are from a province in the East, right?"

"I was transferred there because I knew the language. The pack sent me with direct instructions; it's not their will." She raised her head, resting it on the wall.